B*****k's to Gambling! JP.x

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Thank you all.

Had a good night, had 7 beers or so, got home, saved the rest of the money (o*g so expensive out now!) if anybody wants to have a beer or so come on down... Hehe On a serious note.... sooooooooooooooooo close. if the money was there i would have done it, yes...card declined twice, so i atttempted,,bad i know. but my steps beating this is 400£ plus in the bank, in my room loving that feeling more. Does that mean i have failed? i think my precautions were good... Waking up tomorrow strong

Posted : 17th March 2012 1:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi JP, great to see you getting involved and helping others. Drink lowers the inhibitions and loosens us up....it helps that gremlin to talk you into gambling. That's why the blocks are so important at this stage. If you leave an avenue open, then you will take it. Get those blocks in place now! Have a good weekend. Russ

Posted : 17th March 2012 8:37 am
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Ah...Morning All

Bad hangover for me, but feel great! hehe, ended up geting a bottle of vodka and buying some beers for my dad, we had a good chat and some fun felt great spending a bit of time with him again rather than closing myself out.

Ok, so I would have blown the lot if I did not take the precautions that I made, I feel soooooooo good today about that, but sad that I know it is gonna be a long road in beating this demon.

Thanks Russ1! I now fully understand about the blocks you "HAVE TO" take. Thanks everybody, for your support, really really helping, Dotty, Dusty, DuncanMac, Rachel, Tracy, JS123 and all others . Thank you.

I will get round to reading all you peoples story's too and looking forward to it.. Dont know abot Dott's though (Have to book a holiday for that one!) Hehe

I think I should maybe lay off the beer for a couple of months or so, would definitely help? I mean It's not gonna kill me but I do like a beer or two especially when it's summer time coming.. I think I will be ok, aslong as I keep strong and take all the neccessary precautions. ok.

Again, keeping strong (feel bad about last night though)... All the best peeps. Keep strong including me of course 🙂


Posted : 17th March 2012 11:27 am
Posts: 0

Well done Pete, so glad that you werent able to do it. I have put my blocks in place now myself and know that we must take it slowly.

All the best Pete and everyone else.

Posted : 17th March 2012 11:52 am
Posts: 0


Thanks for your message

Just a word of caution, if the frog thing doesn't work out , don't get hopping mad. Who knows where that could jump to. Lol


Posted : 17th March 2012 12:25 pm
Posts: 4422


Morning fella I am so glad to read that you are not a casualty and still a crusader!!! fella dont be to hard on yourself,give yourself a great big pat on the back and stick that lesson with the rest of your armoury to help you in your quest to remain gamble free. Sounds good that hey GAMBLE FREE!! one day at a time and tomorrow will be a better day because today you are NO BET.

well done keep at it!

duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 17th March 2012 12:28 pm
Posts: 0


You made me laugh.

Thank you


Posted : 17th March 2012 12:42 pm
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It's ok Dusty. Anytime 🙂

Posted : 17th March 2012 12:44 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Pete

Just swinging on by to say, hope you have a great day.

Any joy with the frog ?

Take care

Stay strong.


Posted : 18th March 2012 10:16 am
Posts: 0

Hi Pete,

Just popped in to see if all was well.

Hope so,


Posted : 18th March 2012 9:22 pm
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Hiya Dusty, all

Great thanks, mothers day yesterday so endud up at the folks for the day with a bag full of pressies for a change! Great day, another week of no gambling, not wanting too. Feeling good!

Trying to stay focused, may have to take another hobby on though as I got bored after making my 13th frog which didnt jump, looked great but d**n I wanted that frog to jump! Hehe Na seriously, gonna have to start excersizing or something to take my mind of it all when I start feeling moody!

Another week at work, more money saved (not as much as i hoped) but atleast spending money on the right things now which is all that matters and have something to show for it! Yippee

Gotta work, c you all later. Have a good day everybody


Posted : 19th March 2012 7:09 am
Posts: 0


Great to hear you are ok and that you had a good day yesterday.

How rewarding it is when we are spending our money to make people happy, instead of spending money which ultimately will make us sad.

Dissapionted about the lack of activity from the frogs you would have thought out of 13 one would have got it right, story of our lives lol

Can not wait to find out what you come up with to do next, gyms good , not sure if it will give me enough ammo for banter though. Time will tell

Really did brighten my day to hear that you had not tripped up on the slipper slope. Roll on another week to add to our recovery bank .

Take care, have a good day at work.


Posted : 19th March 2012 8:04 am
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Day 24,

Hi all,

Officially 3 1/2 weeks now since any bet of any kind (Yippeee!!!!)), bought a few things for myself inc mobile phone, clothes, bought mum lots of goodies for mothers day, have money every day for work, still money saved and only in 3 weeks, where will this be in three years!!!! Forgetting the past, liking this future! Now, all I gotta do is sort out a new mojo!!!! Dusty maybe you could help with this any ideas??? Lolol (and the frog will never beat me! I wil prove it hehe)

Ok, things are no where near the same as one would know, many things circling in my head, strangely enough not about gambling? Wierd, more important stuff like getting back in contact with people, re-organising my spare time and just the usual day to day stuff which occupied me prior to being subject to this farce known as Gambling! I feel it's falling into place, just as long as I keep saying "One" slip and back to square one, which will never happen!!!!!

I hope everybody else is doing ok, sorry I dont get much time at the mo with reading on here but am working on it, it does help me, however I do make the time when I'm struggling as this really helps! Will eventually get to know you all...

Any how, till tomorrow..Chins up.


Posted : 20th March 2012 7:03 pm
Posts: 0

Finally JP, a diary with a few jokes! I'm gambling addict my life is depressing enough! No but in all seriousness you seem to be doing really well its only day 1 for me and i look forward to the day I can get a haircut I mean I look like susan boyle at the mo! I'm only 21 (way too young to look like a mum of 8 on jeremy kyle but thats what addiction achieves lol) but by reading inspiring diaries like yours I know that i can recover. Slots are a nightmare I literally see them spinning in my sleep can't wait for the day when I can't remember exactly how much each specific line is worth.

My Diary's 'diary of a slotty girl' feel free to read it

with admiration and support




Posted : 21st March 2012 12:39 am
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Day 26

Feeling on top of the world but pay day again tomorrow, will keep doing as I have been until I can really trust leaving money in the bank, feel that's a bit away yet but still atleast I am taking control of my own finances in a way I can manage at the moment which I feel is quite important, will be the 4 week mark on Sunday if I can get through tomorrow...

Work contract renewed for a further 6 months (self employed), which is helping me motivate, still cannot motivate myself to excersise I wiish I bloody could!!! Working on that.

Thanks Scampimus, although your posts are hilarious, trying to get back to myself as I was prior to gambling as soon as I am I'll be on your hairlength..oops I mean wavelength! lol How is the new haircut? hehe I hope you are doing well and all the best from me, will visit your diary when | get the chance..

All from me till I can get here again, staying positive.


Posted : 22nd March 2012 6:19 pm
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