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hi mate. keep up the good work. if u went to vegas and didnt gamble you must have good will power.


Posted : 7th June 2010 7:57 am
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A sales meeting in Liverpool today.....Nottingham, Leeds and Newcastle tomorrow! Loads of traveling. All is good. I've just spent the last hour reading a couple of diaries. The hold that gambling can take on peoples lives is unbelievable. That Tiger or devil is just sitting over our shoulder waiting to pounce on any weakness. I'll be off line over the next three evenings as I'll be away from home working....but rest assured I WILL NOT be gambling. Have a good week all.

Posted : 7th June 2010 8:52 pm
Posts: 0

Thank u for your post on my diary. Stay strong an sounds like you wont have the energy to even have an dilemma with regard to gambling!! dont let it be all work an no play though as you will drain yourself.

Posted : 9th June 2010 9:20 pm
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Back at home at last! I've been to Nottingham, Leeds, Newcastle, Dundee, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and wait for it.....Bury St Edmonds, all in the last week!! The majority was work related and the last town was for a wedding. Gamble free the whole time. I've not posted the entire time due to the lack of the internet. I have to say that my mind was starting to slip backwards...thinking of the world cup, leading goal scorers etc. I'm still confident. Reading and posting is a great help.

The germans look great this evening......best to play your best football in the latter stages of the competition. Still confident that England can do it!

Posted : 13th June 2010 9:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Evanru,

Good to see that you are getting to grips with beating this thing. Immersing yourself in work is good for keeping busy (I do it a lot), however, as i'm always getting told, you need to make time for yourself and your relationship. Keep working at them mate and they will come good in the end. Don't expect your wife to trust you just yet, it's hard for them to trust again. Once bitten twice scorned and all that. You'll get there though so keep going.

I agree Germany look good at the moment, but I wouldn't put a bet on it!!! lol. Cmon England!!

Stay Strong


Posted : 13th June 2010 9:43 pm
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The sunshine is back! I worked in Manchester today. Had a bit of time between meetings which I spent on the phone to clients. Previously, I may have been tempted into a bookies! Got back, cut the grass, put the family to bed and now watching the Brazilians making a dogs dinner of playing the N Koreans. Bit more reading now to keep the mind sharp!

Posted : 15th June 2010 8:30 pm
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Another blue sky day. No gambling. I do have the same thoughts when I see the US Open, Royal Ascot advertised on the TV. My mind slips back into 'who will win? What odds will they be?'. The same happened with the Spain game....my mind was thinking ' what odds were the Swiss?' I'm not sure I will ever lose them. Maybe in ten years or so my mind set will be different!

18th March last bet (89 days).....it feels like forever but actually isn't that long! 27th of June will be 100 days.

Time for everybody to get off the backs of the England team and get behind them......what will the Spanish press say tomorrow???

Posted : 16th June 2010 5:40 pm
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What a disgrace that game was. Argghhhhhh! Is there anything more frustrating than watching a dreadful England performance. My wife is at a hen do all this weekend so I've got the three kids (all under 5). There will be no time to think let alone considering gambling!

Things can only get better!

Posted : 18th June 2010 10:31 pm
Posts: 0

well done on 89 days,keep up the good work!!!...,and England can only get better,Argentina look the best so far (apart from a dodgy centre back).


Posted : 18th June 2010 10:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Evanru

90 days today.Great work.

Wow you have your work cut out today.3 kids to look after on your own.I have 4 kids at home today but im lucky the school has a summer fair on. I will give my missus some of the money i will save today from gambling and send them to the fairwhile i sit back and watch the world cup.This is not an option for you lol.

Seriously m8 im sure you will enjoy your time with them instead of gambling away your money.Keep up the good work Jeff.

Posted : 19th June 2010 8:47 am
Posts: 1057

90 days fantastic evanru....thats what ga strives for from the start..odds will always play up on our minds long as they stay there and we dont fall for them mate...great stuff keep it going we can do this 🙂

Posted : 19th June 2010 11:37 am
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I survived today! I spent 4 hours down at the cricket watching my old team. It turns out they won in the last over. It was great to watch the English rugby boys this morning. They were awesome and showed the football boys how to play with pride and passion. I hoping my little 8 month old girl will give me some piece and quite tonight. My lovely wife has been at Royal Ascot today....she didn't back a winner. Thats probably a very good thing! Anyway, fathers day tomorrow....I have a feeling that my two boys won't be making me breakfast in bed! Sleep well.


Posted : 19th June 2010 9:01 pm
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Another hour and my lovely wife will be back from her jaunt down south. I always appreciated how hard having three under 5's was but now I REALLY appreciate it! It will be good to have her back.

Posted : 20th June 2010 2:47 pm
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Been couple of days but been gamble free. I'm fast approaching 100 days. I feel better and better each day. I got a very special present from my wife, which is a real sign that we are making really good progress. It makes be stronger than ever before. Down to London on the hot tube.....not the best!

Posted : 22nd June 2010 9:48 pm
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This weather just keeps on going and going. It was on the news that the north west is close to a hose pipe ban! 3 more days until 100 days. Feel better than ever....I've even started to not think about what the odds will be for particular events. Presentations today, then Captains day on saturday followed by the BIG one on Sunday!

Posted : 25th June 2010 9:01 am
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