Congrats on paying your credit card outright and also your hotel Twinnie! The wedding will be something to look forward to! My friends know that I’m gambling free and supportive of it, some of them have stopped also but they might have a flutter here and there of 50p but I don’t have their control hence completely stopping. My dad also knows, my mum and sister don’t really know anything of my extent of gambling but wouldn’t want to tell them. Have you been open with everyone around your gambling? My datings been alright, sort of have 3/4 girls who are up for going on dates with me. Not sure if I’ve got the time to go on dates with all of them and also I’m still 50/50 on whether I’m actually ready and wouldn’t want to waste the girls time. The family are planning a trip to the states in the summer and my friend also wants to do ibiza so looking forward to it. I’ve been also put forward for an exciting oppurtunity at work which will hopefully get me promoted at work. I’ve definitely put a lot more time in to my work which is now paying off from being gf! Still waiting for it to be all finalised. I have £700 left on my credit card to pay which will be paid off in the middle of this month when I get paid! 105 days gf today and seeing the benefits from it all!
Stopping123 wrote:
Congrats on paying your credit card outright and also your hotel Twinnie! The wedding will be something to look forward to! My friends know that I’m gambling free and supportive of it, some of them have stopped also but they might have a flutter here and there of 50p but I don’t have their control hence completely stopping. My dad also knows, my mum and sister don’t really know anything of my extent of gambling but wouldn’t want to tell them. Have you been open with everyone around your gambling? My datings been alright, sort of have 3/4 girls who are up for going on dates with me. Not sure if I’ve got the time to go on dates with all of them and also I’m still 50/50 on whether I’m actually ready and wouldn’t want to waste the girls time. The family are planning a trip to the states in the summer and my friend also wants to do ibiza so looking forward to it. I’ve been also put forward for an exciting oppurtunity at work which will hopefully get me promoted at work. I’ve definitely put a lot more time in to my work which is now paying off from being gf! Still waiting for it to be all finalised. I have £700 left on my credit card to pay which will be paid off in the middle of this month when I get paid! 105 days gf today and seeing the benefits from it all!
Thank you Twinnie.
I told my sister who also gambles but she enjoys it and finds it strange that mine went so addictive and destruction so quickly. She says it's chewing gum for the eyeballs for her as she will watch the chat and join in the quizzes. Where that bored me and I wanted none of that and then was straight to the slots with no chat.
The last time I told family and friends I was shunned and a so called best friend stopped talking to me, she was furious at me, her words were "how could I gamble when she desperately needed money". Why she thought my money had anything to do with her. I wouldn't have given her £3k. And the friends I have now don't know about the GF stuff. The friends I have either goto bingo halls or they play online. So they don't understand my need to announce I don't gamble anymore. I am youngest of a big family and they still treat me like the baby so no way will I tell them the extent it got. They'd have me locked in a padded cell.
Day 108! That's £108 saved.
I think the holidays sound fab babes. And the dating well get yourself ready for settling down, first though enjoy being single and dating. And the right one will come along.
Like you said your busy, if you found the one for you. Men... They make time if that one is perfect for them.
Congratulations about the coming promotion.
Life is treating you well. Keep smiling lovely.
Nearly 110 days 🙂
Bella xx
Hi Twinnie, hope you’re well! On day 116 now! Sorry I haven’t been around much to post on the forum. Had to have eye surgery last Friday so been recovering from it. Had to see a private doctor yesterday for some aftercare as there were a couple of things that didn’t seem right with my eye but have been told it’s normal thankfully! I told my friend that I saw a private doctor and they laughed and said it would be so easy to spend a £100 in a casino why not on our health which is more important? It’s crazy how the mind works! Been bed ridden for a week but been chilling out watching sports and Netflix. Got 2 more enquiries today for more business which I was happy about. Stopped dating for a bit because I feel like some of the girls I’ve met have come across a bit snobby and sort of put me off a bit lol I’m happy just trying to look after myself and look forward to the holidays with my friends. I’m looking forward to the 120 day mark soon for 4 months free. I’m off work now for a month so trying to find things to do! A couple of gambling thoughts have come and gone but restrained myself! Payday tomorrow and can’t wait to pay off all my bills.
