96 days today. An action planned weekend ahead which i have just started by cooking a full scottish breakfast including haggis tattie scone and square sausage. Let that settle then off to the swimming with ny youngest then when wife finishes work we will head into town for some shopping then a bite to eat. Tomorrow theres a family dinner planned and then at night going out with some friends to get rather drunk and no mention or thought of the G word.
Well done on reaching 96 days, great achievment good to see you have a busy weekend planned always helps to keep the mind of gambling.Had a good old ulster fry this morning myself but would have loved some square sausage with it lol.Keep up the good work.
98 days and marching on to the big 100. Had a great weekend with maybe a bit too much alcohol last night which i am paying for today. Have had a pretty chilled out day and heading out for a game of badminton soon. With the arrival of this goid weather it will be a lovely salad for dinner even though the body is crying out for a deep fried treat from the chip shop. No gambling thoughts at all over weekend even though was out with some gamblers last night who were talking about Grand National and football bets. This doesnt even bother me now and i actually feel sorry for them throwing their hard earned money away while trying to disguise it as fun. Now i know what real fun is and it costs not a penny of your hard earned wages. Real fun is being with the people you love and just sitting enjoying your own and their company.
Just seen the red ballons go by.
Well done Gregg 99 red balloons you join the century club tomorrow, fantastic achievement and a great milestone to reach.
Have a good day gambling free ofcourse.
Suzanne xxx
Well 100 days today. This was my first major target i had set when i stopped gambling and had something in mind to what i wanted to buy as a reward. However i have changed so much in these 100 days the reward i have actually decided to gift myself has cost nothing. That reward is the key to a whole new life. Being gamble free has giving me so much over the past few months and is something that will keep giving. I have become a better husband,father,freind,son and person. I now feel healthier, wealthier, happier, wiser, contented and for the first time in years i actually like myself as a person. No need to lie about where i have been for the last few hours or worrying about how i would replace the money i had lost. The big difference for me this time is the way i look at gambling now. Before when i tried to stop i was always wishing i could go back gambling and looked on it as something i enjoyed and was missing. This time with some help i have realised that enjoying gamblingvis an illusion that is created to keep us gambling. I now understand that gambling is something i never enjoyed doing and would only do it to feed my addiction. So if i never enjoyed doing it then i will not miss it now and that is my way of thinking. When ever i get a thought of gambling now i treat it not as i wish i could place one bet but treat it as i am so lucky i do not want to gamble any more. So will spend today with the people i love and have a few coronas later to celebrate and heres to the next 100.
A big massive welcome to 100 days and joining the century club,
Fantastic positive post Gregg, you have turned your life around and as you say, here is to the next 100, because you know you can achieve this by making all the right choices.
Very well done indeed.
Suzanne xxx
Well done on reaching 100 days gamble free a fantastic achievement, really enjoyed reading your post and i hope one day i will be in your position.Keep up the good work and heres to the next 100. Hope you give yourself a reward cause you deserve it.
Well done Greggs. Great post. Isnt it strange that all the things we sought within gambling were there right under our noses all along. To your continued success
Hi Greggsboy well done fella on two counts..first on reaching treble figures and secondly on your 'summing up' on what a 100 days of gambling abstanaince has made to your life, it's an inspirational read especially to anyone just starting on the recovery road...stay in that winners enclosure mate and enjoy those well earned beers tonight...onwards and upwards...Ginger.
I completely echo Ginge's sentiments!
Welcome to Club 100 mate 🙂
Keep winning - ODAAT
Appreciate the compliment i have had 2 in 1 day lol i must start being harder on people! Enjoy your Corona although that seems a bit southern for a scot , you deserve it
Well enjoyed my day yesterday. We decided on a family picnic at the very beutiful Balloch Castle Park on the banks of Loch Lomond. Plenty of exercise to burn off the good food. A good day had by all and then returned home early evening to sit out our back with a couple of Coronas. Sun is still shining today so going to get the lawn mower out and sort the back garden out. No doubt will be thirsty work so a couple of Corona may be required lol.
day 103. These 3 days since hitting 100 have been the hardest i have faced. I still have no intention of gambling and still really hate it but these last three nights my dreams have all been about gambling and keep waking up and having to check they are only dreams. This has really knocked me for 6 as i thought i was over all that but i guess these dreams never go away. But i will still not gamble today as this would make things a whole lot worse. Proud to say im 103 days gambling free and that beats any bet.
Hi Gregg,
And I am proud to be telling you 104 days today, dodgy times when we hit our milestones, and the addiction knows that, but our recovery now is so much stronger than the whim urge from that addiction.
Well done Gregg onwards and upwards
Suzanne xxx
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