Getting a bit bored, having no money this far away from next payday is not great. Going to reward myself with a very small CC spend. Probably just have a nice meal on Saturday. Something to look forward to.
2 weeks gamble free. I had a small urge to gamble while in town the other day.
I am not too good at carrying spare cash, I used to gamble it all away by going to bookies after making small purchases. I am going to try not carrying any cash so I will not be tempted.
Going to start setting some targets and note any successes
Overdraft cleared and cancelled. 🙂
Next months target repay a loan early.
Day 14
(After counting back days I have realised I was a day off)
Going to think of a reward for 100 days gamble free, should hit my target on the 25th November 2015
Any early ideas of what the reward could be? What you thinking?
Uncertain, considering golf clubs, diy tools or a short trip somewhere.
I think I'm going to buy some Xmas lights to go round the house as it's something I should have bought years ago. Just got to get to that 100 day target though! C'mon we can do it!
Day 15
No gambling today. I made my own lunch and travelled to work with no money at all. Easy.
Just over a seventh of the way to 100 days you spoke of. Just keep going and don't look back. Stay focused. You're doing great. I know it's tough but I really wanna see you make it.
Thanks both.
I see you are on 16 days as well Change, you can make it too. GT I agree I should buy something I can keep as a reward.
Day 16
No money, no cards. Unable to gamble.
Well done D on 16 days, keep that triangle permantly broken and you will know it makes even more sense 🙂 it also gets you to know the real you.
Suzanne xxx
Finally cancelled one of my CCs, I have a couple two many. I had burned them anyway, just removing temptation to order replacement card to raise funds.
Still waiting for one of them to get cancelled by CC company soon.
[ 12,200 > 9,900 ]
Day 19
A few urges to gamble yesterday. I was shopping and everything I wanted was a bit too expensive and I had my usual brainwave that a little bet would help me pay the extra amount I needed. I have done this many times in the past and it does not work. I will just have to wait till payday to buy things.
Day 21
When I get to 50 days I am going to try online counselling. So far I have not tried anything new when stopping this time. Why should I expect success when nothing has changed?
Why wait till,50 days 🙂 nothing does change if nothing does change, if you want to do online councilling what is stopping you from doing it now, this addiction is not waiting behind you,, it's there waiting, now, keep one step ahead, don't think about stuff you may do to keep in recovery, act now, the addiction will hate that, but you will be on the winning road.
Suzanne xx
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