Stopping123 wrote:
Hi Twinnie, hope you’re well! On day 116 now! Sorry I haven’t been around much to post on the forum. Had to have eye surgery last Friday so been recovering from it. Had to see a private doctor yesterday for some aftercare as there were a couple of things that didn’t seem right with my eye but have been told it’s normal thankfully! I told my friend that I saw a private doctor and they laughed and said it would be so easy to spend a £100 in a casino why not on our health which is more important? It’s crazy how the mind works! Been bed ridden for a week but been chilling out watching sports and Netflix. Got 2 more enquiries today for more business which I was happy about. Stopped dating for a bit because I feel like some of the girls I’ve met have come across a bit snobby and sort of put me off a bit lol I’m happy just trying to look after myself and look forward to the holidays with my friends. I’m looking forward to the 120 day mark soon for 4 months free. I’m off work now for a month so trying to find things to do! A couple of gambling thoughts have come and gone but restrained myself! Payday tomorrow and can’t wait to pay off all my bills.
Happy Valentines day/night.. Aww seriously we really must be twins (wink) I had the eye injury and now need to get eyes tested again as not as clear. How did that come about? Scary isn't it the eyes getting injured.
Your dating days are over because of snobbery...! Wow.
I'm north of England and I went to stay at friends in East Grinstead, and no lie but I've never come across so many snobby women that treated men so badly. And how pompous they were towards each other. So that is what that reminded me of.
Not all women are like that.
Hope you got people taking care of you while your held up in bed and are actually resting to?
Really good news about the work coming in. And! Yes nearly 120 days. And can I have a initial or make up a name so I can use a name instead of stopping. I have been laid up with eye injury and migraines and those thoughts of silly digital machinery did cross my mind but nope!
Start a vision board.. Seriously. Vision board and print out all the things you want. Wife, children, supercar oh yes. House, penthouse facing your yacht in a harbour in Marbella, hard earned cheque for 1mil. Whatever you want in life. Or do a digital folder on your phone call it vision board and add photos of all the wants in your life.
You will go far in life!
I got faith in you. And thanks for coming back.
Keep smiling.
Bella xx
Hey Twinnie, happy Valentine’s Day to you too! I had laser eye surgery 5 years ago but had a condition to my upper eye lid where it was lower then normal as a side effect which got worse over the years so it’s corrected it now. You might have swollen your eye a bit from the injury which might cause your vision to be a bit blurry?
Yeah finding the right women will eventually happen, just leaving it down to fate now lol one of the girls I met could easily walk 10 minutes through the city center for work but said she gets an uber every morning and evening cause she can’t be bothered. Then she came across a bit rude and thought she was everything. I was happy when the date was over!
Luckily I’ve had my sister and mum looking after me whilst I’ve been off which has been a massive help. You can call me ash if that makes it easier also.
Funny enough you say that about a vision board, I was looking at a 2.5 million pound property the other day thinking I wish I could own that! What do you have on yours?
I wish I could Provide more info about everything that’s going on that I can’t post to the public but there’s no direct message button here!
Keep strong you’ll go far in life too!
Stopping123 wrote:
Hey Twinnie, happy Valentine’s Day to you too! I had laser eye surgery 5 years ago but had a condition to my upper eye lid where it was lower then normal as a side effect which got worse over the years so it’s corrected it now. You might have swollen your eye a bit from the injury which might cause your vision to be a bit blurry?
Yeah finding the right women will eventually happen, just leaving it down to fate now lol one of the girls I met could easily walk 10 minutes through the city center for work but said she gets an uber every morning and evening cause she can’t be bothered. Then she came across a bit rude and thought she was everything. I was happy when the date was over!
Luckily I’ve had my sister and mum looking after me whilst I’ve been off which has been a massive help. You can call me ash if that makes it easier also.
Funny enough you say that about a vision board, I was looking at a 2.5 million pound property the other day thinking I wish I could own that! What do you have on yours?
I wish I could Provide more info about everything that’s going on that I can’t post to the public but there’s no direct message button here!
Keep strong you’ll go far in life too!
Lovely to meet you Ash,
Yes abit shame about no DM on here. But it's okay. So glad you got family to take care of you. That girl eh haha.. Sounds like she's already princess status can you imagine she would be bridezilla and expect you to carry her over puddles lol! Not much of a adventurous lady is she. Can't imagine she'd be interested in hiking.
