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Thanks Rach,Suzanne and Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnne for your supportive posts. xxx

And thanks for keeping in touch Gazza, great to hear from you mate. You were/are a massive inspiration to me way back when I was struggling to stop gambling.

Well, busy busy boy today. Rushed off my feet at work, just the way I like it. Time flies and now have that contented feeling that something has been achieved at work today. Sad, I know....but true!

My mind was occupied all day, and never once did it attempt to deviate away to any form of gambling urge. To be honest, the urges just aren't there for me at the mo.....long may that feeling remain ;0)

Woke up this morning with no knee pain and reduced swelling, so avoided docs and will just see if time heals me!! Must have twisted it or something without even realising! Who knows...??

A work colleague told me about a friend of his that had won a lot of money on the football last night, and showed me a text message with a photo of his friends winning betting slip... I have to say that I listened and looked, but really I wasn't remotely interested. It was a similar type of footy bet that I used to do. But in reality these bets on football are so random that it is just pot luck. Still, I did tell my work colleague that I had not had a bet since November the 26th because I got bored of losing. I actually felt quite good about that, as I kind of know that a lot of people at work most probably associate me with gambling these days as I most probably have bored them sh*tless over the years with my gambling tales of wins and near misses and waffled on about losses more often than not.....

Have booked a table for a family Sunday lunch at a local pub that has recently been renovated. Taking my in-laws out to thank them for doing a lot for us recently. Really looking forward to a nice roast and a few drinks, hopefully by a nice open fire!!

It's so nice to just feel good. My anxiety that used to plague me daily and my mood swings caused by gambling heavily really affected my whole character to the point where I lost control of the real me. I thought I was in control, despite the gambling problems. But the reality of the situation was that I was ill. Looking back and reflecting now, while I can think clearly and in a analytical state of mind. I was depressed. I was existing rather than living. I did not care about things in my life that I should have been paying 100% attention to. I kind of lost the plot and lived in a parralell universe alongside the real world. I wonder if people I work with and know well noticed this? And whether they have noticed the real me gradually returning? Or maybe they don't even notice?! Who knows?..... What does matter though is that I have noticed a big difference in me without gambling, to the other Ade who was slowly losing his life in a fantasy world of S***e filled denial.

Keep strong all

Keep positive.

And most importantly Keep as far away from gambling as is possible.

Ade ;0)

Posted : 5th February 2015 5:23 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Ade,

Good to see you in such high spirits my friend. I decided to change address today and move to..... 0 tolerance, gamble free street, LIV1NG AGA1N.

I met a wonderful neighbours already 🙂 coming for some chow soon lol.
Keep it up and way to go for finding your old self! Priceless gift you gift yourself and everyone around you 🙂

One day at a time

S x

Posted : 5th February 2015 6:27 pm
Posts: 0

Luv the pic, jeez can't stop laughing,

Say no more my friend,

Suzanne xxxx

Posted : 6th February 2015 5:16 pm
Posts: 0

Guvnor, I was supposed to have hung up my posting thumb for today but NM is out with the mutt & I couldn't sign off without touching base!

I started war & peace to you yesterday but decided probably best to take up space on my own diary with the explanation for Halloween!

I'll catch up wiv you properly tomorrow when I'm not busy wiv the ousework - Juuuuuune 🙂

Posted : 6th February 2015 5:33 pm
Posts: 0

Great Post Ade. Thanks again for the support. Keep up the good fight.

Posted : 6th February 2015 6:45 pm
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Thanks Sandra, Suzanne, Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnne and Gregg for your posts.

All good here.

Don't like posting on this I-pad thingy me jig. My sausage fingers just ain't made for it! ;0)

And every time I hit the return button it plays up and sends the cursor do da thing all over the place. Grrrrrr......

Looking forward to Spurs battering that Sarf London mob tomorrow....

Keep strong


Posted : 6th February 2015 7:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ade,

Your profile pic is simply sublime and has made me laugh out loud! I think June should pay homage on her big day and include it as her middle name or something (if that is legal). Spurs were my first team by the way, I fancied Glenn Hoddle 🙂

Good to see you still keeping strong Ade.

Rach x

Posted : 6th February 2015 8:09 pm
Posts: 0

Ade can remember being at the lane in 1986 for Paul Millers testimonial when we took about 15000 down. We had Souness as manager and just signed Terry Butcher the England captain. This is when Scottish football was on a par with England. Happy days and happy memories.

