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Hi Al,


Just the inspiration i need!!!!! Day two of the diet and ive successfully still not had any snack food.  Took sandwiches to work and no crisps or chocolate.  Then came home and soo far hvent had any snacks either.... This is just my starting point.... Im going to get trim for summer thats a promise to myself.... My goal is to lose between 1 and 2 pounds a week, then build up my strength with the end result of being trim by september.


It's another tough goal to achieve but i feel it's achievable.


All the best adam   

Posted : 15th March 2021 5:04 pm
Posts: 2938
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Weighed myself this morning and it read the unbelievable 12 stone 7 pounds.  At that point in time for the first time in ten years I was no longer overweight!!!!

Posted : 17th March 2021 4:34 pm
Posts: 2938
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Next aim is to keep it off for the next few weeks then build it down to my target of 12 stone 2 by September.

Posted : 17th March 2021 4:36 pm
Posts: 2938
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Just a thought ive been going thru tonight, why is money soo important to think about, its seems to be what ive thought about since a friend showed me an online poker site he was playing.  Growing up i was sensible with money but i didn't spend any time thinking about it, it was only when i stated trying to win more of it that i started thinking about it.


Today a friend posted some photos of hi new house hes bought and just moved into.  I congratulated him and siad how nice it was then i asked what he paid for it?  Now why did i do that, because i think about money too much..... The fact hes got a lovely home is the most important thing not how much it costs.


I'm really going to strive to stop thinking for most about money....If i can go back to the relationship i had with it thru my teens i will be very gratefull.


Posted : 20th March 2021 10:38 pm
Posts: 2938
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Today i woke up 1030am which is very early for me, i was going to meet a friend andy in town but he woke feeling ill.  However another friend whatsapped me wondering whether i fancied meeting up in town at 1130am.  So i did, we met up, had some lunch, played table tennis and went for a walk.  When i got home i felt like id eaten too much as id had a sausage roll, doughnut, toastie and two coffees.  With this in mid i went for a walk, then listened to some music then went for another walk.  In total i walked 10 kilometres today which was great to combat the extra food.  


In the evening ive messaged a friend (hes overweight and walking lots and watching what he eats too) and we are going to message each other weekly updating each other on how we are doing on the exercise, diet and our weight.....  I'm hoping this will incentivise me to keep goin as i usually stumble after the innitial great start and loss of weight.


I was hoping to go back to the gym this summer, they open in april but my one has lots of new covid rules still that will make it  not as easilly accessible or user friendly and i dont think the health suite will be open.  So with that in mind i wont go back to it straight away.  Just hoping it will go back to normal for summer.



Posted : 20th March 2021 10:49 pm
Posts: 2938
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I think our relationship with money is soo important to get right.........Gambling is obviously not good for generating money and when ur gambing not for fun but to make money thats exaclt where the problem starts................because lets face it we all thought we could beat the odds, be skillfull and win and make money or why would we do it............It all starts as some fun but then you become embroiled in thinking about winning that money.


It makes carefree individuals who arent focused on money at all, obsessed by it, the years fly by and they get into trouble................


When the fun stops, stop, very true it should be when the fun stops  try to stop obsessing about winning money...............It wont get you anything you will really want or need.

Posted : 20th March 2021 11:00 pm
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But thats exactly what they dont want to say isnt it.......That people dont need to strive towards money.

Posted : 20th March 2021 11:02 pm
Posts: 2938
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Holiday day off work today, woke up 1130am then had small lunch (half a slice of bread, two eggs) pretein but not too many carbs.  Then went to wakehurst place for a walk with mum.  87 metre elevation gain very hilly, 3.6k walked.....Now back at home.  its a lovely day so might go out for another walk in a bit.


So all in all a good day diet going well.


Posted : 22nd March 2021 4:04 pm
Posts: 2938
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Thinking about moving out my folks in august, major life decision, one i'm not taking lightly, but i think it's time.

