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Thanks for the support Sandra.

Day 71, and feeling stronger than ever.

Might be getting a ticket for the Capital One Cup Final!!!! ;0)

Be great to go to that game at Wembley on 1st March and not feel the need to gamble. Just enjoy the day out........assuming Spurs win, obviously!!

Keep strong all


Posted : 4th February 2015 5:20 pm
Posts: 0

Nope Guvnor, I'm a newbie me!

It's just one of many charms bestowed upon me by the zany somethingsgottagive (she's writing a book you know - maybe not the entire truth but she should)! I should hate her for it but she makes me larf (& sometimes a little bit of pee comes out - I think it's incontinence)! I was thinking earlier that all the funny threads should be listed into one post so that people can see there is life in recovery but a) I wouldn't know where to start & b) I'm not entirely sure how it would be received! Certainly there may be cause for concern if anyone put our (mine & yours) dialogue together but Rachel is a whole other ball game...The men in white coats would literally be hunting us both down :-0

Anyway, once again, I digress...If you are still here...(I'm loving the dots) June coz after she sowed the seed, I conceeded that for some reason my reflection is a little distorted currently, (the mirror probably needs a clean, I don't do a whole lot of that now I am so busy on here) & resembles one 'middle-aged' lady from the Terry & June show 🙁

I'm not even nearly that old - Honest Guvnor!

Posted : 4th February 2015 7:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ade,

I've posted this on ODAAT's but thought I ought to post on yours too!

Sorry Ade, that'd be me confusing things and sorry ODAAT for casting aspersions on your good name. Ade, I call her June as in Terry and June the old early 80's comedy (middle aged joke). She hasn't, as far as I'm aware, been on here under another name. I've also called her an old minger so I suppose she should be lucky that you've only picked up on June!

While I'm here, congrats on the 10 weeks - absobloodylutely brilliant 🙂

Rach x

Posted : 4th February 2015 7:43 pm
Posts: 0

Ang on a minute Guvnor, now I know it's not my place being a bird an' all but you may wanna correct your typo...You've just written that you want Spurs to lift the cup 😉

Posted : 4th February 2015 7:43 pm
Posts: 0

Plus (as you can see) she's got a potty mouf...Probably anuva chuffing Cockerney! If not shall we let her be an honourary one?

Posted : 4th February 2015 7:45 pm
Posts: 0

You rang?

Posted : 4th February 2015 7:47 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Ade,

Answer the phone lol, i guess you had a call bk from ODAAT 🙂
Ok...jokes aside..thank you so much for your lovely and supportive words. Today was one of the hell rides but hey, this addiction gives us a runner up the hills sometimes 🙂
Glad to report i come out the other end (dare i speak too soon!) .but all is under control now.

Hope your apt goes well tomorrow. Knees are pain in a backside, one of mine keeps playing up, wondering if it's something to do with too intensive running (i know you did a lot of that in the past)..might ask dr SA, he is our athlete on here 🙂

Stay safe and sound...proud of you my friend!!!!

Posted : 4th February 2015 9:14 pm
Posts: 7071

d**n..i only said HILLS lol

Posted : 4th February 2015 9:15 pm
Posts: 7071

d**n lol...h*i*l*l*s ...is it a swear word now? Me no English so excuse me if just spelled one of the worst words on Earth lol

S x

Posted : 4th February 2015 9:16 pm
Posts: 0

In my defence Guv, it was Chel-sea back in the day & yes, I've spent some time in the shed!

@ least I have learned something from my miss-spent youf...Support a Norvern team, it costs more for the pukking pie that it does to get into the ground! C'mon Mansfield Town 😉

P.s: I'm moving...

Hope & Happy Street, Gambledone, Winners Town, 1AM H4PPY
Posted : 4th February 2015 9:26 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks NT, Juuuuuuuuuuuuuunnne, Rach and Sandra for your posts.

Have to admit I have enjoyed this forum today, had a lot of laughs and chuckles along the way! ;0)

Kind of forget why I come on here sometimes, and don't feel like I've got much of a problem these days......

But I have, and I will keep coming back as much as I need to. Even if it is just for comedy value! I do like a laugh and I have had a smile on my face today for sure.

Roll on Day 72.....

Keep strong all


Posted : 4th February 2015 10:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Ade,

Aaahhh, typing this with a big grin on my face - it has been a laugh hasn't it? I think we've all spent enough time beating ourselves up over the years and do you know what, when I'm laughing on here I'm not thinking about gambling on those sites so what's not to like? 🙂

Thanks for your supportive post on my diary, it was a close one that's for sure but I'm starting to sort out my debts so hoping that payday this month will be a little easier.

Will catch up again soon Ade, I will try to find a few Terry and June clips to post too, oh that music brought back memories! I loved that programme ha!

Rach x

Posted : 4th February 2015 11:48 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Ade, or are you now Terry (out of Terry n June lol) banter between you, June and Rach made me laugh lol.

Thanks for your post, and yep still dippy today, all this abstaining is giving me a natural high at the mo lol.

My knee is playing up too, it must be the cold and all the walking I am now doing lol, let me know what doc says,

Have a good day,

Suzanne xx

Posted : 5th February 2015 8:43 am
Posts: 0

Ade, many thanks for the posts on my page. It's great to read that you are doing well. Over 10 weeks now, so congratulations.

Keep going mate, stay strong and keep doing what you are doing-it's working!


Posted : 5th February 2015 1:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hey up Guvnor, what a brilliant day to have a birthday 🙂 She's so lucky! My date was destiny (I had others in mind) but this was decided by forces behind my control & I'm thrilled, I simply love Halloween 🙂

I woke up a different person this morning & have logged onto my diary several times throughout the day just to see if I can look @ the 'Oh Juuuuuuuuuune' post without laughing...Just got a very disgusted look off the grumpy old man opposite me as I tried to disguise the chuckle & turned it into a snort! I can't be sure but it is possible I should have offered him a tissue if you get my meaning :-0

I was already mad as hell with Mr Gamble & all his associated bad vibes & I contemplated being grateful for him bringing you all into my life but no, I'm just more mad that he deprived me of these feelings for so long! So to hell (& just in case it beeps me out, the place where the devil goes) with him...You're dumped Mr Gamble, I've got new friends now & two (ish) of them are even Cockerneys!

Posted : 5th February 2015 4:58 pm
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