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Another lovely post Ade, your self worth has returned in so many levels, this recovery journey is truly amazing isn't it, we are learning more about ourselves every day,

Proud to be walking along side of you

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 10th February 2015 6:56 pm
Posts: 0

Another great post ade. I have always been into reading and definetely a good time filler. I have read a few good auto biographies on kindle. Roy Keane,Rio, Ledley King, Jimmy White, Jimmy Bullard are about the best i have got. Wasnt keen on Kevin Bridges book which was suprising as i have seen him live and he is hilarious.Another really good book is running with the firm by James Bannan who went undercover with Millwall. Read mersons and Keith Gillespies which gives you a good insight to their gambling issues. You cant beat a good book to pass away the hours and for me the Kindle is one of the best inventions ever.

Posted : 10th February 2015 7:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ade

Watching any football, racing, rugby is difficult for me too, but we mustn't go back, you've been there before Ade, 5 team acca and the three to one on banker let one in for a draw in the ninety third minute, blo-dy soul destroying.

your post to Suzanne reminds me I've bought one of those George Formby Grills it's brilliant, when your steaks done it shouts "It's Turned out nice again"

have a great night Ade...onwards and upwards...Ginger

Posted : 10th February 2015 7:44 pm
Posts: 0

Ha ha just read your post Ade, Ummm George Formbys apprentice ey, well anything is possible especially when it's turned out nice again Mr Ginge xxxxxxx luv it lol.

Suzanne xxxx

Posted : 10th February 2015 7:57 pm
Posts: 0


I see your back too.

How are the golfballs?

Still trying to work out the new site lol.

nice to see an old name.

L xx

Posted : 10th February 2015 8:40 pm
Posts: 0

Flipping 'eck Guvnor, I dropped by to pat you on the back & there's no bloody room for my scraggy old mitt 😉

You can't imagine how chuffed I am to read such a positive post from someone who has been so instrumental in me turning my latest corner 🙂

I read yours & Freud's stuff last night about 'depression' & it struck such a chord that I felt compelled to respond but I still don't have the words!

You deserve the contentment & you are so right to feel proud! Keep reading (you sure you're from Norf Lundin?) & keep looking after those golf balls ODAAT - Juuuuune

Posted : 10th February 2015 9:17 pm
Posts: 899

Books are good - it's important to feed the mind with something healthy and relaxing. When we are in the gambling groove, all our thoughts are consumed by gambling - there is no time for reading or anything else for that matter. Our golf balls become gambling golf balls and we force our family to become the sand that surrounds them. As for our friends, we have no time for sharing a couple of pints of beer - we only have time for ourselves and our selfish addiction which makes us sad, lonely, friendless and isolated. All horribly wrong. Well done for restoring the equilibrium in your mayonnaise jar. Keep marching forward with your recovery and don't gamble with your golf balls again - you must not lose them.

Posted : 10th February 2015 9:36 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Ade,

Proud of you and your ongoing recovery. High five for another g free day - enjoy all what this abstinence offers...hell of a lot and you are worth it all!!!! 🙂

Take care and thank you for your ongoing support

S x

Posted : 11th February 2015 4:07 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks Suzanne, Gregg, Ginger, Lib, Juuuuuuuune, Pelle and Sandra for your kind posts.

All good today.

Keeping strong

Ade :0)

Posted : 11th February 2015 1:08 pm
Posts: 7071

Hay 🙂

Yellow brick road it is, don't be shy - skip along 😉 (I'm sure you can fix your knee being a DYI master!


Thanx for your post, keep looking after those golf balls

S x

Posted : 11th February 2015 2:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Adeee,

Thanks for popping by but you have me baffled lol, what had I missed out ?????

me being a dippy blonde I have no idea lol lol.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 11th February 2015 4:30 pm
Posts: 0

Yes ade gillespie and mersons books definetely open your eyes to gambling. Just goes to show it does not matter how much money you have once the addiction grabs you your fu##ed. theres a book by a guy called kevin twaddle who played for Hearts which is a bit more hard hitting and goes into gambling in a lot more detail. Well worth a read if your bored.

Posted : 11th February 2015 8:09 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks hun for the post ((((((((((((((Ade)))))))))))))))

I'm still amazed when i logged on that your name was the first i saw.

As we both know i've been here before and the hate for myself will dwindle but atm i'm so cross with myself although i have managed to catch myself before i fell to far down the black hole.So pleased your being positive and still fighting the battle.

Golfballs are good eldest managed to get all of his gcses and is now doing as levels then a levels then uni,well thats the plan.

Little one not so little and in his second year at school but oh my god he is hard work lol.

Thankyou for the post once again you managed to put a smile on my face which gave me the push i needed to get to work this morning.

Early night to night as the last couple of days have been exhausting.

Staying strong

L xx

Posted : 11th February 2015 8:32 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Ade,

Thanks for the post. Quite busy recently with work but keeping the lid on everything around me.
As always, I'm right beside ya my friend...no intentions to dissapear or get drowned in the s*** of gambling.

Day at a time i guess..the only way forward 🙂

Did i tell ya I'm proud of you?? Ohhh yes! I am for sure!!;-) keep it up

S x

Posted : 11th February 2015 9:15 pm
Posts: 0

You sure they were books that you shared about on the Estate Guvnor 😉

Just dropping by to thank-you for your continued support & thought provoking posts! I'm not sure I mentioned it earlier but I did wonder why your golf balls were so precious (thought maybe you were a bit of a Jack Nicholson) & kept meaning to go back & figure it out! Feel a bit bad that I didn't but you've only got yourself to blame for distracting me! I have done as instructed & posted on my own diary today coz I didn't want you sending the boyz round!

Very good to hear you planning a little skip...Very different to the Ade of a month or so ago who didn't feel like posting 🙂 Hopefully you are over the worse now & by staying on your guard will be able to kick any stupid urges into touch (just be careful of that gammy knee) - Juuuuuune

Posted : 11th February 2015 11:39 pm
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