I want to thank the lovely people who gave me such great advice today chat lunchtime, not only did they help me they listened to me and I felt like I was not alone in this. I suffer from anxiety and depression and felt so low after my latest relapse which was today. Also, I want to be here for anyone going through any addiction or depression, or just be here as a friend i will always try my best to help.
Thank you again
What a nice message! Welcome to the forum.
Best wishes
Thank you so much
Hi, Stace Yes, it was me thank you, you really helped I was in despair ? I installed GameStop on my partner's account it is on already, he said he feels let down as we have been here so many times, but to use his account is low, and he is at the end of his tether.
I really hate feeling this way if it's not gambling it is other issues, gambling was my escape to stop thinking of stuff, I have had this dark feeling for so long I just can't see a light at the end, I feel like a rubbish mum I really try and be happy for them but this awful feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach is always there it never goes ?
I hope you are doing ok I will try and be in chat tonight, thank you again so much x
Hope your ok. Please do come back to chat when your ready. You confused me with the name change ?
Stay strong ♥️
I agree ?
Aw bless you, thank you xx
We all gambled at some point, which means none of us saw through the gambling sites or venues traps. Which is the same thing.Adverts are designed to work like that to draw people in. Sadly when you have an addiction as well they draw you more in. Nobody is perfect..we all have flaws.
What have i missed got emails but can't see anything has it been removed
Gambling adverts should be taken off like alcohol and cigarettes have been, why were they taken off the same thing, but a cruel comment like that is not an opinion it is a dig so like thumper said if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. It came across as very rude.
Thank you Lou x
Hi, Stace how are you hope your well, sorry I did not know that about chatrooms thank you for letting me know
Take care, Sha x
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