A New Start, Same Journey

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Hi Dave,

Thanks for posting on my diary and good to see those days turn into weeks for you, let's get a good number of days under our belt again. The new thread you have set up is an excellent idea and just what a lot of people need.

Have a good time in London it hurts me even 6 months down the line to spend money and every purchase brings up a guilt trip - I think - I can't afford it because of all my past gambling.

What's done is done can't do anything about it now. Each day we don't gamble we save ourselves a shed load of money and that soon mounts up too.


Posted : 22nd October 2013 6:14 pm
Posts: 1172
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Thanks for the post guys and gals. Day 16 for me and im relly looking forward to the start of the new thread, im enjoying my week off, next week I plan to start excersing again and making sure i keep this non gmbling lark going ive had enough of all this stress and financial panic. I just wanna fast forward to the day when lifes a little easier, one day at a time i'll get there.

Posted : 26th October 2013 3:02 pm
Posts: 1172
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Day 17. I will not gamble today!!!!!!

Posted : 27th October 2013 8:19 am
Posts: 7071

Way to go!!! That's all that counts

No gamble for today!!:-)

Upwards and onwards..have a lovely day Dave

Sandra x

Posted : 27th October 2013 12:40 pm
Posts: 0


Wanted to say thanks for your kind and thoughtful words on my diary mate - much appreciated. Great to see you in a good space emotionally and looking to the future with a positive outlook.

One thing: do not wish your life away mate! It's always easy to be impatient - and want that 10 days to become 100 days, to become 500 days - whatever. Life is precious... not gambling gives us the headspace to realise this. Just keep moving on - one day at a time - and the good times will come.

And great work on the xmas challenge - I look forward to checking in this weekend.



Posted : 29th October 2013 7:58 pm
Posts: 1172
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Day 23. Thanks for the posts will catch up soon. No gambling for me this week not posted a lot on here this week as work has been busy have been about tho sorting the new thread - that's gonna keep me very busy! Loving the response. Right better get sorted for work will have a good check through the thread tonight and have a little catch up.

Posted : 2nd November 2013 7:14 am
Posts: 1423

Mornin Dave

Likewise iv been busy with work and not posted much this week but I don't think its a bad thing to av that break every now again its always hard finding the balance

Can't believe how well the xmas thread as taken off its goin to be the biggest success to date lets hope everyone can see it through it will be a massive achievement for everyone


Posted : 2nd November 2013 9:34 am
Posts: 1172
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Day 24. Just a quick drop in. I'm gonna have some time Monday night so I will have a bit of a post and have a proper check through the thread looks like a whole load of checks so that's great hopefully 100%.

Posted : 3rd November 2013 11:57 am
Posts: 0

hi Dave

just want to say well done on getting to day 24, I'm back on here as its all gone wrong again

and I'm now on day 1 again 🙁

but I no one day at a time leads to months under our belts so I'm taking it step by step, wish you lots of luck on you're journey

Hollie xx

Posted : 3rd November 2013 12:08 pm
Posts: 1172
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Thanks Hollie. Day 25. I will not gamble. Got a busy day at work then tonight ill have a catch up on here and I recorded the darts final last night to watch tonight and then like a prat I went on facebook and ofcourse someone handout up the bloody scores. Oh well still watch it. Have a good day everyone.

Posted : 4th November 2013 7:38 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Dave,

Lol you made me laugh about the darts 🙂 bless

I am glad that you are moving forward with your recovery and taking the best out of it.

Oh the tread...thank you so much for taking it on your shoulders, it great to keep focused and concentrated on our recoveries. I can't wait to meet you at the finish line 🙂

All the best and take care

Sandra x

Posted : 4th November 2013 2:49 pm
Posts: 1172
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Thanks Sandra.

Just wanted to get a couple of thoughts down. Im still loving this site and love reading people succeeding on here and showing that it can be done. I also love to post my support and makes me feel good that im helping others, makes me feel that something good has come from me having this addiction. I defintely love the support and encouragement i get from all you guys, it really does help and i appreciate every post i get... but I am going to say I'm going to be a bit selfish from now on. I still would like to post to people now and again but i think im gonna cut back, i have already been doing less posting lately the reasons for this are that i work funny hours and the time off i do get i like to spend with my wife and when i do get a it of time to myself (like tonight) although i need to keep focused on my recovery i dont want all my own time to be taken up by doing loads of post, especially now with the new thread being so popular and trying to keep track of whos checked in and who hasnt. I need to just have time to relax, read my books, play my xbox (havent had a console for years but im getting my brothers old xbox 360 when he gets the xbox one and i cant wait lol). I just dont have the time to post like i have done in the past, that being said if i get a post on my diary i will be sure to reply back as thats something ive always tried to do and i think pretty much always do. I will still give my recovery the attention it deserves, posting on my own diary daily (or as regular as possible), i have a message on my phone that i read each day as a reminder to the dangers of slipping and also i read my opening post daily and ofcourse i will still keep up with the thread and moniture that each weekend/monday. Basically i feel a bit bad because you guys have helped me loads and i dont want to just stop posting to people as if i just dont care anymore, i just have to be honest and say from now on im gonna try and look after me. Havent read this back to myself so hope it makes sense and sounds ok. Im now going to head over to the thread and see if we have a 100% check-in, fingers crossed.

Posted : 4th November 2013 7:19 pm
Posts: 1172
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Day 26 - I will not gamble today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : 5th November 2013 10:00 am
Posts: 1172
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Day 27. Up already not good. Roll on tomorrow late start at work. Can't wait for a lie in. No gambling for me today. Why would I wanna do something silly like that!

Posted : 6th November 2013 7:10 am
Posts: 1172
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Dy 34. Been a week since I posted on my diary still been about the forum but I'm happy to take a break now and then. I think I'm finding the right balance. Things are going well on the gambling front and haven't had an urge for a little while which has been great. I hope this time I'm done with it. I know I can't gamble as if I do it'll have to be a big bet I know that a fiver or even a tenner on a 4/1 shot isn't gonna cut it it wotld have to be 20 min and even then whats the point what's a hundred gonna get me so I should have 200 on it well 250 so I win a grand and can pay of some debt wait the bets lost and I'm £250 down. I can't bet small, any gambling I do I now I would do In a way to clear some debt and I'm now in so much debt my bets would have to be large and I just can't afford to lose anymore big money. So in that very long winded piece I just can't gamble and I am determind to stick to that. Next year 2014 must be my first year bet free.

Posted : 13th November 2013 9:46 am
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