Great idea to have a duvet day! we all need one sometimes.
If you are struggling with the quitting smoking, maybe it is best to concentrate on just cutting down for now hun? be kind to yourself - it is a very difficult thing to do.
Hope you get your energy back soon!
f x
Hi E!
How you keeping?
Know how you feel about being tired...i am non stop.I woke up today and felt like i had a hang over....there was no beer consumed the night before!
Well done on giving up the cigs.Even though it might be hard and you might want one,keep going as good as you can Elizabeth.Thats all we can do.I'll be honest much as i would like to stop smoking,i'm not there or in the right frame of mind to quit! So i do have alot of respect for those who kick it!
Anyway,well done on the smoking and staying on the right road gambling wise!
Have a great weekend you and your family!
Thankyou Rachel,Juliette,Freda, Exmug and Viggo.
Always means alot when 5 of my fave peeps support me :0)
Havent posted for a couple of days as havent really had any thing to say.Which in a way is a good thing.
Asked my boss for Friday off my god the look on her face you'd of thought id quit with no notice.The fact that ive worked there for over a year and never asked for a day off,phoned in sick for me or coz of kids.She still hasnt confirmed weather thats ok or not.Anyway im sure it will be fine and i get a day to myself as usually there is a cub attached to me lol.
The no smoking is going ok i have caved a few times but on the whole its going well.
No gambling going even better as not caved need to have a count up as i have no idea how long its been now since my slip.
Hope everyone is well and having a good weekend.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hiya Libby....good to "see "you and to know you are ok and having a good weekend....
Suns in and out but all is good and lots for us to look forward to...
Wondering if you got any further on with your holiday plans and if camping is still at the top.
Good on you for taking timeout for yourself...funny isnt it when Bosses realise you may have a life outside work eh? stopped ringing me after 6pm now...
Always reading your posts and wishing you well lovely ....Big hugs to SImba and cubs xxxx
Hiya Elizabeth,
Hey! Glad your still trying with the no smoking, I'm not doing too well on that front at all, but will not give up trying!
Hope the brainstorming throws up something good, I think there is good money to be had in your currrent line of work, if your getting ALL the dough that is.
Another thing we have in common is..we are in the same line of work 🙂 It's a good wee earner for me, I charge just a bit lower than local firm prices and still earn a good hourly rate.
I fell into it accidentally as my other small home business (online shop) wasn't doing so well, but I'm still plugging away at the shop and maybe some day I can do it full time...or give up and take a new direction..I dunno as yet.
Anyway the positives of our job is...we don't need to pay gym membership! lol
Keep doing your thang..your heading in the right direction 🙂
Big hugs love del x
Hiya E, thanks for the post on my diary, I know I should close doors but difficult. Hope that you have had a good weekend, dont know where you are but where I am I hasn't really stopped raining for nearly a week!!! Depressing weather.
Good luck with the stopping smoking, it sounds like you are doing good.
Make sure you have a great day off and pamper yourself.
Big Hug x
Hiya Libby.....just a wet and wooley drive by as this weather is now officially t*tsing me
Nothing much to report except all is still good and am managing to keep sane.(just)...
Hugs to you and the cubs ...Rach minus Doo as she is at sitters while I work away. xxxx
Thanks Rach,
Not much to report with me either.
Although my boss gave me my day off yipee.
Alls good:0)
Stay Strong
E xx
You had a day off, well deserved obviously, I hope you enjoyed having a lay in and some time to yourself.
Enjoy your evening and your support is always valued thank you.
Wilsy x
Hi Elizabeth
Great to see ur in a good place at the moment and life is kind to u , enjoy ur day off think u deserve it after all the effort u av put into ur job I hope ur boss appreciates u if not just know I do for ur support and an sure many more will agree
Thank u and take care
Hi E40,
certainly not meant as an insult! Perhaps should have written 'steady'. Anyway, you know what I mean.
Hi E.
Enjoy the day off.
Glad to see alls well!
Pleased that you got your day off, hope its a great long weekend for you, just chill out, have some wine and time for you, thanks for your support, hugs x
Vrrrrrooooom..........just a drive by and not through puddles xxxx
Thanks Rachel,
Finished work at two o clock today ready for my long awaited day off tomorrow by 2.30 that went down the pan when i picked up LO as he now has chicken pox.So my day to my self is over before it even began ........Poo.
Ive been itchy ever since i picked him up lol.
Anyway apart from that alls good.
Stay Strong
E xx
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