On my vision board. Well for last 2 yrs I wanted a bungalow in a nice area, with money to buy posh things. And wanted lavender and pink roses and a big garden. A man (banter and fun) but a great guy. And a dog..
Not got the man or dog yet as I'm abit fussy. Well alot really. In these last 4 months, I got a stay at home job as admin for a large company. I got my Bungalow and gardens. So I now need a new vision board. As the home and garden came true from November.
I did have a new car on the board but that is still on there. Oh.. And a wedding dress I designed myself is there to. A 1940s themed wedding. But! I have to find the man first haha!
That 2.5 mil house. Get a photo of it. And daily look at it. And say to universe that's my house. Not one day.
Change words to. That's my house.
Sadly as I also can't put stuff on publically I can't explain more. But relative did that and in 10 yrs he had the house your dreaming about and much more. He doesn't gamble. He works hard.
Believe it Ash! You can do it.
Bella xx
Happy 120th Twinnie..
Hope your eye is better Ash.
Keep smiling
Bella xx
Hey Bella, sorry I haven’t been around much. Been busy trying to sort out my eye and catch up with friends. We’re on day 123 now like my username lol! I’m in a much better financial position then when I first started but the temptations are still there but even stronger. I’ve been tempted to play a tenner on roulette or something but was doing what you did and not want to let people down on the forum. It was my nephews 5th birthday today and I decided to take a trip to the Lego store and buy him whatever Lego he wanted, was happy I was spending the money on that then gambling. Something he’ll remember and appreciate. Going out for a meal tonight for some food with another friend. Haven’t really been dating, I’m quite fussy like you by the sounds of it lol I was thinking of maybe setting up a fake twitter account, so that you can maybe message me on there and we can speak properly, I feel like I can express myself a lot more to yourself because we’re in the same position in terms of gambling and normal people would not understand it. Let me know if you would be interested in messaging each other over Twitter?
Congrats on staying strict with being gf! You’ve done great! Keep looking forward to summer!
Stopping123 wrote:
Hey Bella, sorry I haven’t been around much. Been busy trying to sort out my eye and catch up with friends. We’re on day 123 now like my username lol! I’m in a much better financial position then when I first started but the temptations are still there but even stronger. I’ve been tempted to play a tenner on roulette or something but was doing what you did and not want to let people down on the forum. It was my nephews 5th birthday today and I decided to take a trip to the Lego store and buy him whatever Lego he wanted, was happy I was spending the money on that then gambling. Something he’ll remember and appreciate. Going out for a meal tonight for some food with another friend. Haven’t really been dating, I’m quite fussy like you by the sounds of it lol I was thinking of maybe setting up a fake twitter account, so that you can maybe message me on there and we can speak properly, I feel like I can express myself a lot more to yourself because we’re in the same position in terms of gambling and normal people would not understand it. Let me know if you would be interested in messaging each other over Twitter?
Congrats on staying strict with being gf! You’ve done great! Keep looking forward to summer!
Hello Twinnie,
Yes 123.. Need to change it to 321 and we will get there soon enough.
Not sure it's allowed on here to chat after the forum, you could log in the chat they have at 8pm and we could all chat in a hosted chatroom. Do people still use twitter? I am Instagram.. I use to have Twitter about 4 yrs ago when I did portraits but I don't use it anymore.
Yes its good isn't it, buying presents. I've just bought my neice a sindy doll she has been searching for with her mum. And I found it on Amazon (they have curvy Sindy dolls now and she wanted a curvy one). And it arrives Saturday. She's going to be buzzin when she gets it. I will get auntie hero points.
That's it.. I wouldn't be able to help and support others if I gave in. But I was so tempted, that gambling devil doesn't give up or disappear it's there all the time in the background eh?
How's the eye? Still being pampered at home?
Plenty time for dating, sort your finances and debt out and having fun with your mates.
Keep smiling.
