Another couple of weeks has gone by...... in a reflective mood tonight so thought id pop on my diary....
Last weekend was amazing....went to hatfield london for an old friends six months of effort in order to lose weight and get healthy culminated in this occasion.... I wore an old suit from six years ago and it fit well..... i looked good, i hadnt lost enough to get to my target weight of 12 stone 8 pounds infact id only lost a third of the amount i was aiming for but i didnt put on any weight and i looked a lot better than when i went to the last friends wedding three years ago. The wedding was held in a grand mannor house called hatfield house where apparently Henry the 8th used to visit.... The venue and food was awesome there were pawnstar martinis at lunch (i didnt prtake of course), other cocktails and nibbles......Then when dinner came rould it was a ham starter then Steak dinner which was all cooked to perfection then a lemon tat for dessert.
The food was top knotch.....The speeches were brilliant people were in tears as they were very emotional...... Then music came on with a band and they played lots of great songs and we danced...... I havent had the oportunity to dance for a few years so that was great..... Then Gareht who i sharred the hotel room with was pretty drunk and making a bit of a fool of himself and was then falling asleep so i decided to get us a taxi to the hotel room at 11pm.....We got back he fell asleep and i watched a film on the tv and had a few cups of tea....Then i got voices as per and listened to music......I couldnt sleep as it was such a big day so i had a couple of coffess early in the morning then we got breakfast and drove back.... I then was wired but tired so sat in the garden for a bit and then went to bed early.......
I wanted to catch up on my sleep and rest on tuesday and wednesday so asked if i could take some holiday.... my manager said no so i worked all this week and by thursday id caught up with my sleep and was feeling better.
Now ive spent quite a bit this month due to the wedding and quite a bit previous month on dvds so im going to not spend anymore this month if i can help it...... Just going to stay in an rest, watch footy, watch dvds and play basketball (as its a free pleasure).
Hi adam,
No doubt you spent a few quid but what's wrong with pampering yourself now & again ?. Let's face it you've earned it given the hard work you've put in this year & the weekends you've worked. What's better spending it on a spliff & gambling or rewarding yourself by interaction with friends & making the most important day in their lives extra special by being there & sharing the joy. Remember if you go on a gambling site & you loose no-one will remember you. In years to come the happy couple will look at photographs, remember you dancing for the first time in years & remember the joy for years to come. For nearly 2 years now for sure you've been heading in the right direction. Don't change course.
Hi Al, thanks for popping by i love it when i get a post.....Yes i have almost forgotten the days of smoking weed ( i havent for 12 years now and i dont look to start again).... Yes im really pleased i went it was such a lovely day and i will look to see the photos and videos (i remember having it out on the dance for and looking up and the videographer was filming me lol i wonder what that looked like hahahaha).
I have notably taken a step back this week from my diet....I would still like to lose weight so ive got to find a new vice to add when i feel like indulging other than crisps and chocolate? Im trying to drink less coffee and caffiene... so thats not a new vice......
Just read back the past two months of my diary...... it really makes good reading. I think like al says im focusing too much on money, after all im earning it and not wasting it when pampering myself.... im not wasting it i get value for what i spend..... After all these years of wasting it i like to spend it wisely and as i dont earn much saving is more difficult.
When i move in my flat it is going to be tight financially so i will have to be careful but untill then im fine.
I will have to start thinking about whats next? what will be my new aims for 2022..... 2021 was health......
Looking back:
2018 was ciggerettes stopping.
2019 was alcohol stopping.
2020 was gambling being able to stop.
2021 was a kick start to health in order to lose weight and get trim.
2022????????? I think becoming independent in my flat and looking after myself again??????
Once i am back looking after myself well again and able to cope with voices on my own in my flat and able to cope with work i will be very happy......
Yes that's going to be my main aim for 2022......
But i wont get carried away yet got to continue one day at a time to get there.... and step up my fitness for 2021 goals.
The video will show a happy young man who's really grown & flourished, free from addiction. A hard working young fella about to take control of his life, looking forward to the future and more than capable of making the right choices. I wish you could see what I see, the guy who despite his own struggles found the time to put his arm around me & tell me I ain't alone when I first came here.
You're The Best
Adam you have and are doing absolutely amazing. You are so kind and genuine. You goal for 2022 is a brilliant one. One that your definitely capable of achieving ?
Keep doing what your doing. And well done on also stopping smoking and alcohol.
