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Stu Ungar ha ha... Just had a gd read and no matter how gd of a gambler u think u are in the end the compulsiveness will get you so it is best to steer clear. ODAAT works so keep smiling and stay gamble free.

Posted : 19th October 2009 10:06 am
Posts: 0

Hey there PSOWM

Well done on 6 month...and a bit...

Well done 'Mum' for being there for him...

People around the compulsive gambler don't get enough credit in my opinion.

If I didn't have my network of people around me, I don't know how my recovery would be. I am forever grateful to all the people I call upon in my recovery.

Love and Hugs to both of you

God Bless


Posted : 19th October 2009 10:48 am
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Stu Ungar... Well I think as CG's we all have an element of this man in us. I guess no matter how much we win or how gd we think we are the element of CG will get us no matter how big or small. So my little analogy will be that you have two types of Stu Ungar. Them that gamble like he did until it kills them in one way or another with the route cause being the gambling. It could be stress drug related but all just a knock on effect of gambling or the 2nd Stu Ungar that realised his habbit and instead of it killing him you kill it. You control that element ODAAT knowing that you are in fact the actual winner and putting yourself in your own hal of fame having not given in to the gambling. Stay strong keep smiling and most of all just for today don't gamble.

Posted : 21st October 2009 8:06 am
Posts: 0

Hugs and Smiles

Eyes X

Posted : 22nd October 2009 9:58 pm
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Using ODAAT if you don't gamble for one day you have the strength to not gamble for the rest of your life. Each day wake up believe u have the strength to not gamble for that day only and all is well. Keep smiling 🙂

Posted : 26th October 2009 2:05 pm
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Ooopppsss long time no post. Mad busy at work but still managing to pop on here and browse. Not posted on my diary for a while but to keep up to date I'm still gamble free staying strong living a much happier life and using the mantra of ODAAT. Simple yet effective and I keep smiling 🙂

Posted : 11th November 2009 9:42 am
Posts: 4881

Hi.. and well done on your continued recovery.. One day at a time. I am smiling too.. cheers.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 11th November 2009 5:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hello my smiling stranger

Was so nice to get your msg tonight on my diary as Ive been having a sh*tty week really and that cheered me up!

I really like your idea. When you break it down financially that way its not much at all and would seem like a double benefit solution! Ive sent a few txts out to friends so hopefully we will get it organised.

How is life for you these days? Work?Football? Hope you are blissfully happy on all counts.

Your grinning buddy

Eyes X

Posted : 11th November 2009 10:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hey sir

Thanks again for the msg. Glad you are really getting into the footie again - new interests really help fill the gambling void.

Its funny but looking back through your recovery you have always been so positive and upbeat. You have never really looked back and had awful days posted on here like so many of us have. Although as you often say, we can never be complacent, I think if anyone is gonna make a brand new life and never let gambling spoil thta, its gonna be you.

Love and Hugs

Eyes X

Posted : 14th November 2009 10:39 am
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I was always a very positive person prior to gambling what I can remember. Always wore a smile. Gambling drained the life out of me and although there was a smile it was just hiding lies, deceit and debt. So I refuse to look back other than to realise what I have left behind. I have bad days down days and tight months but these are more than manageable now as I used to have deal with a lot worst. So on wards and upwards and if you see someone without a smile give them one of yours it might just make them smile. For today I won't gamble I will keep strong and most of all keep smiling 🙂

Posted : 17th November 2009 9:16 am
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Well the weather is grim but it's nearly x mas so all is gd. No gambling for me today. First x mas joy with no gambling just happiness and enjoying the festivities... Roll on ODAAT and I will keep smiling 🙂

Posted : 24th November 2009 9:11 am
Posts: 69

hi PSOWM..really glad to see how long you have stopped for, and like the moto one day at a time.....you have a great mum..wish i could tell my mum but I think the shock would damage her heath..keep going mate and enjoy life..its worth a lot more than that gambling nonsese..today is the 2nd *** bet free for me hope I get to the six month mark like u at some point..never managed it before but I pray I can do it, have to no choice..

all the best..harry

Posted : 24th November 2009 1:23 pm
Posts: 0


Bright Eyes checking in Sergeant!!!

Mood: Cheerful

Mindset: Positive

Health: Vastly improved

Gambling: None

Lol - had to laugh at your last post on my diary - You are rather a bossy boots at times sir! I promise never to feel sorry for myself again in health or other wise. I will do my upmost to maintain posts on my own diary and those of others which are uplifting, articulate and motivating in future.

Bright Eyes signing off SIR!

P.S. SMILING AGAIN!!! Hope you're having a good week and over your flu. XXX

Posted : 25th November 2009 5:36 pm
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Well nearly into December and am looking forward to the crimbo festivities. I like x mas. Then a new year and a continous start from the hell that was gambling. I intend to read over my diary in the new year from start to the latest post and realise what a journey I have been on and how I wish to continue being gamble free. Keep smiling stay strong and ODAAT 🙂

Posted : 30th November 2009 1:36 pm
Posts: 0

Well here we are - 8 months on and still going strong - I have to pinch myself to make myself believe it. It seems so hard now to imagine how worried and horrified I was when I realised the extent of the problem and how out of control your gambling was. I look at your bank statements and they were frightening. Now, they are a joy - every penny accounted for, funds left at the end of the month and sensible financial planning! I cannot believe you are the same person - it is really pleasing, open, honest, no hiding and lying. I still worry - what else are mum's for? I worry that you might get fed up of "being good", I worry that something will happen that will make you turn back to gambling and I worry that you will get fed up of penny pinching to pay back your substantial debts. For 8 months you have paid every payment, not borrowed and managed to keep smiling. As Christmas approaches, I thank God that you are safely through the year and able to look to a happy and secure future. Stay strong - you have no idea how very proud I am. xxxxx

Posted : 7th December 2009 11:19 am
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