Day 1 after a huge relapse

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Posted by: @b35wu7ym1z

starting over after a huge relapse , I have so many bills and last night I dug my hole even deeper and now I’m in more trouble than before . 
im going to posting my recovery every day . I wish I had no arms to play the slot machines . This addiction is ruining my life . October 5 , 2024 day 1 


Posted : 9th October 2024 11:38 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6089

Hello Harry

Thank you for sharing this – it takes a lot of courage to start over.

Your financial situation sounds really stressful and I can hear you’re feeling trapped in a hole with bills etc. It can feel overwhelming when you have money difficulties and I wondered whether you would like to speak to our Money Guidance Service. The service doesn’t offer financial advice but the team are there to support and guide you around financial issues. You can phone our Helpline on 0808 8020 133 or you can use the live chat service (both available 24 hours a day) to get a referral.

The information on the Citizens UK website around debt and money could be useful to you and we have also produced a factsheet on debt advice and support with details of organisations in the UK that offer support and advice.

I’d also encourage you to get in touch with our Helpline if you wanted to chat about everything and hear more about what could help you keep your progress going.

I am glad you’re going to keep posting about your recovery – taking it one day at a time and documenting how it’s going is really useful.

Wishing you well,


Forum Admin

Posted : 10th October 2024 10:32 am
Posts: 70
Topic starter

Day 6 today . the regret and shame that I destroyed my life by gambling gets really overwhelming but I know I have to move forward , this last relapse nearly killed me I know for sure I wouldn’t be able to survive another relapse . I spent last 20 years gambling every dollar I made and I made a lot millions of dollars I made more than anyone in my family and I’m the poorest I have nothing of value I sold everything I bought to gamble even my car . it’s crazy how an addiction can completely destroy persons life . I just want peace now and a roof over my head which I stil have but not for long if ever go back again to gambling . 

Posted : 10th October 2024 4:56 pm
Posts: 863

Hi Peter,

Gambling WILL destroy your life IF YOU LET IT. You seem like someone who's bright, intelligent & knows

where this is heading. Shame is where you don't share, can't accept the losses are gone forever.


Pride is where you can open up without fear of shame knowing there are many like you facing the same struggles. Pride is rebuilding ( not an easy journey ) brick by brick.

Peace is where you can wake up each morning & have no fear of what you did yesterday. Then think so why can't I do the same thing today. 


Best Wishes




This post was modified 1 week ago by slowlearner
Posted : 10th October 2024 11:24 pm
Posts: 70
Topic starter

13 days clean after 20 and a half years of severe debilitating insane addiction , every day I’m clean I realize what damage I did to my life and to those around me by my gambling , my addiction is very severe , I had so many relapses over the last 20,5 years literally thousands of relapses , this last relapse 13 days  ago was especially brutal I was ready to end it all . I hit myself so many times I was black and blue and could hardly walk that’s how severe my addiction is , I never wanna go back , I’m having bad anxiety today but so far no urges which is good , I really want to work on the ga steps but been avoiding it I realy need to do it . every day without any gambling is paradise . 

Posted : 18th October 2024 7:11 am
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