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Cheers for the post Ade. Wish my diy skills could improve now i dont gamble but my father in law says i am a lost cause and he ends up doing it all lol

Posted : 27th January 2015 5:17 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi mr Bob the builder 😉

So chuffed for you and your recovery!! And that project on a way...wow!!! I guess I'm like a little kid myself lol...but ya know, we all are in our hearts 🙂

Keep it up my friend..that's what I'm talking about - life full of possibilities, laughter, peace and happiness...and a little challenge on that project 😉

Stay safe
Sandra xxx

Posted : 27th January 2015 7:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ade,

Thanks for your post, and concern, am fine thanks,

64 days today, great going,

Suzanne xx

Posted : 28th January 2015 11:51 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks Gregg, Sandra and Suzanne for your kind supportive posts.

64 days of abstinence and feeling as strong in recovery as ever. My eyes are wide open again to my world, and no longer am I distracted to that sad hole that f*cked with my sanity for far too long.

Bit of a stressful time at work at the mo, as I am having to deal with incompetent idiots at times. Or numpties as I like to call them, making my job a lot harder to do than it should be. It is one of my pet hates, as I am quite a sad organised professional kind of bloke when it comes to work, funnily enough!

Still, it's not sick children or elderly relatives is it? It's just a job. So why get stressed eh!!..... ;0)

Keeping strong and keeping my fingers crossed that Spurs avoid defeat tonight against Sheffield Utd. Now that is important!!


Posted : 28th January 2015 5:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ade,

Thanks for your message, it's amazing how grandson arrived yesterday morning, lethargic and looking poorly, and then with in the space of an hour, he was running around like a loony with my yorkie, so he's much better now thanks.

Sooo pleased to see you are getting stronger by the day, and I hope you have a better day at work today.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 29th January 2015 9:31 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks NT and Suzanne for your supportive posts.

65 days and still going strong....

Keep strong all


Posted : 29th January 2015 4:36 pm
Posts: 84

Hi Ade

Thanks for the supportive post , your doing so bad yourself 65 days great.

Dino x

Posted : 29th January 2015 8:24 pm
Posts: 0

Well Done Ade 65 days gambling free. Great acheivement mate

Posted : 29th January 2015 9:20 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Bob 😉

Thank you for your lovely post and look at ya marching on with all that diy kit attached to ya lol (not sure if spelled it right but ya know what i mean )

Way to go dear soldier..simple things in life matters the most..you are just in a right place and time to make it happen. Well done you!!!

Take care and keep building 😉

Sandra xxx

Posted : 30th January 2015 1:33 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks NT, Dino, Gregg and Sandra for your posts.

Still going strong.

Have a great weekend all


Posted : 30th January 2015 4:22 pm
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Saturday afternoon.

67 days of not gambling and I am in no way tempted back to that destructive habit that drained me for far too long.

However, I did find myself thinking a lot about my old Saturday routines earlier on today. I was just eating my toast and having a nice hot cup of tea for brekky, and my mind wandered to what I used to do on a Saturday.......it frightens me to think just how engrained the whole 'Saturday football gambling' routine had gripped me.

It would be all to easy to slip back into the old 'just have a small footy bet routine', but I know where that can lead to, all to quickly. Little things and reminders are there each and every day that can draw my mind back to the bad old routine. I think all these f*****G yellow signs in bookies windows have been a distraction to me.....oh the f*****G irony eh! There supposed to be a warning about the dangers of gambling, and all they have done is annoy the S***e out of me.

I saw a cashier from my local bookies this morning, merrily walking to his place of work. A nice young man he is. But obviously has no conception of the dangers that his employers wreak on some of their customers.

Just seeing this cashier on his way to work was enough for me to remember all the S***e that used to fill my Saturday......

I am not having any urges to gamble as such, more of a flashback to all the bad times, via this association.....


Posted : 31st January 2015 4:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ade,

Very well done on 67 days, you are doing really great.

Those flashbacks are good in a way especially when we have no urges or desire to play,I know they are not nice to experience and can bring us down, but just keep thinking when you get those flashbacks, how low and painful your life was when in the gambling oblivion, but try not to get negative about the past, it's not now, easier said than done lol, but you/ have moved away from all of that, and yes those bloody stickers and , gambling adverts are everywhere, but we know better now, gambling illuded us in, but we have spit it out and trampled on it.

The flashbacks and no urges to play are part of the recovery,,but that f*****g addiction knows that, and it will try everything to turn it around subconsciously, keep strong and focused with every barrier up, even though you have no urges.

Again well, done keep going and keep winning, the odds are against the addiction now, you have turned a very positive corner.

Take care my friend,

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 31st January 2015 5:33 pm
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Thanks Suzanne and NT for taking the time to reply to my post.

Have felt a little bit empty this weekend and haven't really done too much. My knee is giving me a bit of a problem, as it has swollen up and restricted me from doing all my jobs that I had planned for the weekend. Have no idea what has caused this swelling? Most probably 20 odd years of amateur football catching up with me!! Still, at least I have managed to take it easy and relax.

Going back to my post yesterday, I realise that there is so much that I have to overcome with this whole 'gambling association' thing that gets to me. For instance, a friend of mine texted me on Thursday about meeting up for a pint on Friday night. A fare enough request from a good friend. But, this friend is a compulsive gambler. A gambler who talks about gambling all the time, and by association we have had many a discussion in the past about betting and football betting, etc. I even met him in the freaking bookies for god sake a few years ago.

Well I declined his offer, as I did not want to get involved in gambling talk on a Friday night. It would have only made Saturday even harder....

I will overcome this one day. But I am trying to build new habits and my mind drifts at times with negativity and self-doubt....which I hate, as I am being positive and building the foundations of what I hope to be a successful recovery...

Keep strong all


Posted : 1st February 2015 4:25 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Ade... and well done on your continued abstinence.

I also have several friends whom are compulsive gamblers and no longer interested in trying to stop. I still associate with two of them, partly because i don't have huge numbers of friends anyway, so its a bit of company but i also play the game of listening to their gambling talk when sometimes I know thats its not good for me. For example my friend texted me about a win he's had which i thought was a bit insensitive to say the least but hey thats what Cg's do isn't it... tell the world when ya win and go to ground when ya lose.

Like ya say its easy to drift back to unhealthy habits, rather than keep building up positive habits.

I hope ya knee gets better soon. I know your an active person so that must be quite annoying.

Onwards to ever better times, gambling free. Regards.. S.A

Posted : 1st February 2015 4:38 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for the support SA and NT,

Another weekend in recovery comes to an end. Had a lot of thinking time, which always causes me issues. But the good news is that I have negotiated my way through it.

Keep strong all


Posted : 1st February 2015 10:59 pm
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