Posted : 6th February 2015 9:04 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Ade 🙂

..lol..sorry but every time i see this pic it makes me jump lol..not if ya look scary but just a little ummmm...well ya know..strange :-D...but i guess you're really popular on here and who am i to know stuff outta 19th century...OUCH!! Lol..kidding my friend 🙂

Soo good to see you finding yourself in such a wonderful place and reaping the benefits of the abstinence. Way to go my friend, keep smiling and happy to make another day full of success! Proud of ya!!

S x

Posted : 7th February 2015 4:21 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Morning Ade.

I'm so pleased to see you doing so well. Keep it up. 70+ days is great.

Good luck for the match this lunchtime. A win for the Spuds and a lovely Sunday lunch with family to celebrate. Sounds like the perfect weekend.

Posted : 7th February 2015 9:54 am
Posts: 0

Cor Blimey Guvnor, gimme a bleeding chance to catch up!

Despite Gazza & Linekar's best efforts (thank goodness childhood crushes stay that way), I never really got Spurs until the last decad-ish when I witnessed the 2nd best football chanting in the world...

"We're the Park Lane, we're the Park Lane, we're the Park Lane Tot-ten-am" v "We're the Sarf stand, we're the Sarf stand, we're the Sarf stand Tot-ten-am" - Pure genius :-0
I shouldn't have had a dig about your knee...Just did parkrun & I think it's called karma as I'm just digging out my strapping 🙁
The thought of doing anything along the Thames terrified me (more than getting mugged in Norf London which is a possibility since you ain't from round there no more) coz the last time I was on the river out West (2012) myself & half a dozen others walked some considerable distance off route during a charity walk & had to yomp all the way back :-0
Be safe today & stay strong ODAAT - Juuuuuune
Posted : 7th February 2015 10:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ade,

Thanks for the support once again!

I have to admit to bearing a very strong resemblence to my profile pic in times of stress 🙂 I'm unfortunately one of those people who has absolutely no ability to hide what they are feeling and thinking - it's written all over my face, so the profile pic is indeed me (or very close to it)!

Good to see the mighty Spurs won! I expect that's topped off your day. Thanks for making us all laugh this week, you have to keep your profile pic!

Rach x

Posted : 7th February 2015 8:40 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Rach, Gregg, Sandra, Curly Juuuuuuuuuuunnne and NT for your kind posts.

Good day today.

Visited my Mum this morning, then met up with my cousin to watch the Spurs win. Visited my Aunt too, and even managed to fight off a few little urges that came my way during the day out. Quite proud of my self on that last one. The urge was/is still there at times. But I was strong and rode it out.

Good job too really, as tomorrow marks 75 days for me.

Onwards and upwards.

Thanks again for the supportive posts, will try and post replies in the morning....

Ade ;0)))

Posted : 7th February 2015 10:04 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for dropping by Guvnor, I've Compeeded up the blisters & iced the knee so everything's tickety boo @ the mo 🙂 May sound completely crazy but I'd take an injury any day over my addiction...Not too long ago I wouldnt have bothered covering the bruises or icing the knee because being injured was a great excuse not to waste any valuable gambling time training - pfuf! Utter madness 🙁 I could have been on my way to Rio now had I put as much effort into a sport - hell, I'd probably be over my luggage allowance coming back with all my gold medals 😉

Be careful 2moz, it still icy! Here's to a gamble free life ODAAT - Juuuuuune

P.s: Is there any chance that due to only 3 away fans, the Sarf stand had Spurs in it & therefore I was right? I've been telling my version for years!

Posted : 7th February 2015 10:11 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks for the post Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnne!

Well I just dusted off the old Clare Rayner's and hit the road for a 10 minute run. Don't want to go over doing it now do I!

Been watching the birds in the garden this morning whilst washing and drying up the breakfast stuff. Bit of a closet twitcher if i'm honest....a robin, followed closely by 3 starlings, two great t**s (Rach and Juuuuuuuunnne stop giggling!), a wagtail, couple of scruffy pigeons, four annoying parakeets, and then two crazy squirrels fighting over my nuts on the grass! whatever next eh......

Beats gambling anyway ;0)

75 days and going strong

Keep strong all


Posted : 8th February 2015 10:04 am
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