A year wasted.

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Well done Katiecoo on resisting. Stick two fingers up to gambling and show it you are the one who is winning now by refusing to give in to it.

Posted : 3rd November 2017 9:39 am
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

Well done on resisting. I went for months changing one thing then another, will power, giving credit cards to friends, having daughters check my bank statement but eventually I always found an avenue somewhere. Problem was, even though i knew i was in my overdraft with my bank card and my head used to say, it's not your money you can't spend it, i knew that the opportunity was always there. What started off as ВЈ20 here and ВЈ20 there always turned to £50. At times, like the moments you experienced last night I would resist but unfortunately sometimes I would just give in. As you say, when you get the urge nothing else matters, we can always invent an excuse to gamble.
That opportunity has gone completely now because I cannot use my bank card online. Now I know that it's impossible to get online it takes away my head screaming at me to be strong and resist temptation. I've just had to accept I can't do it and that's that.
It has made it easier, even though I still get the urges I just think there's no point in wanting to because I can't. I just try to think of something else or look at my bank statement and see no casino withdrawals. It's amazing how little I spend when I'm not gambling.
Keep going katiecoo, only way I can do it is to make it impossible. Don't give another one of your hard earned pennies to these money grabbing companies. They make out as though they care. Only thing they care about is whether they've managed to brainwash and fleece another victim. x

Posted : 3rd November 2017 10:15 am
Posts: 0
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Considered gambling tonight. Common sense has prevailed instead I have found it helpful reading other diaries. I am determined to push through, how can my life change if I don't change my habits... it can't*!

Posted : 6th November 2017 7:45 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Katiecoo

Well done on avoiding gambling today. Realising that you have the strength and willpower inside you to choose to not gamble is a great feeling, isn't it?!

Gambling never, ever brought anything positive into our lives. We never really won, we only held some of their money for a while before giving it back to them, and them we would give back more of our hard earned cash. Gambling took our time, our money, our lives... and gave us nothing positive in return.

Well no more. Today we choose not to gamble. I wish you well in your recovery and look forward to reading more positive posts from you.

Stay safe and stay GF.

Posted : 6th November 2017 7:59 pm
Posts: 55

Well done on fighting those cravings

Posted : 6th November 2017 8:29 pm
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Feeling very nervous tonight. I know when my nerves are going as I tap tap away at a calculator trying to work out debts and a savings plan. I really need to just live my life and stop this obsessive thinking about money. I hope one day I can just concentrate on living my life. I don't even know why I do this as if an unexpected spend comes into the equation, the tap tapping begins again and I'm in melt down. I actually am lucky that I can pay my bills, my job isn't well paid but I don't really have lot of outgoings. I really am scared of money...maybe from all my years of gambling it has been the cause of all my anxieties. Can't wait for the new year.. I know things will get better over time. If I don't gamble I can try to save

Posted : 8th November 2017 9:43 pm
Posts: 574

Hello Katie

I know its easier said than done but don't focus on money. Money is an excuse our addiction uses to keep us involved in gambling. You are paying your bills, there is no need to worry. Your money situation will improve if you just give it time. I think we become obsessed with the idea of more, even though we never actually get more from gambling. Quite the opposite.

Relax and look after yourself, take the support you can get and do what you can do to help yourself through this and things will get clearer. You might not feel like it but you are getting somewhere. Everyday you resist is a win.

Take care

Posted : 8th November 2017 9:51 pm
Posts: 1098

You’re doing so well Katiecoo.

Your financial situation will improve if you continue to abstain from gambling. It’s as simple as that. You’re actually saving money each day without you realising because if you were still gambling now, you’d be going further and further into debt. But you’ve stopped the financial bleeding and the wounds will heal over time. You’re on the mend 🙂

Try not to obsess about money.

Nothing will have changed (for the worse) overnight.

Your life has been made far better since you made the decision to stop gambling.

Moorey x

Posted : 8th November 2017 9:52 pm
Posts: 3947

Stay strong Katie your doing so well.

I can identify with your totting up the ingoings and outgoings. I would have really stupid thoughts like... "well I can just get by with what I've got but if I win a little money I can get a few extras". Absolute madness because we all knew the misery waiting around the corner when we gambled.

A variation of 'one day at a time' could be 'one nightshift at a time'!

Posted : 8th November 2017 10:38 pm
Posts: 0
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Many thanks for all your kind comments. I was about to tap tap again, but instead will concentrate on not thinking about money today, it's so not healthy and another addiction that needs broken

Posted : 9th November 2017 8:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Katie coo

Just had a read of your diary so thought I'd say hello. Well done on staying gamble free, keep going!

Totally get what you're saying about the money obsession. I'm the same too hun. Definitely some lovely advice above.

Take care

Posted : 9th November 2017 8:34 am
Posts: 0

Hi Katie,

Just read your diary and the mobey obsession is definately a thing for me too. I think because we feel that gambling has caused this we try to look at the quickest way out to undo the damage gambling caused. I now understand that while ever im obsessing over clearing my debts i will not address everything else in my life and the problems i have. Your diary is a really helper keep strong and stick with it together we can all get through and live a life GF.


Posted : 10th November 2017 8:40 am
Posts: 0
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Just checking in. Days are going very slow

Posted : 11th November 2017 7:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Katie,

Like you I've been addicted to online slots and I basically wasted my twenties gambling as a form of escapism. I've not gambled for over a year now and I can honestly say that handing over complete control of my finances is what worked for me. I feel like this is something you may need to consider to keep up your success of not gambling long term especially as an online gambler. by doing this, I stopped my ability to lie and be deceitful and I've become better for it. Is this something you could consider? Just a suggestion but I wish you the best of luck. Stay strong.

Posted : 12th November 2017 6:41 pm
Posts: 0
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I wouldn't hand over my finances as my husband and I have always kept separate accounts and after a failed previous marriage, I guard my independence fiercely.. I know I have it in me to stop, I think my addiction is due to my nerves and need to self destruct. We own our home and the debt I have is unsecured( credit cards). Alot of this debt came from me gambling when he was ill. I wouldn't burden him with how careless I am with money. I am able to repay my debts monthly and should have enough to save also. My spare cash should be spent on my family not me escaping in a room at silly o'clock. I know that. To give away control of my finances would be to loose control all together

Posted : 13th November 2017 8:59 pm
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