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202O: has been great, plenty to be thankful for, covid definitely caused a lot of strain and heartache but we got thru it.... I managed to achieve all of the objectives apart from eating meals with friends (as covid allowed), I kept my health high and stayed employed.

On to 2021:

I'll write my objectives out today but my main new focus will be on my weight and physical health....I'm going to strive to lose my stumach, get my shoulder up to full strength again, carry on exercising with my mum to keep her as active as she can be and keep our bodies and minds as healthy as can be.


With this in mind I will be doing my physio work plus walks and work to start with then around march when instructed by physio I should be able to get into the gym again....


So to keep my mind stress free I'd like to go to health suite again this summer after work to relax maybe add a swim to that or a gym visit.


This is all dependant on my recovery of the shoulder plus covid restrictions.....


I feel my physical health is my last objective to work towards to get a healthy mind and body, I've taken out life's vices I had and added the healthy parts of life.... Drugs, smoking, drinking and gambling have been big parts of my life and now ive changed my lifestyle for the better.


I also would like to help towards the environment which is close to my heart.  The earth is soo great and I feel we have neglected it....I'm going to try to ride on by cycle to work when sunny in summer to cut down my carbon footprint.  I have just been buying clothes from charity shops to stop waste but now I feel I have enough clothes and will not buy any this year unless I really need them like new shoes or something, I feel we are in a throw away time and there's only soo much of this we should do.  Recycle as much as possible thru work and at home...


Those are my main objectives for 2021, I'd really like when the covid restrictions are gone and we've all had our vaccine to enjoy the freedom we all take for granted... Visits to pubs with friends for meals or watching a big footy game, of course the Euros football are on this summer so that will be a big part of my year so will look forward to that.


All the best I hope everyone on the forum has a great 2021 and I hope I can achieve all of this? If I can I will mark it as better than 2020 which will be a tall order as 2020 marked the first year I was able to control all my vices and it made me soo happy as a result.


In 2020 I did however have some low mental health moments when I sunk into depression, the folks on here, my mum and dad and friends got me thru to when I saw the light and my mood lifted once again, so if ur feeling down remember in the future you're mind will clear and those dark thought clouds will pass.... Just try to stay strong and be patient.  


All the best I'll start these objectives now with my excercizes and a celebratory cuppa...  Tonight, Christmas and new years eve I will celebrate and toast to this new way of living its helped me soo much so far....

Posted : 1st December 2020 4:35 pm
Posts: 2938
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Also there's a friends wedding I'm going in to September so I'll make that my aim for my weight loss.... Well its not necessarily my weight I'm concerned about shedding its my stumach.  So I'll aim to get rid of my stumach by august time one months leway for the wedding and maybe I'll fit into a previous suit of mine or it will be nice and loose for the day.

Posted : 1st December 2020 6:05 pm
Posts: 2938
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Thought I'd relinquish part of the annomity of this site by posting a photo of me in the user profile.  I'm not ashamed of my past, I tell everyone I know about the vices I used to have so I have no problem showing what I look like.  Be good to see what other users look like too to put a face to a user..... 

Posted : 1st December 2020 7:06 pm
Posts: 72

You'll get there adam for sure. Slowly slowly catchee monkey. 

Posted : 1st December 2020 7:07 pm
Posts: 2938
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cheers chezzy xx

Posted : 1st December 2020 9:36 pm
Posts: 3947

Are you the one in the middle Adam or the scary looking green bloke at the back.


Posted : 1st December 2020 10:23 pm
Posts: 54

Hi Adam 

As said on the chat yesterday wow what a year!! Congratulations my friend. The place you are at now is where I aim to be and your post is a wake up call to everyone. Thank you for sharing!!

Regarding the photo also I believe is an excellent idea, the love and support I have received from you guys via the chat has been amazing and I wouldn't be where I am today without all of you guys and the mods!! So thank you all!!

Well here goes, I will upload my photo too, I am not ashamed of the dark place I have been but I am proud I am climbing my way out now and pray to God I will continue to do so..

