Dan's Diary

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Hi Dan :)) . Look I'm the last person that should be giving any sort of marital advice with one failed marriage behind me but you know your gonna have some of the brown stuff flung your way right ? and she's kinda got every right I suppose , I had a few shall we say " Whitty remark's " aimed at me initially but I really expected and deserved a lot worse if I'm honest from my partner but we survived :)) .

Maybe and I'm not blaming this entirely before all the ladies have a pop and lynch me but if memory serves youv'e just had a recent arrival ? So it could also be down to the extra workload not to mention a bucketload of those " Hormoney " thing's ? ( just sayin ) :)) . If the foundations are good mate then anything can be rebuilt as that's the important bit :))

I'm also an addicted Gambler who's pleased to walk alongside you in your recovery :))

Stay positive my friend , things have away of working out :))

Posted : 25th September 2017 2:20 pm
Matt 24
Posts: 752

Hi Dan

Proud to read your progress mate, starting to inspire others with your journey. Well done.


Posted : 27th September 2017 3:29 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
Topic starter

DAY 199!!!

I knew it had been a while, very very busy trying to deal with finances, some minor progress with therapy etc made as well but I've also made a lot of affordability complaints, if you are reading this and have had any back to back payday loans, get yourself over to a website called debt camel today! it's long winded but I've now had over £3k refunded - which is one more debt cleared. I think the time is nearing when these companies will be folding or time will elapse on your being able to complain.

Don't bother making the compalint if you are still gambling though, any refund will just go to the bookmakers.

For me, as I close on day 200, inspired by the likes of Alan135 and Matt24 and whipped into shape by the f&f members I am delighted by the debt shrinking

I remain a compulsive gambler but today and tomorrow I be choosing to not gamble

Posted : 22nd October 2017 10:57 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Good for you, I think those loan companies are immoral.

Posted : 22nd October 2017 7:10 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
Topic starter

thanks MGR - another fantastic poster!

Well day 200, another shocker, demoralising day at work and a tough one with family, however one full of celebration and positives as it's another day that I chose not to gamble, tomorrow I will do the same

Posted : 23rd October 2017 7:01 pm
Posts: 479

Well done CG, getting to 200 days is not easy. Be sure to reward yourself for your achievement.

Posted : 23rd October 2017 7:52 pm
Posts: 3947

Congratulations Compulsive Gambler on 200 Days Gamble Free. A big achievement ...stephen

Posted : 23rd October 2017 9:22 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
Topic starter

many thanks for the kind posts.

212 days GF and the debt continues to reduce.

Marriage remains on the line but I have more hope than I did 6 months ago.

If you are just starting your own fight and are reading this, please give it 100%, face into the consequences of your actions, whatever those might be.

I am a compulsive gambler but today I will choose to not gamble

Posted : 4th November 2017 11:52 am
Posts: 0

I saw your post on a f&f thread. Your honesty and self awareness will serve you well fighting this addiction.

Best Wishes


Posted : 4th November 2017 9:09 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
Topic starter

Many thanks Cathy - much appreciated (and I hope so!)

Posted : 5th November 2017 10:17 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
Topic starter

just a quick check in, the first for a while. finally managed to start my counselling, one session last week

100% abstinance still so happy to have reached the 300 mark

Debt reduced massively, helped by debt camel and a couple of refunds but mostly helped by the fact I'm finally winning - I'm choosing not to gamble

best wishes to all

Posted : 6th February 2018 10:35 pm
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Hi Dan good to see you still 'winning' . Yesterday I was thinking where are a few who have stopped posting 'ice cream on the beach'! ? Stay strong, just for today.

Posted : 7th February 2018 7:47 am
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
Topic starter

Many thanks MGR - yes getting closer to that day

I have two debts still remaining, third party and family. Sadly the family debt is considerable and so will be repaid over many years, I'm really focusing on the third party debt though and that should be gone by October of this year, if not sooner. That will be a good day!

best wishes all

Posted : 11th February 2018 12:06 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686
Topic starter

day 314

Had to pay for SD postage to return some forms to my counsellor today. 315 days ago, I wouldn't have been able to do that without feeling stressed.

Not saying I enyoyed paying £7.50 to send an envelope but still, the freedom of being able to do so without thinking of trying to win that back or thinking about missing a meal to pay for it is just a world away

choose life, choose not to gamble

Posted : 14th February 2018 9:49 pm
Posts: 574

Good to hear from you and great that you are still doing so well with recovery!

I think we use small bills like that as an excuse to gamble when we are in the addiction tbh. To just "cover" the little bills and make things "easier". We know where that one ends.

Its good that you are still checking in here even as you close in on a year GF.

All the best =)

Posted : 14th February 2018 10:21 pm
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