Another few days have gone by..... havent gambled, drunk, smoked or done drugs so thats good.
In order to get my shoulder back up to speed i tohught id do more exercise with it now.... with this in mind i went swimming today.... was a bit nervous when i went in wondering how my shoulder would be and thinking about how id get out the pool if i had problems with it... You just have to go with it thru these times i find.... so i got in and pushed of the back wall..... stretched out gently and done breast stroke and slowly but surely got my confidence back.... now 36 lengths later i feel great... its really good exercise for my shoulder and the rest of my body. Now in previous times ive started in the pool ive seen myself in the mirror and thought i need to lose some weight but today i definately sure a more trim me which is great .... also i could breath easily whilst swimming and didnt get out of breath.... so all in all a very pleasant experience.
I got paid yesturday and i thought about keeping more of the money in my account for when i move into my flat.... but i thought why risk it being in my account it just gives me the option to gamble with it..... so when somethings not broke dont try to fix it..... so i transferred all my money over to my dad and it seems to be the most ive ever transferred over to him in a month 1700.....ill get some transferred bak if i need it but i think im going to try to go swimming each weekend this month and maybe get a coffee there but thats it for the month....think ill try to save the all in all ill need like 40 pounds after bills this month.... a great month.....
As soon as i move in the flat ill need a lot more money so im saving now in preparation.
Life is a juggle.... you throw balls up in the air..... you manage to keep them in the air..... the heavier ones take more to keep up..... the lighter ones float and take no effort to control.... now if you let one fall to the floor and you have to pick it up and start again don't worry...... it happens to everyone..... now i feel im juggling well.... health, money, time, stress, sleep, entertainment, exercise, weight, relationships, work, i feel that currnelty i am juggling all of these very well.... when one gets neglected i have to give it an extra hard throw up to keep it from falling to the shoulder exercise today..... but i feel proud for everything im achieving and looking at a bright healthy future as a result of these actions.
All the best adam 123 xxxxÂ
Still looking forward to christmas in my flat..... being able to put a fresh stance on the flat (new flooring, lick of paint, furniture, etc) ill get it up to a great living standard...... then i can celebrate another successful year on here......ROLL ON CHRISTMAS!!!!!! then a new fresh diary for 2022....... what will that hold who knows yet..... we will see
Now im happy tonight for two reasons!!!!!!
First one is with the news that Lou is debt free now................ wow that is soo good......shes been thru the mill and it shows that good things can happen to people who deserve it.
Second my managers manager asked whether i wanted to work full time...... ive spoken to my parents about it and they think its a good idea..... so i will tell them yes on monday and do 8-4 mon to friÂ
Really pleased to hear you have been offered a full time contract. Keep reaching for the stars Adam
The sun is shining brightly
A new day has appeared
No longer are we frightened
By the monsters we once feared
For we are gamcare warriors
And right is on our side
With blocks/exclusions all in place
Sit back - enjoy the ride
Proud of you Adam.
You are an inspiration.Â
So pleased for u Adam. Keep going as you are you're doing great, carry on with your positive thoughts and protect your mental health. Continue to post as you are your thread is really inspirational in so many ways
Thanks for the posts, really love it when ive got something to read when i pop back on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I went to the pub last night then round to a friends for an hour, bought him a beer, bought a meal deal for munchies round his.....then came back watched a film....then today went to town as it was sunny went to coffee shop with some friends bought a caramel slice and a coffee..... then walked round charity shops and bought a couple of dvds....then went to wh smith and bought gangs of london 19.99 then went home and spent 26 pounds on various different dvds. Im off playing golf nine hole pitch and put 15 pounds and maybe some practice on the driving range 5 pounds...... All in all nice to relax over the weekend but was going to spend nothing this month and ive got carried away again!!!. Oh well ive earnt a bit more in recent months so really im not over spending....
Now decided i'm going to say yes to working full time again, 8-4 is really good hours, its taking on no new responsibility, just got to get used to getting up a bit earlier which will be fine and will have each weekend back to relax.......
Thinking about work is keeping me up again, I think now because when I get voices I like to know that I can sleep till nine in the morning even during the week I'd like to stay on my normal working hours rather than go up to full time .. Â I was the one that went to my manager asking about the extra hours but after a lot of consideration tonight I think I'll turn it down.... Â I would earn more money if I did but you can't put a price on health and my sleep really helps me function.
Been a bit lazy at work this week..... need to step it back up next week..... my managers off next week so gives me a chance to step it up i guess....
