Hi Greggsboy,
I have to agree with Suzanne about the milestones... For a couple of days after I find it the toughest. Well done on 100+ days. That is fantastic. The milestones keep you going but there is a dip after each one. Set the new one at maybe 125 so it is not too daunting. Stay strong. It's a tough old road but you have a great foundation now. Take care, Suzy
104 days completed and feeling revitalised after a hard couple of days.Was back to work which always brings back a bit of normality. Have done a lot of thinking today and a bit of soul searching and have decided not to set any more targets as have really not liked the dip i felt after reaching the big 100. So for me there is no more targets just a promise to myself that i will never gamble again in my life and will live my life as a non gambler. That will mean not posting as much on here and try to live a normal life as possible. Will continue to check in weekly on the 2015 challenge and will update my diary at the same time.i think this is what i need to do to complete the next step of my recovery. I would just like to thank everyone on this forum for all the great help and support they have givdn me. Hopefully i can come back in a few months and offer support to new people on the forum. Keep up the good fight everyone.
Hi Gregg thanks for your post yesterday,
We all do our journeys differently, you do what is best for you, I love the bit where you say you promise yourself you will not gamble again, just keep believing in yourself and this will be achieved. one day at a time.
Be very proud and look after you.
Suzanne xxx
Hi Gregg,
Massive well done on getting past 100 days. It was a really nice read how you compare your old life to your new gamble free life. Someone who has never gambled could never see why we did what we did, but when you take a step back from gambling you seem to have the same take on it as them. Enjoy your new found freedom, lifes for living!
Take care
Thanks for the comments guys. Have had a really good week. All thoughts of gambling banished again and addiction has takenanother beating. Continue to beat this wee guy every week and he seems to be getting weaker and weaker but stills try to pop his ugly head up now and again. Was out with some close mates and family on Saturday to watch the football and celebrate my dads birthday. Its crazy how i used to think that gambling was what made these days enjoyable when all along it was the company and the occasion that made it enjoyable. I used to be the one running from pub to bookies shouting and generally feeling like the dogs b****x when all along i was the prize prat. Now i can go out and enjoy an occasion for what it is and socialise with friends and family without trying to impress anyone. I have no issue being in the company of people who gamble because i know i am the lucky one and i do not envy them at all. Looking forward to another good week the good weather looks as though its going to keep up. Enjoy everyone.
17 weeks today. Feeling good with no gambling urges at all. A very normal week with no major ups or downs.
Thanks Gregg for your lovely words.
17 weeks now and feeling good, well done you.
Suzanne xxx
Hi Gregg,
well done on 121 gamble free days. Glad to see you're still going strong. Like last weeks post, it's so true how brainwashed you are when gambling. Watching football without a bet used to be dead boring, no excitement at all. It's nice being able to appreciate things for what they are now!
Keep going mate
An unexpected visit to my diary and the forum this morning but i am feeling so good i just had to jot a few words down. Life is so good at the moment. Was out last night with the missus and a couple we have just met and had a great night. I cannot beleive how much i have changed. Before when going out i would never be relaxed or always thinking of gambling or money so could never really start enjoying a night out until i had enough drink to numb the senses. Last night i had a ball right from the start. We went for a meal first and then downstairs to the comedy club and then a few drinks all next door to a casino and not once did gambling enter my head. This is definetely the life for me and looking forward to continuing to enjoy it. Going to try and get back to sleep now and get rid of this pounding sore head. Enjoy the weekend everyone
Lovely inspiring post Gregg,
Recovery is an amazing journey which does gift us every day,
Enjoy your weekend too.
Suzanne xxx
Thanks for the post on my diary mate ,wise words that mean alot. Glad to see your life is so much better now and you are doing so well in your recovery. Hope you keep posting on here cause your diary has helped me and others im sure.
Long day today and was really bored and restless and For the first time in ages i thought about gambling. Thankfully i did not act on it but just goes to show that doesnt matter how long u r into this recovery these thoughts never leave you and we can never be complacent.
Well managed to get over quite a difficult weekend. Think i am at the stage now were my addiction is trying to tell me that i could have a bet and it would not make a difference as i am now in control. I may have fallen for that one last year but not now. I have told Mr addiction to go and take a f**k to himself and i am more determined than ever to beat this for good. Feel really pleased today as i could have succumbed over the weekend but i did not. onwards and upwards
Yes Gregg, pleased you recognised that lol, we will never ever be in control onceMr addiction has that first tiny feed, and as the weeks, months build u, the techniques it try's never fail to amaze me lol.
Just remember that one little tiny weeny bet, could have you zapped in again,
Stay strong, always one step ahead and always put recovery first.
Suzanne xxx
Well done Gregg on resisting the urges, they hit you when you least expect it and convince you it will be alright if you have a little bet. People like us cannot do that full stop! I can't even buy a scratch card because even that got my back gambling again once.
Keep up the fight,
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