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Wah-hey! Another user of a GPS watch! You will find it so useful to keep track of your runs and it will certainly put you in great shape for the half marathon in February.

Never mind about your time. What really matters is that you are using your free time to the max and getting much healthier. When you cross that line and receive your medal at Brighton, you will feel so proud with yourself.

Great to hear that you have a marathon in your sights too. I have run London six times and I can safely say that this is an experience that you will never forget!

Enjoy your watch!

Getting There

Posted : 26th November 2010 5:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Russ

Glad that you are well mate. Hope you aren't too dreary eyes from watching/ listening to the Ashes! (I am). Quite pleased with the bowling effort last night. Hope the new ball gets the breakthrough early tonight.

Keep up the good work with regards to the gambling. It sounds like you are ona very even keel. Well done on getting into the running, I am massively keen on it but unfortunately am stuffed at the moment with an achilles injury. Hopefully be back by Christmas though.

Thanks for the compliment regarding my system. It is working really well for me allowing me to forget about my horrid past for most of the week but gives me a couple of reality checks too.

Keep in touch, good luck for your golf this weekend. I am supposed to play too but not looking forward to the cold!



Posted : 26th November 2010 5:44 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Russ,

I see your getting into the running.. good luck with that. I think its great running weather at the moment and its always good to have a race to aim for.. helps with motivation as does running with a club.

All the best with your on-going recovery.. S.A

Posted : 28th November 2010 2:53 pm
Posts: 0


Keep it up. Hope you got out for your game of Golf on Saturday. The snow stopped all such luck in my place. I even packed red and yellow golf balls in my bag on Friday night. One look out the window at 7am and I didn't even bother ringing the course.

I liked your last post. It's the diary entry of someone who does not let gambling call the shots in their life anymore. Normal stuff.. golf, running etc..

Keep it up Russ,


Posted : 29th November 2010 10:58 am
Posts: 0

Hey Russ

Golf and running...they have pretty much been knackered for me with this snow although we've got a few comps coming up in the next couple of weekends at my club.

Also had a reminder from GNR about priority entry etc for next 3 yrs so probably going to get that sorted soon.

Gambling seems to drift out of my mind when i'm focussed on other stuff like running, golf......even work!

Hope all is still going well.


Posted : 30th November 2010 1:49 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for the posts, appreciated. Just waiting for a flight to Heathrow. There are plenty of fruit machines around me. I guess that spare time = gambling. The nearest one to me states on the side of it 'nudge nudge wink wink', a nice play on words. I have no urge whatsoever to put anything towards it's hungry little 5 pound jackpot mouth! It can 'nudge nugde and wink wink off' as far as I'm concerned! Stay gamble free folks, life is so much better without it. Russ

P.s a gamer has just entered the fray....the machine has kicked into life with all it's little noises....needless to

say that the change machine next to it gives out a 100

percent return rather than a miserable 70 percent

return. That's a 70p return for every pound

invested.....now I work in the investment world and believe me that's not a good investment.

Posted : 30th November 2010 5:37 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Great last post Russ.

And yes i did read that quip you made in your previous post. You cheeky blighter!

Good idea training for the half marathon though mate. I think i should set myself a goal like that.

Keep up the good work mate.

Posted : 30th November 2010 9:22 pm
Posts: 0

Lol russ...The days of having pockets full of shrapnel are over..... Its only banks full of notes..... that we try to never see...It is much better that way 😉

Posted : 30th November 2010 10:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ

Great last post m8.Sounds scary being in amongst them machines.But hey it just shows how far you have come.

Keep up the good work Jeff.

Posted : 1st December 2010 5:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ

Hope you are having a great holiday mate. Trust you get back ok given all the travel disruption.

As I write this England are on their way to winning the 2nd test match. I, and I am sure you are, chuffed to bits!

Keep well


Posted : 4th December 2010 5:55 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for the message Russ,hope your holiday was really good:),your diary deserves to be on page one as much as anyones on this forum.:).


Posted : 6th December 2010 2:33 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for the posts. Right a quick post before I get back to work! Well I'm back from the work conference which proved to be a little better than I thought. It was a sales conference and it was a useful refresher to remind me about relationships with clients and love ones. I think sometimes we forget to listen. We are always waiting to say the next comment rather than actually taking in what the person is saying to us. Often when somebody tells you a problem they are not looking for an answer. We always want to offer a solution. If you just listen and delve a bit deeper into a problem then the person will often answer their own question/

Solve their own problem. I guess what I'm trying to get across is that if we actually listen then our relationships will grow deeper and last longer.

Phew, that's enough of that from me! I was getting a bit deep there! Needless to so no gambling here.

All the best


Posted : 6th December 2010 2:34 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ.

Great post mate.

I think we lose the ability to listen when we are gambling. How hard it is to give someone your undivided attention when your gambling brain is silently plotting it's next move.

It does not surprise me one bit that you are regaining the ability to listen since you knocked gambling on the head.

You are a shining light mate.

Oh and as for the diet it is going a bit rubbish at the moment. I'll have a *** at 10lb in 10 days starting tomorrow!

Posted : 6th December 2010 9:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ

Glad you are keeping well mate. Sorry about your kid having an ear infection. Both of mine had them last week and was genuinely traumatic! Hoep she is on the mend soon.

Enjoyed reading your last post. It is funny how I never listened properly to people in the past, and am hopefully getting better at it now.

Keep strong and pray for a dry night in Adelaide


Posted : 6th December 2010 10:10 pm
Posts: 0


Great to see thing are going so well - keep up the good work fella!


Posted : 7th December 2010 9:06 am
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