a new way of thinking

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Good to read your posts Elizabeth, keep it going. I am back in East Sussex, I hope Essex has been sunny today.

Take care

Wilsy (Andy)

Posted : 28th March 2012 6:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi L ....hoping your sleep patterns are getting more on track ..makes you feel in a twilight zone when you don't get enough sleep ...its all a bit mixed up with clocks going forward too ...always throws me this time of year and am up earlier...

Hoping your worries over your eldest are subsiding...kids can be cruel cant they?.

Thinking Simba could be in training for a big ROAR..

Hugs and sleeps...Rach n Doo xx

Posted : 28th March 2012 7:48 pm
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Thankyou Pink,Wilsy and Rachel and of course dotski.

One big roar with a letter to the headmaster this morning and would you believe it a phone call to my mum(i was at work) at lunchtime to discuss eldest.Amazing how one letter carefully written for maximum affect works.I am a happy mummy and eldest is a happier eldest:0)

Still tired and another eary night tonight but all is well.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 28th March 2012 8:56 pm
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Evening peoples,

Work was not good today managed to lock my customer keys and car keys in a customers house, how stupid can you get lol.Anyway luckily she only works down the road but was in a meeting so had an hours wait until she could nip out but she was really understanding.Doh.

Spent £30 on GCSE science revision books today as eldest has his first GCSE science exam in june and then one in may poor kid he is only year 9 at least we didnt have to worry about it till year 11.Dont really understand why there doing it so early but they are.

Looking forward to the weeked,payday tomorrow,but urges seem to be few and far between at the mo :0)Happy Days

All is good apart from whats bad and thats not too bad so.........alls good.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 29th March 2012 8:32 pm
Posts: 2966

Hi E,

Haven't been reading or posting much lately, so good to see that you are feeling positive and on top of things.

Sounds like a triumph with the Headmaster - pat on the back for that! it is hard to word things right to get the right response - especially when your mummy instinct is to attack anyone causing probs for your kids.

I have many days, where I feel I am channeling the ghost of Frank Spencer, so feel for you on the ditzy key locking palava! everyone acts like a numpty sometimes, lol.

Take care missus!

f x

Posted : 29th March 2012 8:59 pm
Posts: 0

Good to read that you are feeling positive even after a stressful day, hope the weekend is good for you, tc x

Posted : 29th March 2012 9:24 pm
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Thankyou Freda and Juliette xx

End of the month and for once i have got everthing paid that needed to be i am feeling a bit pleased with myself as this is the first time i havent got bills rolling into the next month for ...well i cant really remember when :0)

Means im not playing catch up all the time and i can actually plan or save to do stuff.All i had to do was stop gambling sounds easy but as we all know not as simple as people think.

Nothing major going on this weekend just usual family stuff.

Have a good peeps.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 31st March 2012 11:23 am
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Nice easy day today,my dad and stepmum came for their monthly visit,eldest got his printer,LO got a tshirt and my dad gave me half the money towards eldest's new bedroom furniture which was a bit of a shock as he's never given me anything to speak of in 40 years.So will go and get that next week and eldest rooms all done.

A few thoughts of gambling have crossed my mind this weekend but nothing major so alls good.

Hope everyone had a good one.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 1st April 2012 7:02 pm
Posts: 0

hey Libby....things look like they are going well and nice bonus there from your Dad...always a shock when its least expected isn't it...

Thank you for catching up...have taken coathanger out of my mouth now and can look forward to switching off.

Not been on here much due to work so will have to catch up on my reading ..

Onwards And Upwards....keep on keeping on hun..

Hugs ..Rach xxxxx ((((()))))))

Posted : 2nd April 2012 12:06 pm
Posts: 0

Sounds like you had a weekend of normality. Stress-free from not being in the red and family coming over.

Long may this continue!


Posted : 2nd April 2012 3:59 pm
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Thankyou Rach and GT,

I think ive worked out why i feel differently now,

I feel alot calmer, i've finally lost that panicky feeling i seem to have been carrying around with me for god knows how long.I dont wake up worrying,i don't stomp around in a bad mood,my eldest hasn't asked me what's wrong for months now something he used to do alot when i was gambling as i always looked cross or worried.

Money is still an issue for me but i think it is for everyone at the moment with the economic climate we are living in.

Wanted to take the kids abroad this year but it looks as though its not going to happen so i'm looking at going camping havent done that for many years but it means the kids get a holiday and its cheap.Just got to figure out where to go :0)

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 2nd April 2012 6:46 pm
Posts: 0

Cornwall??? xx...just happened to see some fab campsites there last year xxx....all facilities etc for the kids and good weather xxx

Hugs ((((((((L)))))))) wuffs x

Posted : 2nd April 2012 10:29 pm
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Thankyou Rach WUUF WUUF Dots.

Looked at cornwall last night, in fact even a weeks camping is going to cost alot more than i thought so looking closer to home.Camping is supposed to be cheap but looking at prices for pitches etc i was very surprised its not really that cheap.

Feeling irritable today putting it down to hormones.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 3rd April 2012 6:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Liz, just been catching up on your posts, it must feel really good to be caught up on all the bills and thinking of taking the family camping, which is really fun.

I know that now sites are quite expensive to camp per night, we go away fairly regularly and often we pay quite alot per night. If you are going for a week or more it may be cheaper to book a caravan already on a site, have a check out on the internet or even locally in like newsagents windows. Really if the weather is nice it doesn't matter where you are, in this country it is just pot luck.

Hope you can find somewhere, nice to have something to look forward too. Well done you and pleased to read that you feel really calm just now, keep that calm going. Hugs xxx

Posted : 3rd April 2012 9:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Libby.....yes ...those sites can be a bit steep and guessing they are charging over and above for the facilities....

Could do with old farmer and wife nearby the sites who rent out their field or something ..Some of these farm shops do that now as extra income...

Will keep my eyes and ears open as a few pals have young ones and are down that way a lot.

Thinking of you hun and hoping the cubs are all ok...((((((L))))))))

Posted : 4th April 2012 9:13 am
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