Ruining my life with gambling feel reaching the end

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Hi, I’m today 28 years old and gambling been controlling my life for 8 years.

Been gambling and gaming loosing x amounts of money every month for past 8 years but this last year was most destructive form me ,got multiple loans and credit cards with high interest,still manage to not to miss payments but every month losing more and more that might me not the case anymore,I am in so much pain from that have so much hate for my self , feeling completely lost and week ,today on my birthday spend on my knees in tears couse of my actions.i been delaying getting help day after day and situation got worse and worse.

I have people I love which ones are not affected by my gambling but I feel like a 1 year or so and that will be the case ,and that it’s my biggest fear .

i want to change, i want to get stronger but i always slip in to being lazy and trying to get money easy way and in the end just getting my self hurt and this cycle been going on for 8 years ,I can’t live like this anymore I beg for help and I wish for everyone else who’s struggling with the same situation just get that strength we need to to put the end of it to this madness 

Posted : 16th October 2024 12:16 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6184

Hi Deivid

Welcome to the Gamcare forum and thank you for sharing your post with the community. 

I am really sorry to learn of your struggles with gambling. You have come to the right place for support and I commend you for speaking out with such courage.

You have said that you are seeking help and thus, I would encourage you to reach out to our helpline for further support which operates all year round 24/7 on 0808 8020 133. Or if you prefer, you can make use of our chat or Whatsapp features. Just visit this page to get started. 

Here, you will be connected with a specialist adviser who will speak with you in a supportive, caring, empathetic non judgemental way and together we can explore a variety of support options for you to help you tackle your gambling. 

You are not alone in this journey and we are all here to support you. 

Wishing you the very best. 

Forum Admin

Posted : 16th October 2024 6:13 am
Posts: 2

Hi Deivid,


First of all, you should be proud of yourself for managing to keep up with necessary payments. Also it’s great that you can recognise the spiral and that you want help. I’m the family member of someone who gambles. She’s always struggled with it but I always thought there were red lines…unfortunately the spiral and addiction has no red lines. I recently found out that she’s in debt from her student loan which she gambled 2 years ago. I can’t believe she’s been masking this and I live with her.


2 days ago we found out she gambled my mams pension lump sum. We are broken. So is she. She’s the kindest person. But the gambling has taken control and literally has no boundaries. I keep reading that “they have to reach rock bottom before they can heal”. I thought she’d hit rock bottom years ago when I got her payday loans sorted so we got some of the debt wiped out and paid minimal payments until they were paid off (we also argued a case against the pay day loan companies to say that she was vulnerable and they had not treated her fairly as a customer by lending her more money without assessing her disposable income and mental health).

Anyway, best of luck to you. Don’t think you’re on your own and get help immediately. Also, please try and tell one of your loved ones. They have to know. If my sister would have died by suicide earlier this year as she tells me she almost did, then I would have found out about this debt later and none of us would have gotten the chance to face it together.


its the worse thing. We’re going through it. You seem to have hindsight on your side, please use it. 💕🙏🏿

Posted : 16th October 2024 2:01 pm
Posts: 3
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@mg1lkahydi thank you for sharing your story and kind words,this addiction is the worst think a silent killer which tells you to keep it on your own and not speak to anyone,but need to get exposed and be dealt with it the hard way couse if you get away easy it will continue

Posted : 18th October 2024 11:38 am
Posts: 3
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I hope I can gather the same strength and mindset you have to get things done and start living a normal life

This post was modified 1 month ago by Forum admin
Posted : 18th October 2024 11:40 am
Posts: 2



Hi Deivid, how are you doing?

Posted : 19th November 2024 2:48 am

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