DaveUK - New Diary

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hi dave

i would like to pont out at this pont. that this sight was fist descover by my partner.

when i told hir what i had done all that time ago. and left hir on hir own with my kids and no money. it was hir how found this sight first.and hir who use it to get to grips with my addicsion. my thinking at the time was i had fu** up one time to many and it was all over. thanks to this sight she got an idaer what i was going thought aswall. aften i left my home. 2 or 3 days later she ring me up .asked how i was, and aks me to come to this sight.

so i would have to agree with you about the sight is not just for us (the gambluer) but for those we hurt aswell.

keep strong dave


Posted : 21st January 2011 2:01 pm
Posts: 504
Topic starter

Hi itsme - thanks for your post on my diary.

I am glad she took you back and hope you have beaten the problem you had with gambling.

I would imagine your partner has used the 'supporting a problem gambler' section and have no doubt she found this useful.

I hope you are repaying the faith she has in you by being all that she needs you to be, both for her and your children.

Best wishes


Posted : 22nd January 2011 8:00 pm
Posts: 504
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My thoughts for the day:-

Make no mistake folks, life was easier and far less stressful when I was not gambling.

Just because I am more cautious than others its still a horrible horrible feeling waiting for the result of the next spin!

I suppose what I am saying is even with a win I am not happy and when I finally print the ticket off I just feel relieved - not elated.

So.......not happy when I win, not happy when I lose! and loads of stress, annoyance, cursing in between. For those of you who have given up gambling trust me, you are missing out on nothing.

At last an away win for my beloved Red Men!

Posted : 22nd January 2011 8:19 pm
Posts: 504
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No gambling today - could not be bothered.

Doesn't sound like much but is rare I miss when I have not had a loss.

Am away with work tonight back at the scene of my Christmas loss - seems ages away but was only 6 weeks ago. Will do me good to reflect on how awful I felt when I was here last time.

The whole journey is interesting at the moment.

Posted : 23rd January 2011 9:47 pm
Posts: 504
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None again today !

Am particularly pleased as not had a loss so the last couple ofdays have been prompted by will power rather than a sulky reaction to a loss.

All very interesting.

Posted : 24th January 2011 8:46 pm
Posts: 34

Nice one mucka.

Keep us informed 🙂

Posted : 24th January 2011 9:01 pm
Posts: 504
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Update time:-

The temporary loan has been paid back lol - well 2/3rd's of it anyway.

As we (and I) know it was only a matter of time - and to be honest although I would rather still have it there is a positive in that I did not put all the winnings back (usually do plus a bit more).

So - where from here ? Will try to keep away and pocket the winnings I retained.

I am not beating myself up to much as I had a good run and as we know we can't win because we can't stop - and to be fair why would we ! if you do something and keep winning money why would you suddenly think - 'that was good - but I think I will stop now'.

Anyway - pleased I have continued posting and again ' I have been able to prove - I cannot bear to lose'.

Must go now as I am knackered - have just spent a couple of hours of continuous chasing !!

Posted : 26th January 2011 2:18 pm
Posts: 1057

knackered constantly on the chase.......what planet you on mate....people on here have lost their homes,loved ones,breakdowns,bankruptcy and contemplated suicide !! yet your knackered on the chase....i think you need a gamblers forum mate after all what equates to what youve lost over the years i probably paid the bookies in tax from the old days... sorry cant believe what i read on here at times,you will most prob gamble till youve nowt left mate !! surely you re better than that.....i need a strong cup of tea wi plenty sugar... im in shock 😮

Posted : 26th January 2011 3:56 pm
Posts: 0

i have to say m8 winning post was right were are you coming from with that post you ****. you not going to do yourself or anyone else anygood with post like that


Posted : 26th January 2011 4:08 pm
Posts: 504
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No offence was meant guys - it was a post with a hint of irony !! The irony being I knew I would lose so was not going to beat myself up when it happened.

Its my way of dealing with it - and it it offended you I apologise and would recommend you stop reading my diary.

Maybe I would be more bothered if I had lost everything but because I have control I haven't and hope that I never do. Thats the reason I am a Gamcare member!

