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8 weeks and 1 day. I predicted football but didnt bet as gambling is a mugs game ha ha. 8 Weeks and 1 day ago what a different place I was in. So happy with my new life new me with a new character and personality boy it feels good. For anybody that wants to give up do, as with a little bit of guidance and a lot of will power it can be done...

Posted : 29th May 2009 9:02 am
Posts: 0

Hi PSOWN and well done. Will once again raise a glass of vodka and coke to you!! carry on like this and I will have a headache every week but what a way to go!!! again good on you. Min x

Posted : 30th May 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 0

Well it's a lovely sunny, Sunday morning and I am thanking God for being able to help my son beat the demon. We never know what is in store for us so I am just grateful that, for now, everything is giong well. Hope you all have a good Sunday - enjoy the sun, we don't get it too often! xx

Posted : 31st May 2009 7:50 am
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Morning all on this bright and sunny Monday morning. Well had a lovely weekend in the sun BBQ's etc and I no longer even think about gambling to be fair although I'm still cautious about it. I thought more about not being on here for what seemed like a few days. Anyway going strong no urges so all is good. Have a good week people.. Stay strong keep smiling and don't gamble. 🙂

Posted : 1st June 2009 8:56 am
Posts: 0

Thank you for the support on my diary PS.

I love your keep smiling tag...makes me happy!

So for you 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Jas x

Posted : 1st June 2009 11:47 am
Posts: 0

Hey sir

You are doing so well - good for you!

Im in a bit of a dip right now but trying to smile! Since you requested as always!

All the best

Eyes X

Posted : 1st June 2009 5:34 pm
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Not too much to report but am still gamble free. The sun is shining so I am smiling and for today i will not gamble 🙂

Posted : 2nd June 2009 2:32 pm
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Well tomorrow will be 9 weeks gamble free. That's nearly 20% of a year whoop whoop. Can't believe what the people and this site have done for me. My whole life has been turned around and I now have a life. I love living am so happy greatful and thankful for the chance in life I had. One time there was never ever gonna be light at the end of the tunnel. Now it's shining brightly and I can see forward. Everybody on here thank you from staff to people supporting problem gamblers and then to the gamblers who poor every emotion out in their diaries. It helps so much and I appreciate every last bit of help. Anyway once again today I wont gamble but I'll make sure I wear a smile 🙂

Posted : 3rd June 2009 1:07 pm
Posts: 0

Hey psowm

Well done on your continued abstinence! Time sure flys doesn't it 🙂

This site has also been an instrumental tool in my recovery process. Don't know where'd I'd be without it.

Keep up the good work and your cheerful optimism certainly is refreshing.


Posted : 3rd June 2009 1:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Mr

Just dropping by with a smile


Hope you're having a good day and thanks for your msgs on my diary. Every single word helps right now.

Eyes X

Posted : 3rd June 2009 7:05 pm
Posts: 0

Yep 6th April 09 seems a long time ago when you wrote the most important words of your young life. Those being 'Well I'm admitting that I have a problem' it takes a lot of guts to say that especially for a young guy in this day and age with all the allure and advertising surrounding gambling. Thank God you did, cos once you admit the problem then you can start on the solution. Like me , you have had family support , this is great and much much needed provided you want to stop which after 6th April you did. You rarely mention your Dad who seems to have bailed you financially, that was no doubt on trust but sadly when you were in the grip of it. Family and loved ones believe they are helping when providing this financial support but CG's just can not handle it properly( or at all). I have had four major bailouts and blew the lot. The only life forward is complete abstinence. Yours started Apr 09 mine March 09 let's stay strong and rebuild our lives and those of our families eh.

Sorry for the intensity of this , just good therapy for myself as well. Take Care mate.

Posted : 3rd June 2009 11:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hi there and here is to another day gamble free and ongoing. Well done. (vodka ready to be raised to my lips as I type)

I think the success of this forum is that we can share things that perhaps due to circumstances, we cant share with family or even friends. Not unless they have the same problem. A lot of people would say "Well just stop." easier said than done, the mind is a very complicated thing. Not always easy to control our thoughts but when we have doubts, insecurities urges, we can come on here and put pen to paper and know there will be at least one person out there who will respond and it can be that one reply that can veer us back on course.

Its always nice to read when like yourself, u are continuing in your recovery. Gives everyone hope. So way to go. Lv Min

Posted : 4th June 2009 12:35 am
Posts: 0


no gambling today aiight 😀

hehe jk I know you won't.

Have a good day 🙂


Posted : 4th June 2009 3:25 am
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Well 9 weeks today. I feel like I have not had a bet for so long and if I'm honest I'm not really missing it, I'v put the relevant blocks in place to stop me, I have money in my pocket and bank and my life is pretty amazing. I am looking forward to seeing where I'm at in my life at 9 mnths and so on. Thanks to the site the people on here and the people close to me I have been able to beat this. Long may it continue. Heres to everybody thinking about quitting, or who are in recovery. Onwards and upwards... Keep smiling and for today I won't gamble. Thanks for all the posts and support. 🙂

Posted : 4th June 2009 9:04 am
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9 weeks one day not much to report. Happy as they come and feeling good. Looking forward to another gamble free weekend. Stay strong dont bet and most importantly keep smiling. 🙂

Posted : 5th June 2009 12:33 pm
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