today I told my husband I have a problem , he hates me but not as much as I hate myself ?
Hi kelly. I know it hurts but you have done the right thing so well done . So what are you going to do next ?
Thank you , I've had an online chat with support, ive self excluded from all online gambling and frozen all transactions on my card , I need to speak to someone, my mind is kn over drive , I feel like I just let everyone down including myself , I dont want to be like this anymore.
Hi Kelly
For you to be able to do that proactively is an amazing first step. I often planned what I would say that day but kept putting it off until I eventually was found out.
The anger and hate should hopefully be temporary, and please remember that your husband probably can't relate. The more he can understand, the better it will be.
I'd urge you to hang on in there like I'm doing. I'm on day 14 and things certainly look better than they did on day 1. Time does heal, but you've got to both allow yourself to work through your emotions without suppressing them.
Really good work- I wish I'd had the strength to own up. It will get better.
today I told my husband I have a problem , he hates me but not as much as I hate myself ?
Hi Kelly, thank you for posting. We are here to support you. There is no need to hate yourself
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