What is clear is that I keep going until I give back what I have taken out (but not this time) and I get fed up of me just posting the 'I will never do it again' ' I hate FOBT's' stuff. For some it works but my diary is for plotting my thoughts and progress.

Posted : 26th January 2011 7:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Dave! Just having a dive bomb into your diary............ and what an excellent reply. Still!! could agree with previous posts!! Have been a follower of yours and BJ' banter/thoughts and to behonest sometimes thinking w*f! But............

We're all here, not for the sake of it and there's nothing better on the box. You've got quite away with articulating your thoughts and long may that continue. Its sooooo easy to get mis-interprated and come across offensive, well as you quite rightly said its your diary and simple dont read it!!!!

Irony, well thats 1 of my tools as well, taken enough beatings!!!!!!!!!!!

So Dave, continue with your thoughts and lifting/support fellow gamcare(s) 🙂

Posted : 26th January 2011 9:09 pm
Posts: 34

Hi Dave

You number one fan here!

I think you are a legend for continuing to choose your way of dealing with things.

Winningpost is a schmuck. He has one way of dealing with things and one way only...wonder why he has failed time and time and time again? Hmmmmmmm. Not surprising. Even large bridges have to sway in the wind. He bangs on about people have lost this, people have lost that...well, I wonder if he drinks or smokes ? Because people have died of Cirrhosis and Lung Cancer also...

You do what's best for you fella. It's great to hear of people taking charge of their own lives - and ACCEPTING the consequences - rather than this A+B=C executive Bull S>HIT.

Maybe critics should read your diary properly (if they can...) in order to realise that it was never your goal to quit completely - nor is it the goal of this site to endorse such prescriptive methods.

You *** on me old fella...stick a tenner on 23 for the good old days. Lol. Maybe that's a bridge too far...

All the best


Day 39 -- a whole lifetime a way from our gracious lord...AKA Winningpost.

Posted : 26th January 2011 10:15 pm
Posts: 0

Conduit Dave

C'mon Changed man???????? w*f was that rant about?

Posted : 26th January 2011 11:03 pm
Posts: 504
Topic starter

Cheers Matt and Pauls - much appreciated.

Matt - the number 23 idea is a bridge too far but I am really pleased you have extracted the feeling from my post which was just chuckiing as again I ended up giving most of the temporary loan back.

I may as well stay away from the machines for a while now as I do not want to end up giving the reminder of the loan back.

The days of posting 'I cant believe I have done it again' have gone for me - I am fed up sounding like a stuck record - if I lose then I lose - its my fault, I am accountable and besides its no longer a massive surprise as we always lose in the end one way or another.

Everything we do in life has consequences - everything. If you drink and drive (which I don't) you may get caught, you may not but if you are there is no point saying 'its so unfair'.

I genuinely want people on the forum to achieve their goals and will offer genuine sympathy to get them up an running but there comes a point where you have to say - if you do want to f****g lose don't f***g play the game. Life is for most of the time an uphill battle particulalry with finances, we never seem to have enough but that is often because as our income increases our standard of living increases accordingly - almost without us noticing.

Equally - I myself have said how bad the FOBT's are and they are - but the idea of removing them from the bookies is just not going to happen! Its no different to an alchoholic saying 'all the pubs should close and supermarkets should not sell alcohol'.

Pauls- thanks for your post I do appreciate it. I am totally behind Changed Man - I think like me he is challenging people to to face up and wise up to the problems they have - there is a wealth of help on here from the Gamcare staff and members but at the end of the day only those suffering can make the ultimate difference by making the right choices.

I also agree with Changed there is more than one way to reach success and the more open minded we are to this the better chances of that success.

Posted : 27th January 2011 10:33 am
Posts: 0

hi daveuk

haveing read all that has gone on over the last posts with cm and wp and all the otheres who feel that they need input. (me incloued)

I am now looking at this in a new way,or comeing at it from a drifrant angle.

yes i can see your way is drifrunt to most.

but it is your way and i know now that maybe i should let people make there own minds up about this. i think it was just a bit of a shock to see a post like the one you but up. and maybe thats a good thing.

how knows we are all going thought the same thing in are own ways. so i will say sorry for my post on your dairy and i meen it to. next time i well not be so quick to juage otheres in here and for that i thnak you to


Posted : 27th January 2011 10:58 am
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