Hi Greg
Well done on 25 days gamble free. Feels good to get away from tha hectic, stressful lifestyle doesn't it! Keep busy and keep winning,
Congratulations on your quarter century gregg.
Keep focusing on the positives of not gambling.
Cheers guys for all the messages of support. Payday today and also 25 days gambling free. Going out tomorrow for a family dinner to celebrate. This got me thinking on how my brain used to operate. It would tell me that i was going to need extra cash to treat everyone and off i would trot to bookies to try and win that extra cash. NOT NOW OH NO tomorrow night i am going out for a slap up dinner no expenses spared and enjoy paying for it with my hard earned cash. Heres to another day free from gambling
I can totally relate to that gregg. A big win and we're off out doing something nice. In the meantime, I lose tthe winnings plus more and I can't afford it.
Now like you I enjoy treating my family with my hard earned wages.
Hi Gregg,
I remember at the beginning of my gamble life I would have a nice win, tell my OH and sons, and say I would be treating us all, what a joke, I had spent it and lost even more money, before it even left the gambling site, and then I had to borrow and chase to try and get it back, which as we know ends in disaster.
Well done on 26 days and have a lovely meal with your family,being paid for by you and not the addiction.
Suzanne xx
Woke up today and feeling really good. Spent most of this morning watching SOA now going to go get ready and spend the afternoon shopping with the family in town. Normally would have made up any excuse to get out of this so i could go gambling but not now. Enjoy your weekend everyone. 1/4 of century down now focussing on the half century.
Well another weekend just about over and what a great weekend it was. No gambling, payday and spending quality time with the family. Off to make my haggis neeps and tatties. Enjoy your Sunday everyone
Well 4 weeks today and it has not been too bad. Spent today deep in thought about why we gamble and what makes us addicted. Is it hereditary? I was brought up in a family full of gamblers. My grandad gambled my mum and dad both gamble and it was the norm from a young age to play cards for money in the house. Even then i can remember wanting to play on until i had no money left or win my own money back. Why then do only some of us become addicted when others can walk away at any point? Also most gamblers i know are smarter than the average person so we are not stupid is that the reaon we try and beat the house all the time. Looking back near theend of my gambling money was immaterial to me and it was always about chasing losses and trying to come out on top. If i ever win money i could not spend it as i had no means of explaining whete it came from. Sorry for going on a bit but i think looking into these things has helped me this time round and in the cold light of day i wonder why iever gambled in the first place. I am now understanding myself more which is a great tool to have in this fight. Usingvthis along with keeping my life music up and breaking the triangle whenever i can i am really optimistic about the coming year even though it is still early days.
Hi Gregg,
Well done on 4 weeks, recovery gifts us lots of things and starting to understand ourselves more is a great tool, you are doing great,
Stay strong and keep going.
Suzanne xx
Getting there slowly but surely. Day 29 and not much happening. Day off work today so have had a pretty lazy day and now going to pick the wee one up from school and then make dinner. No gambling urges which is all i can ask for at this stage.
Hi Gregg,
Well done mate, you are doing fantastically well.
Keep going, and roll on day 30......
All the best
Another nice round figure reached today. The big 30, 3 blocks of 10. Really like these numbers that end in a 0 just seems to sound a lot better. Was looking back on my diary i wrote last year when i was gamble free for 200 days and the first thirty days last year seemed so much more difficult than this year. I feel i am in a much better place this year for this challenge and appreciating all the help and feedback i receive on this site.
Hi Gregg,
Thanks for your post on my diary mate.
Well done on those 30 days my friend!
Keep it going, i'm cheering you every step of the way.
Stay strong
All the best
Busy day at work today and now safely back in house. Thursday has always been a bad day for me as i normally have 2 hours after i finish work before wife finishes work and kids come back. In the past it would have been straight to bookies armed with a couple of hunded quid to feed into the roulette machine. Not in January and hopefully never again. I am going to watch some SOA and then get dinner prepared for everyone coming home. Happy Days
Driving home from work today and just noticed the big yellow signs plastered over the bookies windows. Do they seriously think this will stop people gambling their wages away. They would be as well not doing anything at all rather than this half hearted effort. I for one will not be darkening their door again to give them my hard earned cash. Rant over going to have a few beers and a home made special curry with fried rice tonight to celebrate being gamble free. Have a good weekend everyone
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