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DAY 16

Just checking in. I don't have much to say at the moment, but pleased to be still gamble-free.

Posted : 28th January 2013 10:19 am
Posts: 377
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DAY 17

Feeling good at the moment. Yesterday evening I dug out and set up an old games console of mine - the games i used to have long since gone, but I can pick up some bargains on *******. That should keep me entertained until the lighter nights return. I also started an eight-week 10k running plan which I got about four weeks into in a previous attempt before I succumbed to gambling again.

All in all, feeling really positive and not wanting to gamble in the slightest.

Last bet 12th January 2013

Posted : 29th January 2013 3:22 pm
Posts: 0

Well done on continuing with your non-gambling run, just two days behind me let's keep going, pleased to see you are keeping yourself busy/entertained

Posted : 29th January 2013 9:18 pm
Posts: 377
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DAY 18

No gambling problems. Went for a run this morning which turned out to be a bit of a slog in this windy weather - but the signs are there that my fitness might be coming back. It needs to - I'm doing my first-ever half-marathon in June! Then I helped the girlfriend out in the kitchen as we prepared our lunches for the rest of the week. Simple things to keep my thoughts away from gambling.

Can't get complacent - that's been my downfall on three occasions since I began my first diary in October 2009, and each time the financial and emotional fall-out has got worse.

Posted : 30th January 2013 7:06 pm
Posts: 377
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DAY 20

Another working week comes to an end. I've got a few things pencilled in for the weekend - but I don't think I'll be particularly 'busy'. However, it's all about doing things to fill the gambling void. I get very restless if I'm not doing something constructive and at weekends this is where gambling urges can creep in. Just going to take it a day at a time and keep going - that's all any of us can do!

Posted : 1st February 2013 12:34 pm
Posts: 377
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DAY 22

Passed the three-week mark now. I must admit, I really fancied a bet yesterday afternoon. I was watching Soccer Saturday and it looked like a good day for the types of football bets I used to place. Anyway, I didn't have a bet and I won't be betting today. Prior to the gambling urges I actually paid off some debt and updated my spreadsheets. I think the fact that there is still so much debt made my efforts look somewhat futile, but I know this isn't the case. I need to be patient with regards my debts, and must never get complacent about my problems with gambling.

Posted : 3rd February 2013 10:51 am
Posts: 377
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DAY 23

Must admit I'm struggling a bit. My general mood is low and although I don't want to gamble - there's a danger when I'm feeling like this that I'll just think f**k it and end up doing something stupid. Maybe I should leave my cash and cards at home when I'm feeling like this.

Hopefully, it will pass. It might just be that Monday morning feeling - who knows? Need to be strong today and show some fight.

No gambling today.

Posted : 4th February 2013 10:10 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for your post Paul, I hope you are feeling better today be on guard keep up the good work

Posted : 5th February 2013 6:54 pm
Posts: 377
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DAY 26

Still going strong! I can put my low mood in my last post down to Monday-morning blues... that's life. Not all negative emotion is related to past gambling actions or current debts.

Moving forward, slowly and steadily.

Last bet 12th January 2013

Posted : 7th February 2013 4:23 pm
Posts: 377
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Well, my run of not gambling ended on Saturday night. I was out with friends and we ended up going to the casino. I knew all along that this was the plan but I didn't take any measures to prevent myself from gambling so I guess it was inevitable. Luckily, I didn't lose any money, but I was being pretty reckless - it could easily have gone very badly.

The important thing is that this is behind me now and since Saturday I haven't gambled anymore, nor had the inclination to. It's back to not gambling for me.

The trip to casino was very much a one-off - must be 5 or 6 years since we went there as a group, and no doubt there will be some trips to the horses planned during the summer. I will tackle these obstacles all in good time.

For now, it's all about waking up each day and choosing not to gamble.

Last bet Sat 9th Feb

Posted : 12th February 2013 1:31 pm
Posts: 377
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It's been a week now since I gambled in the casino and importantly I haven't had a bet since. I knew exactly what I was doing last week - I was out with friends, drunk, in a casino and I wanted a punt like everyone else. Luckily no damage was done that night - but I'm very pleased with myself that I haven't had any urges since that night. It would have been easy to beat myself up about it and fall back into my old ways because I'd broken my non-gambling run.

I'm busying myself with other things now and I don't want to gamble! This is progress.

Not posting quite so much at the moment but just doing what's right for me.

Last gamble Sat 9th Feb

Posted : 16th February 2013 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Paul for getting right back on track. That's the bit to focus on which will really help you move forward again.


Posted : 16th February 2013 12:47 pm
Posts: 377
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Back on my diary after slowly getting drawn back into gambling, which came to a head this morning after losing a large amount.

Must try harder, I think. I successfully go for a few months without a bet and then get complacent and the small bets start again, which always, always lead to a big blow out in the end.

I need to approach my recovery with a different mindset. It's not good enough going 3 or 4 months without a bet, scrimping and saving, obsessing over debt repayment - to then think I'm 'cured' and can start the small bets again. The fact is if I don't gamble at all my debt will reduce, albeit slowly - but that's OK!

It's so frustrating being caught in this cycle. I know I can go a few months gamble free, get a chunk of debt paid off, but beyond that I'm uncertain. I think I need to stay close to this site at all times.

Posted : 4th May 2013 7:18 am
Posts: 377
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There's been no more reckless gambling since Saturday and I'm feeling determined.

I'm setting myself the goal of no more gambling in 2013. If I succeed my debt have reduced (obviously!) and I will set myself another big target, with a view to ridding myself of this problem for good.

I aren't counting days and I don't know how often I will post here - but this forum is an invaluable resource and intend to read often.

Posted : 7th May 2013 6:29 pm
Posts: 377
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I've been proactive today and self-excluded from 4 online bookmakers. I'm pretty sure that's every one now closed. It feels good to be rid of them.

Last gambled Sat 4th May 2013

Posted : 9th May 2013 1:52 pm
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