Hi Shiny,
Glad to hear all is well with you.
I really hope that you get your benefit sorted quickly and without too much stress.
Have a nice week.
Hey Shiny,
How have you been this past week? I hope all is well and you’re sleeping like a bear in hibernation.
Hopefully by now you’ve got your benefit sorted and all is sweetness and sunshine.
Have a lovely weekend when it arrives.
Yo, fine thank you Tomso . Did end up getting my benefit back dated , so as much as I hate to use the word won , I did win that battle . It was not really about the money more that I had been treated unfairly . I have definitely found since being made redundant, how little power we have at times . When I was working , I held a senior post and took responsibility for how team and customers were treated . Ensuring both were treated with respect , but shocked that is not the case in all walks of life .
So fine this week, even with a lot of talk of Cheltenham, from my brothers , ex and my daughter . Did not get any urges and to be honest sort of nodded in all the right places but wasn’t really listening . Horse racing was never really my thing, although having said that before fot came into being I did spend most of my bank holidays in a pub with my ex betting on every race .
Really not interested now , which can only be a good thing . Next couple weeks , we slowly see me starting to put more effort in to find a job. For tax reasons , it was better for me to go back into employment April , so my goal is to be working by mid May .
Trying very hard not to put myself under to much pressure , I can manage without a job for a while , but not long term . Something will come up , I am sure .
That’s it from me this week, bit fed up with the weather although a nicer day today, need spring to take hold , that always lifts my spirts.
Laters Shiny:-)
Good Morning Shiny,
Thanks for the post on my diary.
I am fine and not the type to stop posting due to the nonsense of last week.I just find myself at a point where I don't need to post everyday. I wish I could but I think when you are not gambling and your life is not a mess there is only so much you can put on your diary without becoming repetitive. I'm sure you would agree that words and thoughts come easily after a relpase and the mind plays tricks making us believe that our entire life is falling to pieces and cannot be salvaged. With time, things start to become a little easier and what once seemed like a huge problem is actually a small and manageable problem. That is my situation.
Really happy to read that you have won your battle with the back dated benefit. Good for you. Well done.
I hope you find new employement soon not just for financial reasons but because it could be an exciting new adventure for you. New job equals new opportunites and the chance to meet and work with new people. That brings new personalites, conversations etc. Also, new work gives us something to get our teeth into - we can always learn new thinigs as they say.
Anyway, take care and have a lovely week.
Good Morning Shiny,
Thanks for your post on my diary and you have special privilages on my diary you can type away whatever you like.
I think for me the big nights out drinking are heavily attached to ending up in the casino when all the pubs close. I rarely go out drinking but I do love a good night out and always go a bit wild. Its just something that I need to deal with as you say.
Ref the cigs - I moved to vaping a good few years ago and although it did take a few weeks to get used to it I love it now. I use a menthol vape and it is just so much cleaner and cheaper. I spend way less now.
I hope you are doing well. Take care.
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