Hi Al and Stace, thank you soo much for your kind words xxx
Today i've had my holiday days authorised..... I've got every friday off after the six spurs European games plus two and a half weeks off for christmas...... 20 days in total!!!! can't wait to chill this weekend.... im off for a curry on sunday night and take part in the pub quiz.
Allways looking forward to the next day...... enjoying the present...... and not spending too long looking back...... alltho my past now is becoming more rosy to look at thanks to some hard graft.
Just sorted out my new phone installing all the apps and contacts etc..... was really nice to treat myself to it...... next stop i think ill get a laptop....... ill have a look at them this weekend along with looking at furniture and sofas.... It's all go with this moving thing.... lots to do.
One more day of work tomo then four days off!!!!!! Time since my last holiday has actually flown by (it's been twelve weeks now)..... Really enjoyed last holiday watching the euros....... will really enjoy hopefully watching spurs tomo......
Onwards we go on our journeys trying to make the best of our lives in every way we can...
All the best Adam xxx
Just a test
Cool on my new phone I can write on my diary last phone didn't work
Hi im three quaters of way thru my 4 day holiday and feeling pretty good. Thursday night i watched spurs, then friday went to town for coffee with a friend then watched some films. Then yesturday i went shopping for a sofa and laptop (bit of research)...... found a great laptop, its a lenovo chromebook flex 5i, its only 369 pounds down form 500, its a two in one laptop/tablet (it folds up), its touchscreen as well, it has fingreprint recognition, its got free app called google docs where i can use my finances spreadsheet which is main reaon i need, its got free virus protection. A windows one would have cost me 600 so thought id go for a chromebook laptops are all new to me but its the latest one and seems very cool (cant wait to get it). As theres no tv ariel in the bedrooms in my flat i will use this laptop for watching netflix in bed.....
Ive also decided what sofa id like and dfs sale starts 1st december......
Then after shopping i wne to a friends, on the way i got a mcdonalds (ate way too much i wne tof ra lrge double quater pounder meal with milkshade and extra mcnuggets such a poor decision.....then went to a friends house and chatted for a couple of hours......
Then came back and thought i really wanted that laptop so as i get reloadable cards sent thru the post for money off pc world seven percent i purchased one card to come thru the post then i can order the laptop online...... just really hoping they dont sell out.
Then today woke up had lunch, gonna listen to spurs then going for a curry out, then going to do a pub quiz....
Then tomorrow last holiday day will see what happens.
All the best adam xx Â
Sounds like your having a lovely time adam..
My eldest son and daughter both have there own chromebooks, there fab, my son has had his for 4 years its been dropped multiple times and its still like new..gets used everyday..I highly recommend them. I'm treating myself to one at Christmas as I'm going tonbe starting a online course after Christmas ? ? can't get before as I have one kids birthday end Sept, one kids birthday end nov then Christmas ?
Glad you've seen a sofa you like , I want a new one too, thinking of getting one in Jan sales.
Your doing so amazing adam, really happy for you.
Take care, stace x
Hi stace xxx, yes really good to hear they are good. I'm really looking forward to getting mine.
Just went for a curry and quiz....was good fun....
Trying to think whether I've got any plans now..... Can't think of any.
All the best Adam xx
Had a sleepless night too much coffee and too much on my mind..... my mind is like a yoyo... i dont know why but i started thinking of all the reasons why i shouldnt move into my flat and couldnt sleep.... so i got up and wrote down everything then went to my folks today to talk about it..... Thing is i can change my mind but my folks think if i do i ill regret it a couple of months down the line..... I changed my mind also about working full time and my parents thought that was a bad move too.... One day im eager to work more the next im thinking of the downsides and change my mind. I do however still think i made the right decision by sticking to part time hours 25 hours a week plus any overtime and ive been working thirty hours a week since anyway.....
These are the pros a cons i thought of staying with folks for longer:
They said that im like a yoyo and id prob change my mind soon. I just dont want to change my mind once in the flat with all the furniture bought.
I know deep down its time to move but its such a big thing after living here for 12 years im getting these fighting instincts to stay put.
They say i can just move in gradually, spend some time here and some at the flat.... i know i need to get used to being on my own but its pretty daunting tbh.
So today ive spent the afternoon helping with the garden by trimming the bay tree down, clipped it and sawed off quite a bit to get it down to the right size.
I weighed myself last night in the early hours and i was 13.8 blimey i thought.... But ive eaten mcdonalds and a curry buffet in two days..... So i havent eaten anything today and just weighed myself and im 13.5 so not too bad as i have let myself go a bit since the wedding as ive nothing to aim for.
All the best Adam xx
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