As Yazz said, the only way is UP!

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Congratulations on your success so far & im sure if you continue using the tools you have described above life will only continue to improve. Take pride in that pen (even though it probs wont work) & keep on working the program

Posted : 19th April 2015 8:18 am
Posts: 0

Well done Trotty, very impressed with your milestone as it is motivating other people. It also shows that as time goes by, life improves. Keep up the brilliant work.


Posted : 19th April 2015 9:17 am
Posts: 259

Hey well done Trotty- great achievement. Keep going, keep strong. Thanks for being so encouraging to us who are back at the beginning of the journey.

Take care


Posted : 22nd April 2015 7:43 am
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Day 93

Thanks all for your kind words and support. Together we are stronger.

Well it's finally here. .......pen day! How excited can one middle aged man be about getting a free pen!

It's all mine and I'm not ashamed to say I've earned it! Along with the support of those around me and people on here.

Let's have a collective pat on the back

Posted : 22nd April 2015 10:26 am
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Day 96

Finally got the magical pen!

A nice moment being presented with the pen, big smile on my face and a round of applause. Another guy there got his 4 year medal and was quite emotional. It just shows what these milestones mean to us and what a difference it makes to our lives when we don't gamble.

I feel I am over the worst of the withdrawl symptoms and am moving onto the next period of my recovery.

The first weeks and days were the toughest as the toughts were still there, the feelings were raw and recent. I remember having gambling deams, thinking about gambling everyday, not neccessarily urges, just thoughts. The dreams have stopped, the thoughts are few and far between, so now I feel its a matter of getting on with my life and not dwelling too much on the past.

GA asks anyone who goes to give it at least 90 days. This in my experience is a key number as I feel very different after 90 days, which two or three weeks could not achieve. I appreciate it will be different for other people, due to varying circumstances, but I just feel at this point that continuing to attend GA and keeping my guard up can only be a good thing. 2 hours out of my week is nothing.

The last 96 days seem to have flown, I am sure it did not seem like it in the early days. I have read through this whole post and the difference is amazing. I never want to go back to those feelings and the restictions they put on my life. For anyone reading my diary, themselves in their early stages, change can and will happen, stick at it.

Posted : 25th April 2015 10:39 am
Posts: 0

Hi Trotty

Well done mate, enjoyed reading your recent post. What a milestone you have reached, I appreciate your positive comments in the past, it's very encouraging to feel your positivity through your posts. Keep up the good work.


Posted : 25th April 2015 11:57 am
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Day 100

Another milestone reached and feeling good. I'm even chairing the local GA meeting next week. All positives. Very few urges now so can only see good things ahead. Need to be aware of complacency.

Thanks all for your support.

Posted : 30th April 2015 10:18 am
Posts: 259

Hi Trotty

brilliant post about your 96 day achievement. Well done.

It really lifted my spirits to read it.

keep going strong


Posted : 3rd May 2015 6:14 am
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Day 110

Things are going pretty well at the moment, its hard to believe sometimes that I am 110 days without a bet and it feels like I have never bet at all. I still have the odd dream about gambling and its always about me slipping up and having that first bet again. Its uncomfortable when I first wake up until I realise it is a dream. They are getting fewer though.

I was asked to chair the GA meeting last week for the first time. Something that I found enjoyable not at all daunting. I hope some of the other members got something out of it. We had about 20 people there from those who have had a bet in the last 2 weeks to the 30 plus years guys. A good mix and a good meeting. We all agree that the best way to keep gambling at bay is to keep attending GA on a regular basis.

My debts are slowly reducing which in itself gives a peace of mind that is impossible to find when we are gambling. I can see the progress I have made and can see the targets in the future. My goals are achieveable and realistic. This summer should be one to enjoy without the gambling devil on my shoulder.

Thanks for reading my diary and best wishes to all of you on this path.

Posted : 10th May 2015 11:22 am
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Day 154

All going well at the moment. Attending GA on a regular basis. Money still tight but getting bills paid slowly. Got a weekend away with the boys so should be a good time to relax and give myself a little reward.

Keep strong people. We can all do it.

Posted : 23rd June 2015 2:48 pm
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Day 204

Well it's a major milestone. This is the longest I have ever gone without a bet since 1984!

Amazing but true. I feel really pleased with myself and am looking forward to what the future holds. As a family we have just been on our first foreign holiday for 5 years. The wife and lad loved it. This is why we need to fight this terrible addiction.

The bills are slowly getting paid. No more nasty letters. Money in bank all the time. What's not to like.

Still going to GA on a regular basis to help keep the feelings at bay. I still dream about gambling which is irritating and most of the dreams seem to be about me slipping up. It will not beat me!

So if you are following my thread. Thankyou first of all and secondly I hope my story can give you the heart and confidence to beat this addiction. You can do it!

Posted : 12th August 2015 12:34 pm
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Day 250

All is well in the world at the moment. I feel I am turning the corner financially bit by bit. I don't really think about gambling like I used to. Annoyingly the gambling dreams still happen from time to time. They are easy to deal with but just unsettling.
I've not found myself in many situations where gambling has been a problem. All my friends and family know about my issues and support my recovery, I feel it's been very important to tell as many people as possible.
I can see my 1 year coming up and feel great. I am aware that complacency is a constant issue so am not trying to let my guard down.
So day by day I'll get my life back.
Keep strong people, you can do it.

Posted : 27th September 2015 9:50 am
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Day 303

Ticking along nicely. Nothing really to report other than not had a bet for 303 days! Yeah!

After gambling for the last 30 years I'm aware it's only the beginning. Feeling good and reaping the rewards.

Keep going to GA on a regular basis which keeps me grounded and focused. Its nice to see the new members ccoming in, but equally sad to see them not returning.

Keep strong people. Nearly my year soon!

Posted : 19th November 2015 1:59 pm
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