Great start to the weekend....went to the pub with some friends....had a mixed grill .... then came back and watched the first prem game of the season..... Arsenal lost and are now on the bottom of the prem so a great result.....
Gonna watch some more games this weekend and watch some of my dvds that ive bought.... Shouldnt spend too much hopefully....
Should rest up this weekend so i can get fully into work next week.....
Everything else going well at mo.....
All the best adam xxx
End of the weekend....... football was entertaining..... spurs won.......what a result......
im fully rested ready for the next week of work..... my managers off next week again so i can put in maximum effort and contribute to the running of the hospital.
Still looking forward, not back, one day at a time im making in roads to being a better person and securing a safe future and hopefully a happy retirement.
So my plans for the rest of the month...... quite weekend next weekend and then maybe visit brighton with a couple of friends on the saturday 28th for a 40th birthday......Â
First weekend in september is the friends wedding....ive been tryin to set that as my goal date for losing my weight.....this hasnt really happened as ive not been dieting too well and just given up on it.... however ive tried my suit on and that fits well so im not too fussed..... Still got two weeks so i guess i can step up the working, walking, diet as much as i can and that will mean ill defo still fit in my suit!!!
I think i should hear soon from the letting agents regarding my tenants moving out date..... they have till december but if i was them i wouldnt be leaving it right to the end of the term to find somewhere.... lets hope its sooner rather than later...
Ill try to keep positive and look to not spend too much and hit the second year gamble free..... All the best adam xxx
Weekly update:
Just done my weigh in today and im 13.3 its not gone down but in all honesty im just trying to make it not go up before the wedding in two weeks..... i fit in my suit.... ill try it on again next week but i think im fine.
Went for a walk today 3k not too shabby for a saturday..... didnt spend any money..... cancelled going to a friends birthday in brighton over the august bank holiday (so i can spend less money) plus im not too keen on going to pubs anymore just doesnt appeal anymore.... chatting to friends appeals just not too drunk ones. Guess im getting older and more mature now and liking sitting at home watching films and sport and resting up.
Not long now till ill be doing my flat up ready to move in...... Looking at what i need to buy.... just got a new mobile so i can order in restaurants and pubs with their apps..... Next is a laptop going to have a quick look on argos tonight...... then a microwave, just one thing at a time.
Been reading back my diary.... just one page tonight but ive been concentrating on sport and weight for a long wile now....... my health kick has worked somewhat but to be honest not as much as id have liked..... still i third left of the year and the home straight so theres still room for improvement now my shoulder is been to full strength.
all the best adam xxx
So in order to make a final push towards not being overweight i've just downloaded the weight loss nhs app, you measure how much youre eating and drinking and what exercise you do daily...... you input your weight and your waist measurement then look at your progress over 12 weeks.....
As i dont drink alcohol i should be at an advantage calories wise...... I had a good day today and only ate and drunk 1400 calories if i got it right? im allowed 1900 a day in order to still lose weight and remain healthy with energy for everything......
So as a starting point my 13.3 stone is where i will start...... and i will aim to lose nine pounds over the 12 weeks and end up on 12 stone 8 pounds and be on the start of not being overweight at that point....
Wish me luck....
All the best Adam xxx
So weekly wise been recording what i eat on my app, it showed i wasnt eating that much so its actually made me eat a bit more i think as ive been well under the amount allowed..... Ill weigh myself tomo....ive however been eating ice cream everyday this week and a kit kat so not been doing that amazing.....have to see what the scales say tomo....
Going to go in a minute and check my suit fits for next saturday as if it doesnt ill have to wear a different one or buy one.... I think itll be fine tho....
My manager has been off sick this week and next and was on holiday week before that..... had a lot to do but am managing..... been having quite a few cups of teas at work which i shouldn't really but when i get on top of works jobs its good to reward myself....
I had got holiday for the week after the wedding but as im not really that tired so i've cancelled it and rearranged it for when i'm in my flat (which will be nice) over christmas..... ill be off from the 13th i think it is.
Christmas will be here in no time and then we can celebrate a successful year......
I just had a fleeting thought of walking to town for a coffee but i'm watching what i spend this weekend.
All the best adam xxx
Just realised something great....... Today is exactly three years since i had a drink of alcohol. Really chuffed, it helps for my mental and physical wellbeing.... it would be nice to socialise with drinks sometimes but overall the benefits of not outweigh all the benefits of drinking.
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