Hiya Libby.....just saying Hi to Simba and the cubs.....A lot of new faces on the site which is good but always comes as a surprise as in my cyber world and forget others come and go......
Its a handful of people I talk to and its like your all my family...... get a bit territorial which I shouldn't as everyone on here is here for same reasons.Always get thrown that this is also an international forum as seems its all us Brits chit chatting away ...lol..
Anyhow ....big hugs from me and nite nite to you ...(((((((((L)))))))))))...big hugs Rach and Doo xx
Thankyou Freda,Milkman,Rachel and ADE.
Completely whacked after work today so dinner help eldest with revision and bed in that order.
Like Rachel says alot of new faces which is sad but glad to see oldtimers(sorry)doing well.
Stay Strong
E xx
Duplicate post
you seem very helpful on the forum hope when i have bad days i get inspiartion from ppl like ur good self
Your right JW.....
Libby may not be aware of this .... she along with Maddie and Pauls in my darkest hours were the voices that gave me the final push to save myself and my life.....that is no overestimation....
For ever indebted Simba xxx
Thankyou J,Rach and Ade.
Rachel you are very sweet but like i posted to you your the one who did the hard work.
Ade im sorry :0)
Easy day at work and a short day tomorrow so alls good.
Saturday morning going to see a maths tutor for eldest £40 an hr im in the wrong job,so to pay for it the ciggies have got to go not that that is a bad thing as i really need to give up.
Still feeling calm,still no urges again alls good.
Stay Strong
E xx
Cheers for the post chick I'm also in the process off giving the cigs up lol sure u could be a maths tutor lol
Hiya Elizabeth 🙂
Glad to hear is all good...new traditions and all that 🙂 Been thinking about you too..your doing so well!
Love Del xo
Thanks for being my Mam yesterday Libsy : )
I am a bit better today.
I love marvelling at the beauty of a mother's love - giving up the cigs for a maths tutor. Lush. Your kids are very lucky hun.
Take care,
f x
keep up the good work elizabeth,them gamble free days are sure adding up.
Have a good weekend.
Best wishes.
its ALL good xxx
Hiya Elizabeth,
Been thinking about your last post about stopping smoking, I was all set to stop on national no smoking day, but when it came.. I just wasn't ready. Think I am now...so wishing us both the best on this one 🙂 I'm quitting tomorrow.
Love Del x
Hi Liz, been keeping up to date with your posts, good luck with the no smoking, I stopped 7 years ago, best thing I ever did, but before that I had numerous attempts at giving up. If you struggling go see your practice nurse, I did patches and followed it to the letter and it worked, I live with a smoker and I really hate the smell on anyone. Go for it girl, you can do it. Just wish I could have a patch to stop the gambling thing, have a great weekend, keep drinking lots of fresh orange, it will help x
Good on you Libby,.....missed your posts on stopping smoking and am with you all the way with that....My pal tried ear acupuncture when she was trying for a baby and now with 3 LO behind her in her 40's she has never wanted a ciggy since....
Take care hun...
Rach xxxx
Hey, giving up on the ciggies?!
What a great move! You have already shown that you can give up one deadly addiction and you are in a great position to give up another!
Your (and others') health will thank you for this.
Have a great weekend,
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