Hi E,
Wow, You have made some amazing friends, just goes to show what a wonderful person you are, you have such a big heart, I bet your boys are soooo proud xx
I think your comment on my diary about the sleeping is spot on!
E and Sue....Both going strong!
Hi Elizabeth, just read the last few post and good to see you are still on the right track.
Thankyou all ;0) my ego is flying high atm lol.
Went to a wedding with the ex and the kids yesterday,after quite a few beers he declared his undyiny love to me for ever and ever and that the kids and i are always first in his life.pity he couldnt say that when we were together might still be in a relationship.Finally got him to admit he is seeing someone else as my stepson told me she punched him in the face for talking about me nearly wet myself laughing so had to ask him couldnt resist lol.
Anyhoo after a long night i dropped him home and for once i didnt feel down or angry with him as normally this sends me straight to my escape.I have got to a point with him now (i hope)that hes not affecting my emotions to the extent of me trying to blot it out by gambling.
My mum has always said that it would take about 2 years to deal with the split and emotions and i hate to say it but it looks like she was right although once again i wont be telling her that.lol
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hi E
Sounds like you are moving forward and that is great news. Acceptance of our lives is paramount and sometimes very hard. Hope you get to where you deserve to be. By the way Mum's do know best and it is annoying! Your children will feel the benefits of your wisdom when the time is right. Take care
Moving forward in your own life is so, so important and this is certainly what you are doing right now.
Great news and long may this continue.
hey hun...
Also nearly wet myself thinking of her slugging your ex in the face....thinking Miss Piggy ..Hiiiii ya!
Thinking too little too late on the ex factors declaration of feelings for you...and way too much water under the bridge...
Why do folk have to loose people before they realise what they had?....timing again..
Sunshine and Millionaire lost in the post by the looks Libby???...or I could use the old excuse "My dog ate the Milliionaire""...he was boring anyway by all accounts and not good enough for you my lovely.....
Like buses...3 will come along at once for you and I have a sneaky suspicion you may see more of your ex when that happens.
Night night hun
Stay strong and dry....
Rach and Doo xxxx
Hi E,
Thanks for the post on mine.....You always have something constructive to say.
Love your story about the ex.......It's the age old saying...they didn't know what they had till it was gone!
And ...YES...Mums know best..........Just think of all the advice you will be able to give your boys!
Sue xxxxx
Hiya E 🙂
He lost one hell of a great woman!!....so glad your time has come that he is not effecting you emotionally.
I've been there too E and it wasn't easy..I think we are similiar because I ended up walking out on my husband....think you did the same?
I was with him for 17 years, we grew up together...I was mad about him lol and he couldn't really give a stuff..until I left him that is.....was a tough old time.
Onwards girl...your are doing so brilliant.
Love Del x
Aw E,
that must have been quite satisfying knowing he still loves you, but hopefully you are in a place where you wouldn't want him back anyway : )
It sounds like he has got himself a right catch mind you, punching him in the face! pmsl!!! you are better off out of it 😉
You are a warrior lady, raaaaarrrrr! nothing can keep you down, because you are hard as nails mate. Lets hear that war cry!!!!
f x
Awwww thanks guys.
The ex is now cross i actually know about his girlfriend he tried to explain to me why he didnt want me to know but i still dont really understand.He still seems hung up on us getting back together but its been two years odd now youd think hed get the hint lol.
Have been quite tense and irritable still arguing with tax cedits theyve reinstated my payments but havent paid the backdated amount they owe have no idea how im going to pay everything this month when im still missing two weeks money which encludes childcare.But if i dont have it then i will work it out as long as we eat and i can get to work.
Just for you Freda heres my warrior cry
Stay Strong
E xx
Will post on others later ;0)
Hiya Libby
The mans deluded....probably wanted to double bank ...separate accounts so to speak...no wonder he is cross.
God help him if you and this woman ever became pals.! two of you on to him.
You know what ever happens its unconditional Libby..I mean that.
You are a strong cookie for sure and a sensitive soul and that battle cry helps to keep all the S***e out...I need some of that to rub off onto me.
Keep strong hun.....hugs and love (((((((((L))))))))))
Rach and Doo xx
Thanks Rach.
Dont think we will ever be friends ive met her a couple of times and to put it politely shes not my cup of tea.
Stressing over money as usual but we will get through ,
rent officer phoned me yesterday to tell me i had some more arrears as the council have very kindly clawed some money back from last year dont you just love this government keep making it harder and harder for those trying to do the right thing.
Some times i think i should just stop work and become a dole bludger,then i wouldnt mind not having any money lol.
Anyhoo still not gambling and still not smoking so two good things going my way.
Stay Strong
E xx
hiya Libby....
Great stuff on the no smoking by the way ..II totally forgot to ask you about that....it seems like it suits you and you seem very calm hun...xx
Your right about the blummin powers that be ...sometimes i think trying to do it the right way is a mugs game as me and the inland revenue are now on first name terms after all the run ins i have with them ...
One thing I notice about folk who appear to be not working...they smile a lot! ...lol
Must have read my mind on the fostering as I did write that this week on my series of ranty posts that i deleted as I just purged and dumped rather than fester and drink.
Thanks for always being there Libby,....thinking of you and absolutely loved that teddy bears picnic you did....
Rach and Doo xx
Hiya E 🙂
Delighted to get your message and glad you got my details. Going to delete them now..safety and all that jazz. Hey...look forward to hearing from you. Big Hugs x
Love Del xo
Morning E,
Your post on mine gave me a huge smile!
You cope so well even when everything seems to be going wrong.........You are one hell of a special lady!
Sue xxxxxx
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