28/03/21 - 251 Days GF - No Debt

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Hello Roch. Pleased to report the Moorhen chicks are doing well. Them and their parents love the mealworm. I soak it for an hour so its nice and tender.

Tried to reason with 4 children who were tormenting the goose sat on her nest. Two boys seemed to agree but the girls were more defiant and showing off to the boys. One of them claiming a goose chased her once so it was to ok to tease them ?. Hopefully, they will behave with more consideration in the future but not holding out much hope.

It was heaving in the city centre when I came home. Friday night revellers out for a bit of fun. 

Getting my 2nd covid vaccine tomorrow. 


Aum ?

Posted : 16th April 2021 8:08 pm
Posts: 237

Just checking in and love to see how you continue to do so well in recovery xx 

Posted : 17th April 2021 1:33 pm
Posts: 401

Hi Stephen and I enjoyed your last report, particularly the progress of the Moorhens who are doubtless very happy with the supplementary mealworms!

As regards the children teasing the geese, well, they’d better be careful. A riled goose, wings a-flapping can inflict damage if they’re not careful. Nature has a way...

I hope you’re enjoying the weekend and the pleasant weather alongside.

I’m off to the beach with my son today and getting him a haircut too. All good moments to treasure. As are your tales pond-side; I’m enjoying them immensely.

Take care Stephen; over and out for now!

Posted : 18th April 2021 11:34 am
Posts: 2937

Hi Stephen you succeeded getting thru both lockdowns and the opening of bookies again.......  Lets continue on this great journey mate and toast to our 2021 success on new years on chat!!!!!


All the best adamxxxx  youre doing great my friend

Posted : 18th April 2021 8:44 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you for posting Roch. Hope you and your lad enjoyed the beach and were pleased with your haircuts. Were you visiting the Barbery Coast? ???

Thank you Adam for your kind words on my diary. I am incredibly proud of all that you have achieved. Absolutely first class. 

The Moorhen chicks are down to 2 in the city centre pond. The parents have them hidden in the reed bed as far from the edge as they can get. I never saw gulls pester them so think something land-based is responsible for their decline and also for the duck chicks disappearance. It is very sad. The gardeners said they have advised council to move reed beds to middle of the ponds.

I will be celebrating tomorrow when you join the century club and the day after will see me 9 months gamble free. Today our Debsy is 10 weeks into her recovery so all in all, it has been a good few days of successes.


Aum ?

This post was modified 4 years ago by Aum
Posted : 18th April 2021 8:47 pm
Posts: 401

Hi Stephen and excellent pun there - Barbary Coast - like it !!!

It's good to hear that the Moorhen chicks are hanging on in there; hopefully they will thrive as their instincts bed them in during this difficult time.  It makes you think that moorhens, ducks and geese that do survive through to adulthood must be pretty hardy ... it's certainly a rite of passage they have to go through!

I agree with you; it's mathematically pleasing to see so many milestones converge round about now. 

We have Adam with his amazingly, awesome 500 days.

You, Stephen with a solid spectacular 9 months.

Debsy with a delightfully determined 70 days.

And me, RochG with a robust resiliant 100 days. 

There are so many more of us out there all across Gamcare.  It's a powerful, positive force.

Wishing you a relaxing, fulfilling week ahead, Stephen 🙂



Posted : 19th April 2021 8:27 am
Posts: 401

Good morning Stephen as you hit 274 days gambling free, free from the angst, guilt and c**P of it all, instead able to live a life free of all that.  It is exactly 9 months today.  Congratulations, my friend.

Posted : 20th April 2021 7:42 am
Posts: 1013

Hey hey hey 9 months today. Brilliant , keep it going never give in again ?

Posted : 20th April 2021 9:35 am
Posts: 3947
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Many thanks Roch & Charlieboy. Your kindness and support is very much appreciated.

Wonderful surprise yesterday to find Mr & Mrs Moorhen in the city centre pond still have 3 chicks and they are looking good. Only saw 2 the day before so was really pleased.

