Day 1- I am new to this.... Time to get the help i need to get my life back

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I have struggled with gambling in my life since my mid twentys and its caused turmoil in my life for years. Its hurt those around me..... And has broken me finally

Today I hit rock bottom, I never truely knew what that meant until today. However today is the day I stop вњ‹ and get the help I've needed for years. I've convinced myself and can stop myself but it drags me back and I do not know why

I want to share my journey with you all and gain some support and advice along the way. We can do this together

Posted : 29th December 2014 9:12 pm
Posts: 0


Just wanted to say that there is loads of people here who will support you along the way and help you with this horrible 'disease'

We are all the same here and here becuase we know we have a problem! We can all make it, my way is take it one day at a time, but also I have found a rolex I like for 7k so that is my goal to stop gambling and save, maybe there is something you want and can set as your target.


Posted : 29th December 2014 11:18 pm
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Thanks for the words of support, i am more determined than ever to get this out of my life. One day at a time.....

Keep focused on that Rolex

Posted : 30th December 2014 12:25 am
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Day 2 - Already its been tough for all the right reasons though! Told my family, IE. parents, wife etc the extent of my problems and I am emotionally wrecked. I got a mixture of reaction from tears to anger etc etc all to be expected.

Some positives steps taken on my part I contacted my local Gamblers Anonymous group and have my first meeting next week (Nervous but optimistic). I am currently in the process of self excluding on the last remaining sites remaining I spent my last few months wasting money on and getting myself into debt. Hindsight is a wonderful thing when you gamble right? A few months filled with 'WHYS'

Going to sort my finances today knowing I have a hard few months ahead, overturning debt. However its almost 2015 and a new year... Time to bet free... DAY 2 Still determined #EARLYDAYS #ONEDAYATATIME

Posted : 30th December 2014 1:05 pm
Posts: 0

Great move to start looking at GA and other help out there.

Just keep looking forward, no point in dwelling on the past although it's hard when you still have the debts from it!

Give as much control to your family of the finances, although it's quite belittling I think its important especially in the first few weeks/months. Take away as much temptation as possible.

One of the things GA told me about 15 years ago was I couldn't gamble at all, whether it be a £1 lottery ticket or a raffle at work. I ignored it and found I slowly slipped back into gambling. I didn't want to picture life without gambling, it was too daunting to me but now I've accepted it, and it's not all that bad!

Posted : 30th December 2014 2:07 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6177

Hi sloma,

Just wanted to make a brief visit to your diary area to lend support and to say 'well done'' for fighting back and for making some difficult and brave decisions.

I hope 2015 is all you want it to be.

Kind regards,

Forum admin


Posted : 30th December 2014 3:48 pm
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Thanks Robert
I am prepared for a journey... I have good people around me that will help me stop

Tearsofaclown that's sound advice.. Its strange i actually discussed with my family taking control of my money today. At least I am on the right path

Posted : 30th December 2014 3:53 pm
Posts: 3239

well done sioma and welcome

keep posting and sharing how your doing

good or bad

Posted : 30th December 2014 4:02 pm
Posts: 921

Well done - how is day 2 going ? It sounds like you are getting all the right help and telling people is an excellent idea. My parents don't know about my gambling at all but two of my friends know everything and are helping me through it. I think removing the money from your access is the best idea as if you don't have the funds you cannot gamble. Good luck on your journey.


Posted : 30th December 2014 4:32 pm
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Hi triangle....

Will do... Hopefully more good days than bad days but ill see

Posted : 30th December 2014 4:40 pm
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Hey Claire,

Day 2 has been a mixture of emotions filled with regret but also filled with renewed optimism. But a day without thinking about putting a few pound on a bet!

Big plus is the people that needed to know that I had a problem now know. For me that was huge as I like to think of myself as a strong character without problems. (Part of the reason I didn't get help to now)

I am on the opposite scale to you none of my friends know. In fact most think I live quite a elaborate life style. How perceptions can be wrong.

I found telling my parents helpful I wasn't judged and they helped bail me out of some debt and help find my local GA. Do what works for you though, but remember those closest to you may be the best support mechanism, the hardest part is telling them you have a problem


Posted : 30th December 2014 4:58 pm
Posts: 921

Hey Stephen

Nice to hear from you!
Although my two closest friends know all about my gambling, noone else does. The family/work etc noone would ever suspect a thing, Guess I have always been good at keeping secrets and I like to think I'm the 'normal' one in the family!!? (If only they knew!) Parents would be supportive but they would also worry about me and I don't want them to worry about me - I am too old for that! They would also probably want to bail me out financially but I feel I have sorted out a long term debt recovery by myself with a debt consolidation bank loan .... I will be paying it off over about five years with a few thousand in interest but I see it as being manageable. If I can abstain I feel I have got a chance to turn things around as I have this new found determination to quit completely. I am glad you have the support of those closest to you - it is certainly going to help you a lot and I am amazed at how upfront you have been with them. I simply do not have the guts to do what you did so well done for taking that massive step. Hopefully they will help you through turning things around and enjoying a gamble free 2015 😀

Clare x

Posted : 30th December 2014 9:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hey sloma, just wanted to drop by & offer my support.

I'm sure you've read it but striving towards as many blocks to break the Time-Money-Location triangle as you can will make this path a little less bumpy! You only need to remove one & you can't gamble!

Keep doing what you're doing - ODAAT

Posted : 30th December 2014 11:43 pm
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Thanks Claire...​ You seem to be on the right path and have the determination! Hopefully we can help each other through this

​ODATT thanks for your comment, I actually only read that today and it makes so much sense to me and its very simplistic theory to remove gambling from our lives. I already have made some steps on this as long I can sustain the change I should be fine








Posted : 31st December 2014 12:08 am
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Day 3 - Hi Ho Hi Ho its of to work I go! First day back at work today which is a good thing as it takes away my ability to gamble. Yes you've heard it here i am glad to be back to work.

I am going to Belfast tonight for NYE celebrations to kick start the New Year the right way with friends and family.

​My mood today is a lot better I have slept better knowing my problems have been shared with people I needed to share with. No more lies or deceit.

​I self excluded on my last site I bet on which felt great.... And I have sorted my finances with a helping hand from my family (Very tough)

​Day 3 no bet... Going well. My personal milestones 1 Week, 1 month, 1 quarter, half a year and a year!


​Happy new year folks you don't know how much this forum and site has helped already. Stay Safe And Bet Free






















Posted : 31st December 2014 11:38 am
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