DaveUK - New Diary

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Well done Dusty and thanks for adding to my diary - just keep away as that's the only way to win.

Was probably much easier to exit after that final losing spin if you stood!!

Actually you reminded me also that as I came to my last few spins each time i would stand up and push the chair to one side - defiately to aid a swift exit !

Looking back I can't believe I ever thought I would win . what a loser I was !!

Posted : 12th March 2012 4:47 pm
Posts: 58

Hi Dave

It's so good to hear that you're still on the straight and narrow. Self exclusion is definitely something that's worked well for you.

Me, I'm still playing those d**n things but I always feel in control ( lol ). By that I mean I never borrow to gamble and am incredibly careful not to leave any footprints on my credit record by always paying cash to sports betting on-line. As far as it goes I'm a careful gambler - if there is such a thing - but, like you, know that there's only ever going to be one winner.

Self exclusion is really the only solution but I feel reluctant to do so as I enjoy football betting and occasional big horse race meetings, etc. As FOBT's were your only poison I expect you found it a little easier to do but if you remember it took us lot on here an awful lot of persuading to get you to do it.

Talking of football I see your lot are in the news more for matters off the pitch than on although it must have been good to feel some silverware again. My lot look as though they're staying up this year. Against the odds we somehow managed a draw up at your place too.

There is life outside gambling although following my lot over recent years I'm not quite sure which is the lesser of two evils....

It's nice to hear from you again and I wish you well.

Best wishes


Posted : 12th March 2012 9:37 pm
Posts: 504
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Blackjack - thanks for your post and as always really good to hear from you.

it occured to me I only ever seemed to use the site when things went wrong so thought it would be good to come back on with good news.

You are in control and looking back i think I was more than I thought as I would put my winnings (temporary load) to one side and it would be that I lost - always of course with a little more. What really wrangled with me was losing that 'little bit more' and also to an extent putting the winnign back, but it is all now well and truly in the past !

Yes self-exclusion has worked well mainly for the times I have felt bored wandering around at lunchtimes - you know how it is, leave the office and not much to do so think 'I will wander in the bookies' - those proved to be expensive wanderings sometimes.

Self-exclusion also takes away the option and as you say I only ever played the roulette machine so that was all I had to stop. Its funny really I love football (more on that in a minute) but have no inclination to bet on it and as for horses and dogs, well, i would hardly know one end from the other 🙂

The biggest 'thing' as far as self-exclusion was concerned for me was by doing it I admitted I had a problem I needed to solve - the problem being I got really down when I lost whether it was past winning or not!

As for the football yes its always good to win a trophy although they made a real meal of it but the league position is a real shame and a consequence of poor signings. I remember the game v Norwich well and after initially being battered City could have taken all 3 points.

I actually drive past Carrow Road every morning so that will tell you where I live - who knows if you are also local I may have even stood beside you in the bookies !!

Posted : 13th March 2012 3:09 pm
Posts: 58

Dave - Thanks for your reply. Yes, self-exclusion is certainly a very effective way of curtailing gambling especially as you say when it's so easy to wander in for a ' swift tenner ' at lunchtimes !!

It's funny how a sensible chap like you took so long to do so ( pot-kettle-black at this end ?? ). I suspect. like me, you didn't really want to let go of the ' opportunity ' of winning back your money. Once we can accept this it does make things easier.

I'd already guessed that you must live in the Norfolk area as you'd once posted an observation about a revamped bookies in Norwich. It's a bit of a mission to get up to Anfield from there so I suspect you don't get to too many games. As we sell out almost every week I don't suppose you've managed to get a ticket for when the Reds roll into town at the end of April. At least it's on TV.

I expect you're fairly content with the Toffees demolition last night and you'll be expecting three points at our place. Tough place to come is Carrow Road sometimes but, that said, with a late KO I'll probably take out the insurance policy of a few jars beforehand to numb any possible pain.



Posted : 14th March 2012 7:38 pm
Posts: 504
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Hi Blackjack

Very pleased with the result last night but its no good just getting motivated for the bigger games - that said I did enjoy it !!

I used to be a regular visitor to Anfield but not so much these days - with the petrol and ticket its comfortably a £100 plus day out and 9/10 times the pool are on Sky and when they arn't I can pick the games up on m laptop.

My bro has a season ticket at Norwich and has a corprarte ticket for the City v Liverpool game so has kindly offered me his season ticket - would not be surprised if it ended as a draw.

As for the self-exclusion it is an admittance of 'I cannot keep in control' and it hands over the control to the self-exclusion form. I guess it similar to someone who is depressed not admitting it so the won't take tablets. Am pleased I did it - went for the full 5 years to.

I really have programmed my mind to the fact I would always lose and rather than picturing the roulette machine with its lights and images etc I picture myself looking sad and remember those awful feelings when that last losing spin has finished.

I reckon I will look back in dis-belief that I ever did it in the first place.

I suppose some good has come of this as I can now encourage others to give up and will always be on guard to check no friends or family get tempted in the way I was.

Posted : 14th March 2012 8:18 pm
Posts: 504
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'Playing the roulette machine is not something I have given up'

instead I view it as.........

'not playing the roulette machine is now just a normal way of life'.

Posted : 15th March 2012 8:25 pm
Posts: 504
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Looking back I cannot believe how ridiculous I was being thinking I would make money from the roulette machines.

It like anything in life that you so which is stupid - despite what people say you cannot see reason.

Stopping has been really good - it hasn't solved all lifes challenges by any means but is certainly one less thing to worry about and one less thing to P*** me off !!

Posted : 18th March 2012 9:30 pm
Posts: 504
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I love NOT playing the roulette machines !!

I feel like a winner without really winning.

In 2 weeks time it will be a year since i did the first lot of self-exclusions.

Posted : 20th March 2012 4:05 pm
Posts: 504
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Went for a drive today to get my car cleaned - cost £6.00.

I can remember a time when it would have ended up costing me up to £500 !! Haha...

Playing + Roulette Machines = Losers !!

Posted : 24th March 2012 6:14 pm
Posts: 0

well done daveuk,keep it up.

Posted : 24th March 2012 6:46 pm
Posts: 504
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Thanks ilive.

I felt really sad for the people on the programme I watched last night about gaming machines (see my and other posts on the overcoming problem gambling section regarding this).

Had I not had a small taste of how they suffered I would have never understood it - but I do get it.

Without any doubt whoever invented fruit machines knew that a near miss prompted more action. Just think how often on roulette the ball stopped one number away and on the older fruit machines you would hold two reels and the third would stop one short.

Still learnt my lesson a long time ago.

Posted : 25th March 2012 4:25 pm
Posts: 504
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Last year I got a bonus of £4k from work and reckon the FOBT took £500 of it.

Got this years today and am pleased to record they will be getting nothing - ha f****** ha bookies !!

Posted : 27th March 2012 10:06 pm
Posts: 504
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Can't believe how stupid I used to be. Trying to beat a machine indeed !!

Posted : 28th March 2012 8:03 pm
Posts: 504
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Tomorrow will be one year to the day that I started my self-exclusion. Without any shadow of a doubt it was the best thing I have ever done as far as putting a stop to the roulette machine madness was concerned.

I remember it well, I did one, then straight to another then finally to the 3rd. This was a Saturday and covered off the bookies in the town I live in and two days later I followed it up with 2 more in the City where I work.

There are none left to go in now - the early days were difficult as I still had the urge to play but because I could not go in I could not play and after a while the urges just went away.

Problem solved !!

Posted : 1st April 2012 7:33 pm
Posts: 504
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Am so glad its not me anymore.

Posted : 6th April 2012 6:13 pm
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