Thank you again for your inspiring post and look forward to continuing our road to recovery together!

Take care



Posted : 2nd December 2020 2:26 pm
Posts: 2938
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Hi deano mate,


Excellent cheers, good to put a face to a name, why be ashamed of our past vices, its made us what we are today and im proud to say i got thru it and have come out the other side scathed but well conditioned.  


Lets roll on and get thru december first, it can either be a stressfull time if we gamble and fixate ourselves on money or it can be one filled with joyfull times with family and friends.....lets not try and fill their arms with presents but our presence not just in a physica sense of being there but mentally there and not distance ourselves with thoughts of money....


All the best



Posted : 2nd December 2020 3:52 pm
Posts: 2938
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Its decided I'm going to move into my flat this summer!!!! Another objective for 2021!!!! Exciting times

Posted : 4th December 2020 6:55 pm
Posts: 2938
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Update time, as I start this new diary.  All going well with my shoulder, doing the excercizes and getting better at them.


This diet thing is very tough.... I've not had anything other than main meals for three days now, no chocolate, no crisps, and its been hard.  Plus been for a walk everyday when not raining.  


I started by weighing myself on the floor where apparently it gives the most reliable weight (the same as the one at the gym), u can move it to another part of floor and u are half a stone lighter but thats not realistic.


So four days ago just before bed I was 13 stone 6, next day 13 stone 4 then yesturday 13 stone 2.... Brilliant I think its working.... But I'm ready for it to go back to 13 stone 6 as that's what it usually does lol...


My aim is not to loose weight its to lose my stumach.


Then keep going to the gym and keep my body trim. .


Now I'm hitting forty this will no doubt get harder and harder.

Posted : 5th December 2020 5:03 pm
Posts: 848

Your doing amazing adam x

Posted : 5th December 2020 6:21 pm
Posts: 2938
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Now i've been thinking tonight about when im moving into my flat, i don't know what im more concerned about:

A) not moving in and being single and alone at fifty.

B)Moving in and not being able to look after myself (like how it was last time i lived alone when going thru an episode).

C)moving in and not paying off money i owe as quickly as when not moving in.

D) moving in and stressing about paying bills and keeping job.


It's great that it's my decision and now i have the option open i want to make the right choice.

Posted : 5th December 2020 10:46 pm
Posts: 848

Adam move in when you feel is right for you ..there is no time limits the most important thing is what you feel you will be most well doing.

I wish you all the best and after the achievements and success you have proved this year I think your more than capable..if you did move and struggle theres always the ability to ask for help. Its not an all or nothing situation x

Loulou x 


Posted : 5th December 2020 10:51 pm
Posts: 2938
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Think ill take the advice from chat room earlier and just enjoy christmas and think about my future in the new year.  Diet still going strong..... all the best adam xx

Posted : 6th December 2020 4:39 pm
Posts: 2938
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Heard on Spotify its good for your mental well being to keep a journal, that's exactly what this has been for me.  I don't keep messages about my gambling I'm honest about my whole life, my pleasures, my troubles, my stress, my joy lately and everything in between.


Now in recent days its been a rollercoaster of joy at reaching the year mark, the stress of wanting to move into my flat and then the decision to move in being made followed by the worry of everything that involves.....


Now I've decided to park all those feelings on a shelf in my mind and pick them up again after Christmas and rediscover what is going to make me the most happy in life.....


My diet is tough but I'm succeeding at it.... I'm just having main meals and cutting out the surgery snacks, crisps and sugar in drinks.


I don't know how long this will last, whether its achievable to do it all the time or just until I've lost my stumach....


There seems to be soo much advice out their from people about health and keeping well and I'm trying new things so hopefully my health will stay at a high level....


I've really stopped thinking about the vices I used to have and that literally took up my life.... Its not a problem anymore.....thank god for that....


all the best Adam xx

Posted : 6th December 2020 9:52 pm
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