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Thank you so much for the posts. I'm sat at home on my own this evening as my wife is out with the girls. In the past I would have probably taken the opportunity to have a gamble on anything and everything. Not now.

I got a text from my mum today saying that she had put a bet of kauto star. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. She doesn't bet...so I'm not sure why and how she placed it! I was on the golf course in the wind and rain whilst the race took place. Better than sitting in a bookies....even though my golf was total garbage! Russ

Posted : 15th January 2011 9:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ

A big game today m8.Im looking forward to it.I wonder who will get sent off.There is going to be a sending off im sure.Great game for the neutrals to watch yesterday at Eastlands.I was a bag of nerves m8.

Hopefully your mum wont ever place a bet again now after taking a beating lol.

I suppose shes been talking to a friend and had a bit of fun watching it.Can you remember them days Russ when it was fun .How did we get like this m8.Good luck for today Jeff.

Posted : 16th January 2011 8:00 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Morning Russ.

Thanks for the post mate.

I had to smile when i read that your mum had bet on Kauto Star! I'd imagine she had maybe a fiver in the hope of winning around half that! Like Jeff says it takes you back to when this was just a bit of fun.

The darker side of gambling of course is that there are no doubt numerous punters who would have been banking on Kauto Star to get them out of trouble.

I went and had 9 holes myself yesterday afternoon and the wind was unbelievable. I hit driver, 3 wood into a 330 yard par 4! I really enjoy the challenge of playing in those conditions!

Not long until kick off in the big match! Can Moyes get his first win at Anfield? I think as long as he takes the game to them we will be just fine. If he starts 451 then i'm switching off!

Enjoy your day mate.

Posted : 16th January 2011 10:24 am
Posts: 0

Who cares about your golf score?! What really matters is that you were taking part in a hobby which you clearly enjoy and getting plenty of exercise at the same time.

Far, far better than whistling away all those hours in a bookies!


Posted : 16th January 2011 1:09 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks jeff, curly and gt. I thought I was on a fobt this morning.....a train ticket in standard class costing 284 pounds...daylight robbery. At least the company pays, but it stills feels bad paying that sort of money for a train ticket. I tucked into a 12 mile run yesterday in the wind and the rain. It felt good to be battered around by the elements. It gives me time to think away from the madness of home life. The footy was probably a fair result....it was nice and charitable of us to give king Kenny his first point. Have a good day. Russ

Posted : 17th January 2011 8:58 am
Posts: 0

Hi there Russ.

284 quid ... is that for an annual ticket ?

I remember when I lived in the UK that the trains were ridiculously expensive. I guess its inevitable when things are privatised.

Seems all is good with you. Keep up the good work.


Posted : 17th January 2011 9:08 am
Posts: 0

Hi Russ

Glad to read everythings going along ok with you..

284 quid for a train ticket..Blimey whats going on in this country of ours..

I went out today and wanted a small packet of green rizzas for a smoke (i roll my own) and the shop i went in wanted to charge me 45p..

I said no mate i only want 1 packet thanks..

He said that is 1 packet..

I laughed and said you have got to be kidding me sorry i ain't got enough money ..and walked out the shop..

I did have the money and maybe if i was desperate for a smoke would of paid it but i wasn't paying that out of principal. 30 mins later i got 6 packs in a supermarket for 98p..

Crazy though how i wouldn't buy the rizzas, yet i would think nothing of dropping 100's into a slot machine..That just goes to show how much gambling messes with our heads..

Total madness...

Anyway have a great week mate

Thanks also for all your support on my diary

All the best

Posted : 17th January 2011 4:42 pm
Posts: 0

Here is a post all to do with numbers...

45p - is a lot of money for us nowadays, we have a huge respect for the value of money.

284 - need I say more?!

12 - Wow! 12 miles! Any half marathons in the pipeline? You're ready for one!


Posted : 17th January 2011 6:22 pm
Posts: 0

Blimey! Sub 1.44! I will just be very, very pleased to run mine in under 2 hours.

My PB for a half is 1:51 and boy, that felt really good!


Posted : 17th January 2011 6:36 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ.

£284 for a train ticket!! Where was that to?? Outrageous!

You seem to be doing well with your running mate! I'm going to get an early night tonight so i've got lots of energy to make a comeback at the gym tomorrow. I'm not sure i could ever run 12 miles without stopping for a blow or twelve though!

I'd agree with you that a point was fair enough yesterday. I thought we won have had enough to get the win once we went ahead though.

Enjoy your week mate.

Posted : 17th January 2011 7:28 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686

I 'ran' the bath half a few years ago, was doing quite well for a fatbloke till I hit the wall about 1 mile out, took me about 20 minutes to do the last mile, and I was starting to get overtaken by the fancy dress runners....

quite embarrasing really!

Posted : 17th January 2011 10:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Marrah.......... just using your diary for a rant... £284, criminal, im sure the gambling industry are related to these thieving good for nothing Rail bums! Whizzing round country my self at the moment and shooot my pockets getting lighter!!!!

Anyway by the soung of it you could be the next 'forrest gump' and run round the country in half the time of a train.....

Wishing you well 🙂

Posted : 18th January 2011 1:32 pm
Posts: 1057

yes russ confirmed member of the over 40s club now 🙁 keep up your impressive support of others 🙂

Posted : 18th January 2011 6:58 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Cheers for the post Russ.

I've not made it to the gym tonight. I'm working quite long hours at the moment and i'm struggling to find the energy for the gym. I just need to get a routine going i think.

I'm gutted to see Pienaar leave today. It's been on the cards for a while though. £2.5 million is an absolute steal but then with 6 months left on his contract we didn't have much bargaining strength.

It wouldn't surprise me to see old wonky face move Bale to LB and have him overlapping Pienaar. If they can build up the same relationship as Pienaar had with Baines then that would be awesome for them!

Time for Bilyaletdinov to step up to the plate!

Posted : 18th January 2011 10:09 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Cheers for the posts. You are all top people and it's greatly appreciated.

I've decided not to post on the diaries for a few weeks. I really like t&g's approach of setting a 'post by date' and then sticking to it. Mine will be the 10th of Feb. If I feel the need to post before then I will, but for the time being that date seems good.

I've been reading a number of posts recently and I just feel it's time to come here less. I'm be no means complacent as I think I will always need to post from time to time. It's a case of not wanting to have gambling in front of my nose day in and day out. Of course it's vital to remember but this can be done in moderation.

Anyway, in the meantime I wish everybody the best of success and I'll report back on my little experiment on the 10th of feb.

Take care


Posted : 19th January 2011 10:57 am
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