Bella xx
Yeah we need to hit 321 definitely! But looking forward to hitting the next milestone of 150! Yeah would be up for a hosted chatroom. I’ve only recently joined Instagram a few months back. I’m a bit slow moving on to different social media platforms lol
Ah that’s nice of you to get a sindy doll for your niece, I’m sure she’s going to love it! Never knew you did portraits, that’s cool would love to see what sort of art you’ve done in the past. I try and pretend to be an art enthusiast but never understood what to look at lol but I’ve always heard that there is never a wrong answer in what you see in art! I remember going to Paris and the Picasso museum, I was having fun with my ex girlfriend saying to her I’m going to pretend to be one of those guys with his hands on his chin observing it like I know a lot about it, looked at the piece of art and was like yeah that’s a nice piece, didn’t have a clue at what I was looking at that. She turned around and said were in the erotic part of the museum and We didn’t even realise lol I was like yeah we are once I started noticing the intimate bits on the painting haha
Going back to the gambling bit, it’s crazy to think with all the time on our hands of being gf that little gambling chip on the shoulder can still bother us, need to beat it off and think about how much better the future will be and how much we can treat our nieces and nephews!
Eyes feeling a lot better thanks been resting it and it’s not feeling as dry. Gotta get stitches out soon. Will be off work for a while. How’s the back? Seen you’ve been having problems with the mattress which isn’t great. Hope it all works out for you. I bought one of those Tempur mattresses and would highly recommend one!
Yeah datings on the backburner, been getting a bit of attention from women but sort of fending them off as I don’t want to lead them on just to get my life back to normalisation again.
Have a nice day tomorrow Bella! Nearly 124!
Stopping123 wrote:
Yeah we need to hit 321 definitely! But looking forward to hitting the next milestone of 150! Yeah would be up for a hosted chatroom. I’ve only recently joined Instagram a few months back. I’m a bit slow moving on to different social media platforms lol
Ah that’s nice of you to get a sindy doll for your niece, I’m sure she’s going to love it! Never knew you did portraits, that’s cool would love to see what sort of art you’ve done in the past. I try and pretend to be an art enthusiast but never understood what to look at lol but I’ve always heard that there is never a wrong answer in what you see in art! I remember going to Paris and the Picasso museum, I was having fun with my ex girlfriend saying to her I’m going to pretend to be one of those guys with his hands on his chin observing it like I know a lot about it, looked at the piece of art and was like yeah that’s a nice piece, didn’t have a clue at what I was looking at that. She turned around and said were in the erotic part of the museum and We didn’t even realise lol I was like yeah we are once I started noticing the intimate bits on the painting haha
Going back to the gambling bit, it’s crazy to think with all the time on our hands of being gf that little gambling chip on the shoulder can still bother us, need to beat it off and think about how much better the future will be and how much we can treat our nieces and nephews!
Eyes feeling a lot better thanks been resting it and it’s not feeling as dry. Gotta get stitches out soon. Will be off work for a while. How’s the back? Seen you’ve been having problems with the mattress which isn’t great. Hope it all works out for you. I bought one of those Tempur mattresses and would highly recommend one!
Yeah datings on the backburner, been getting a bit of attention from women but sort of fending them off as I don’t want to lead them on just to get my life back to normalisation again.
Have a nice day tomorrow Bella! Nearly 124!
Okay.. Friday at 8pm to 9pm.. I will lurk in the hosted chat room.. On day 124!
I'll have a netto bag and grey jumpsuit on and Roses in my hair haha can't miss me! Lol
That 2nd link I ordered the charger thank you. It arrives tomorrow it said a one day order before 9pm on Saturday. Hope it works!
Thank you.
Bella xx
No worries Bella, let me know if you have any issues! Time to enjoy the cricket! By the way I’m off to Bicester village tomorrow so looking forward to spending time with my friend!
Have a nice weekend gambling free!
Stopping123 wrote:
No worries Bella, let me know if you have any issues! Time to enjoy the cricket! By the way I’m off to Bicester village tomorrow so looking forward to spending time with my friend!
Have a nice weekend gambling free!
Have fun with your friend.. Be nice, it's so difficult being a shy girl. I was when I was in teens. Makes life so awkward!
Keep out of the bookies!
Thank you. I let you know how it goes with the charger.
Bella xx
Hey twinnie on day 125 today!!
Yeah it doesn’t bother me being with a shy girl, there’s more to it from her side which is why I can’t be with her. Tbh I’m pretty shy myself. I’m surprised you used to go gatecrasher when you were younger, I wish I could go back to 2011 when there was no responsibility in my life and enjoying the summer with my friends.
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