Al, where are you?! Hoping that all is ok with you (if truth be told, I had a little wobble myself over the past few days, not a fall just a wobble so just wanting to check in with all my buddies to make sure you're good). It would be good to hear from you Al, keep strong!
Rach x
Come on Al, I haven't given up on you and expect that you have just been busy with work and all, but just want to know that you're ok, ok? So, let me know what you've been up to. How did you get on with the suppliers?
Supporting you as ever,
So lovely to hear from you Al, I knew you would still be on the straight and narrow my friend 🙂
Thanks for the reassurance about Payplan, I can't believe you've got another 9 years though, soul destroying. That's why I am leaning towards an iva I think, it'll all be over an done with in 5 years but I suppose that's not an option for you with your business to consider etc?
How are the family? Sorry work has been a bit slow for you - around here there seems to be loads of building work going on although admittedly the sites haven't been bustling since the cold snap started. Let's hope it starts to warm up soon and you get some nice juicy jobs in.
I had a close call last week Al, so thanks for your support.
Keep on keeping on my friend,
Rach x
Hi Al, just dropping by to say Hi! I'm gonna have a break for a while & I don't want people thinking I'm abandoning them!
Keep strong - ODAAT
Are you still beating this addiction? Good Luck
Affected by gambling?
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