Life's a tightrope. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour; if in doubt say nothing - for now - but open up if need's be. The most important thing to have is your reputation. Always defend it.Â
Sometimes though, you have to choose your battles. In other words, let small things go. Save your 'ammo' for things that really matter. But make a discreet note of everything that affects you. Times, dates, witnesses. Never be bullied, however subtle. (Most bullying is very subtle, but insistent and frequent. Macro-management is a form of bullying.)
Always align yourself with those who like and support you, be wary and always polite to everyone else.Â
A few things I've picked up on my life travels ?
very good strategies o live by there roch cheers. Â
Yesturdays issue at work has worked itself out as it usually does.
Another good day at work, working our way towards the weekend again, boy is this year flying by!!!!
Tomo spurs playing at six pm so fingers crossed for a good result.
Night diary adam
Hi adam you have done really amazing in your journey you should be so ProudÂ
Keep continuing and you will go farÂ
Lou xxÂ
Thanks for popping by lou xxxx
Hello diary, another week has flown by and we will all be waking tomo to start another new week with all that entails.
I have walked 25k this week, five k less than last week but still a good total. Main reason for this was that i didnt walk home frolook to m work at all.... So next week ill aim to walk back once to improve my total.
My weight today is 12.11 same as last week.... again ive not really focused on losing weight this week, ive been making minor improvements on my eating but ive not been dieting as such..... So again with this in mind ill look to make some mild improvements this week with the aim of losing a pound this week.
I have made a mothers day card for my mum last night and bought a beach bag for her that should come in the post tomo. I have also bought my birthday present from my parents today (a wetsuit), now this is for the summer for my holiday time when i plan on going to the beach a fair few times and can work on my swimming and tan.
Mental health wise a great weekend, no voices at all and plenty of sleep so that's great. Got my injection tomo after work, then my second vaccine 8th april.
Vices wise not really even entered my mind..... i'm very thankful for this.... as and when the thoughts enter my mind i will strive to put them to one side and carry on with my healthy lifestyle.
As you can tell there' nothing major to report and as we know a boring stress free life is not very exciting to read but it is far better to live than the alternative.
All the best people
There's nothing boring about you & there's a lot to be said for a stress free life. Your candid openness is an example to us all.
Best Wishes
Hi al, thanks mate, every time I've seen you've posted it brightens up my day. Â Walked 5.8k today great start to the week.
hello diary, weekly update, a bit earlier than usual, in a reflective mood today it seems, with my 40th birthday coming up in may i've been thinking about whether ill have a mid life crises, whether i will be happy to turn 40 or whether ill be down in the dumps. I guess when i think about turning forty i think i shouldnt think about the number and being half way thru my life and all i will achieve......I should think about how healthy i am now i don't drink or smoke......If i did then my life expectancy and health would be far less so in a way i should be optimistic about my future?Â
In a way in recent years my success has not been about what i have done its been about what i've managed not to do. But in the future id like to achieve more, i dont know what yet but more......
As you approach your 40th Adam it is perfectly naturally to take stock at what many feel is a "half way marker".
(And as someone 'the wrong side of 40' I gaze somewhat nervously as that marker recedes into the distance 😀 !)
But not too nervously, because I'm still here and am grateful for that.
And you should be proud of what are achieving Adam. You are doing great. Life is a rollercoaster but it's about how we handle the journey. Let's not aim for the impossible, but, at the time time, let's shoot for the stars!
Have a great weekend Adam.
Hi Adam,
Not trying to tell you what to do, but just a suggestion. Have you ever considered a counselling role ?. Someone who's slipped, fallen call it what you like, but bright enough to eventually recognize trigger points. Someone who's honest enough to tell the truth about how many GF days you've achieved, share with others the pain of relapse yet share the joy of reaching milestones.
I ain't suggesting for a minute you resign on Monday, but look into furthering what you've done for so many blighted by addiction and reaching out to so many others. The reason I think that you'd do well is HONESTY, many on here have shared the ups & downs of your journey and learned from your valuable experience. Never kidding anyone about how many GF days you've achieved & coming clean about every obstacle along the way.
Like I say just a suggestion but I know there are moderators on here who are addicts like the rest of us. ( and play a vital role in our recoveries ) It's enriching to know we're not talking to a robot. I honestly believe previous slips, disappointments, setting new goals are just a few of the things that epitomize your character & bravery. You're a wonderful example of what can be achieved through HONESTY & abstention. Maybe it's not what you want & that's fine, but I think you'd be really good at it.
Best Wishes
Hi Roch and Al, As allways really loving seeing our posts today really brightened me up.
Roch thankyou i feel i will look at 40 as more of a positive..... and look to my future.
Al you always give me strength with your words. Two jobs that i've always thought id like to do and thought id be good at is first an estate agent (ive got an interest in properties and am good with people and selling) and second a counselor (I like talking to people and making them feel better when they're down and offering advice) i feel that a lot of the time listening to someone is as important as talking to someone. Just being there for someone can make them feel better and really give you a lift too.
I have like you say Al always been honest on here about everything. Thru the first three years this was incredibly difficult, i kept stumbling with my gambling and week in week out was like groundhog day. But i kept being honest and kept getting good advice tough to take sometimes but it was the truth. In a way this period on here makes the period i'm in now so much more richer.
Im sure that counsellors on here need training to do the job, I feel i could do the mod job on chat well, giving advice and putting a stop to arguments. If i could do this from home i feel i could do that? I'm sure theres plenty of training you have to go thru but i may look into this?
Thanks Al its definitely food for thought......
So i'm going back to basics as of today with my diet!!!!, I'm still 12 stone 11 so not gone up in weight but i've hit a mjor stumbling block with my weight loss target. I know i can do it and i know the reason and that's my diet. So i'm going to try and knock the snacks on the head again for a week and see what results i get......Its super tough as food is my vice to be honest.....Â
Lets see how i get on ill give a daily update this week to keep up to date with progress.
Really struggling not to eat something before dinner at six pm, really really hungry lol..... i will get there its day one.....rome wasnt built in a day.
Added up my walking for this week and done 27.5k this week so up from week before which is great.
Well ive done it, ive managed the first day without any snacks....... as i longingly looked up at the crisp packets ten mins ago lol, or when i opened up a box of chocolats erlier then remembered.... it's super tough but i will get through till next weekend with no snacks even if it kills me lol....
Onwards and Upwards my main goal for this year is to get trim and be the healthiest ive been in fifteen years..... I'm not going to get healthier than i was when i was a kid thats impossible but i can be healthier than i am now so thats my aim......
If im honest if i put the scales in the position where they weigh the same as at the gym (which should be correct), then im 12 stone 13/bang on 13 stone...... So ive still gone down 6 pounds from where i started but the last month hasnt worked as ive gone back to bad habbits.....
The nhs website says to try to lose 2 pounds a week (i think it was) so this week ill aim to weigh myself sunday morning when i wake up and will aim to be atleast back to 12 stone 11 pounds in the right spot on the floor.
Lets do this, its good to have a new aim to strive towards.
Adam xx
Hi Again Adam,
You work, I'm retired and most of my life I was 10st 7lbs. My wife used to tell me she envied me being able to enjoy fresh cream, chocolate and junk food without putting weight on. Those days are gone as I'm now 11st 10 lbs and like you have to watch my weight. Another reason you give me inspiration. Like you I try & walk every day ( not nearly as far as you aged 65 ) but mainly at times I really fancy a cuppa & a chocolate biscuit or 3 lol.I learned an important lesson from you a long time ago & that is if you want something bad enough you can have. it. Well done for every one of your achievements & thank you for inspiring me, keep going.
Best Wishes
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