Thanks again for posting mate.
Yeah, it sure is an interestingly honest tale. Lots of it hits home with me. The neglecting family and friends and the lies. The remorse is there in his story. The addiction ruined his life for years.
Might start carrying a small bottle round with me too........
Enjoy the bet-free footy....
Finished that book, very good honest account of just how low and sad you can get when gripped by this addiction.
I relate to gamblers like him, who are "in the bookies gamblers" very much.
Nice to read that he is 6 years into his recovery and putting something back into GA.
Keep strong
P.s: I have also learnt a new word this week...............outwith..........!!!
Day 51 today and in a really good place. Read a few diaries just now and realise how lucky i am to have found this forum and the marvellous people on it. There is something to learn from every diary which we can use for our own good.51 is a number with not a lot of relevance and the only thing i keep going back to is treble 17 when i used to play darts as a kid. Well another day just about done and still fighting the good fight
Not a lot happening today. Another day gambling free is what makes me happy. No significance of the no 52 to myself but 52 years ago JFK was assasinated.
Another working week complete. Thats me off till Monday and have a busy weekend planned. This will involve no gambling even though i will be on my own for a couple of hours tomorrow with cash in my pocket. But with the way i feel just now there will be nothing to worry about. 53 days and again a number i have not come across previously in my life.
Hi Gregg,
Glad to see you are still marching on.
"It's always good to look back, but never stare"
Sound familiar?!!
Keep strong and have a good weekend.
It was a quote from Kevin Twaddles book. He heard someone say it at GA.
I have to say it kind of makes sense to me. And reminds me to focus on my future rather than dwell on silly mistakes that I have made in the past.....
As for 2048, my high score is that shows I really need to get out more!!!!
Thanks for your post mate.
Daughter stopped being sick. Hopefully it was just a 24 hour bug....
That quote is on Page 189 of 232.....on my kindle.
Correction.........66560!! Sad, but true! Beats gambling anyhoo!! ;0)
Thanks for the post mate.
Regarding the noise on that 2048 game........can't you turn down the volume??!! :0o
My little one is now eating again at last and keeping it all down thank God. Hate it when they're sick all day like that.
Looking forward to enjoying some great sport today, without gambling clouding my head.
Have invited my Father-in-law round tonight to watch the boxing on Sky as he loves boxing. Will crack open a few beers and enjoy a night with him. He's one of my golf balls!
Keep strong mate
P.s: loving the Gazelles by the way!!.....classics
Hi Gregg
WELL DONE on your half century and continuing past that. I love the post above that just simply reads BULLSEYE! Get in, it's a better feeling that hitting a bullseye and long may that feeling continue.
Thanks again for your ongoing support, with everyone's help and support we can do this. We've got over the hardest part, now it's time to rebuild finances and start bloody living life!
Did you treat yourself to anything nice on hitting your half century? I went a bit overboard and i'm dreading looking at my credit card bill. But at least it didn't go in to the evils of the gambling trade.
Take care mate, keep up the good work
Great number Gregg 53 days of winning,
Keep going and stay strong.
Suzanne xxx
Busy day today. Was at a funeral this morning then had to drive through to Edinburgh. Back home in time to watch city game with a few corona. 54 down and the number 54 has a very special relevance to myself.that is how many top flight titles that Rangers have won and is a world record. Hopefully we will be back challenging soon.
keep progressing greggsboy
recovery can be very good indeed
challenging but good
well done tri
What a pair of losers us cockneys are...I too dropped in to big up your trainers - #classicsindeed
Great going on 55...Looking forward to what magic this number holds when I check back in later today!
Be safe, be strong - ODAAT
Hi Gregg,
The 80's fashions eh mate!
Many moons ago as a young 14 year-old lad back in 1984 I worked at Petticoat Lane market on a stall that sold all the casuals gear of the time.....Pringles, Lyle & Scott, Gabbicci, Farahs, Lois jeans and chords, Nike Wimbledon, etc ........not to mention your classic gazelles!! Happy days indeed!! Brings back lots of good memories mate....
keep strong and well done on 55 days.
I'll raise a corona to you when I'm in the pub at lunchtime in Richmond!! Hic!
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