Today sees me 9 months without any form of gambling and I am extremely pleased with my progress.

It is several years since I had a working television so have treated myself to a new one and purchased a TV license.


Aum ?


Posted : 20th April 2021 11:35 am
Posts: 401


Hi Stephen and great to see the Moorhens' new arrival proving hope really does spring eternal!

As I hope it's looking as good the other side of the 9 month hill as it does looking back.  Ahead of you are warmer climes and ... a new telly!  I don't know about you, but when I watch TV (not often as the missus usually hogs the remote) I like to veg out on old comedies and dramas ... I like my nostalgia.

Here's to a great latter part of the week and month!  Does February March? No, but April May! 🙂



Posted : 21st April 2021 5:14 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you Roch. Your support is very much appreciated. 


Hello Diary. 

It was manic in the city centre pond yesterday when two mum ducks entered the water with 10 ducklings between them. The Moorhens just got on with the business of rearing their 3 delightful chicks but a goose seemed aggrieved and violently assaulted one of the mum ducks who than had to keep a gull away from the ducklings and escape the unwanted attentions of a male duck. The poor little ducklings seem inquisitive and fearless but suspect they were confused and upset by all the commotion and the attack on their mum. 


The new television has settled in my flat. It is several years since my previous one stopped working so it is a bit of a novelty.

Used to occasionally watch telly when visiting friends or family but have not entered another household for 14 months and was  shocked yesterday by the number of gambling adverts appearing on the screen. 


Beautiful sunny day so will shortly be heading off to visit the birds and enjoy a walk to the riverside. 


Aum ?

Posted : 22nd April 2021 9:19 am
Posts: 401

Hi Stephen, 

It's all happening at the city centre pond and I hope our Moorhens get through this local difficulty - I'm rooting for them along with you!

And glad you're enjoying the telly.  The gambling adverts trundling through in their tedious monotony? Just think of them as wasted money as you're not interested. That should give you a wry smile.

I hope you had a lively afternoon. The weather's continuing to get better and day by day, things continue to come together. 

Wishing you well - very well - as always, Stephen 🙂



This post was modified 4 years ago by RochG
Posted : 22nd April 2021 8:12 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thank you for posting Roch.

The goose now has two babies to look after. They look wonderful paddling around with their proud parents.

Two remaining Moorhen chicks seem to be well but are getting less attention from mum because she is sat on some eggs. Her partner is very busy getting food for them all.

Ten new born ducklings seem to be doing fine and have relocated to a pond 200 metres away which must have been quite a walk for them. Feeling optimistic because mum and her partner seem happy enough and another female is helping look after the chicks.


Aum ?

This post was modified 4 years ago by Aum
Posted : 24th April 2021 9:41 am
Posts: 401

It's good to see that the goose is looking after its brood, and that the Moorhen pair of babies are finding their (webbed) feet.  And the little ten ducklings (gives me very faint recollections of a song in my youth...!) are doing well too.

I visited a local duckpond resident in a large park, mercifully away from cars and houses. A really nice place.  Everything seemed fine and well there.  I didn't pick up any unruly behaviour from our feathered friends or not-so-feathered ones, which was good.

It's calming watching the water, especially when the water glistens on the surface, isn't it.

Wishing you, Stephen the calmness and fulfilment I'm describing here for the week ahead, as we bid farewell to April and welcome in May. Spring has sprung and then some.  Good months these!


Posted : 25th April 2021 2:46 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Roch.

Moorhen chicks and two groups of ducklings are looking good. I took a friend along when visiting them today and she was mesmerised by it all. No sign of the goose chicks though so hoping they are ok.

Totally agree with you that watching the water can be calming.


Relections on recovery

By river pond and stream

Where nature's dramas entertain 

As people watch and dream


Breezes little ripples

On waters glistening

Sun & Moon beams tell a tale

If one is listening ?


Aum ?

This post was modified 4 years ago by Aum
Posted : 25th April 2021 8:03 pm
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