Posted : 22nd March 2021 6:48 pm
Posts: 2938
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Another week done, another gamble free, i walked 12.3 kilometres today and over 30k this week, my personal best for any week so far.  A day of rest tomo then onto the next week.


I went for a walk with a friend today and he said "i couldve of done lockdown differently and saved some money" i said you still can all you have to do is start......


I've thought since this is such a great way to get to your dreams and aspirations "just start" its often the hardest bit once you get going its a doddle.


So for everyone on hear struggling to stop gambling just think all i have to do is start......


Havent weighed myself yet for this week, im thinking ill be about the same as last week as i started week really well with diet then since thursday ive been treating myself with crisps and chocolate.


We can all do this we just have to start!!!!

Posted : 27th March 2021 9:06 pm
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Another start of a week.  Had a rest day yesturday to recharge and recharge i did.......  Back to work today, both my bosses off for two weeks so on my own with jim the other porter.... ||Was a pretty productive day back and fourh i went wherever i went there were different tasks for me to do.   Got everything down in a timely manner.... Then back home ate some choclate then dinner then went for another 3.2 k walk so 6k today which is a great start to the week....Im thinking ill beat last week again ill aim for 33-34k this week keep upping it each week.


Going to meet up with some friends on friday in town for a coffee and some table tennis and a walk........  Then hopefullly theres some good football on tv have to see havent had a look yet.


Think ill pop into chat now night...

Posted : 29th March 2021 7:20 pm
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Had a day off walking on sunday as id already hit my target for the week then ive managed to walk 14.3 kilometres in the first two days of the week horray.  So in the past four days ive walked 27k really chuffed..... the weather has really helped but really happy with that.


Another thing i found out when i got back sunday is if i walk a final 95 minutes tomo i will have walked for 3650 mins in first three months of year exactly the same as whole of last year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now at the time i was pleased with last year as id damaged my shoulder so was limited on exercise i could do for twelve weeks but now ive added up walking at work too ive smashed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Posted : 30th March 2021 5:14 pm
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Woop woop the long weekend has landed.  I've done 26k soo far this week walking and i intend to smash the 32k record set last week so three days im thinking 4k 4k 4k so thatll be 38k a great record to try and beat the week after.....  Think ill have a long walk on monday too to start the week.  I thikn ill allow myself to step back a bit next week on the walking dont want to run myself down.....


Think ill watch some films this weekend....ive got american sniper to watch, 

Posted : 1st April 2021 6:32 pm
Posts: 2938
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So i am exactly one quarter of the way thru the year and lets see how im doing against my targets for the year?

Vices wise:

Not smoked horray, Not drunk horray, not gambled horray and not done any drugs horray, totally tee total for the year soo far  great start.


Health wise:

I've kept a tally over the years of how far i walked or how long spent doing sports or exercise, last year in total i done 3650 mins exercise 10 minutes a day exactly on average.  Ive kept a tally of my walks at even at work tallying up the kilometres and because i dont walk continuously at work i added how long it would take to walk that far if a walked continuously.....addded up for the first three months of this year ive walked exactly 3650 minutes same as last year in total already!!!!!!!!!!! WOOP!



Ive had mixed results on my diet some weeks really really good, other average and others poor.... Lets be fair we cant be prefect all the time and eating is my vice so i cant be too strict or i think id go mad...I've gone fro 13 stone 6 in november to 12 stone 11 today....  

Now im going to try and have a rainbow diet by eating more varied vegatables and less potatoes and bread all in all to get healthier and lose some more weight....Having said that someone at work gave me some mini eggs today and i ate all of them on my lunch break....But its easter isnt it we have to treat ourselves at the right times....


So all in all i think its a great start to the year............. onwards we go if you're having problems all you need to do is start!!!!!!

Posted : 1st April 2021 6:53 pm
Posts: 2938
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Posted : 2nd April 2021 10:48 pm
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