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What fettle Marrah........... Thanks for the post Russ! You're bang on regarding the top people on this site and your well and truely 1 of them!!

Has been superb following 1 of the success story's as with your diary and sure been a inspiration following your postings..... Think you're sooooooooo right in going for this 'experiment', we all need to move on eventually, especially when we're confident of gambling no longer in our future........

As with me, pretty much thinking will be on my travels next time you post, my own next step in moving on..........

Wishing you all the very best

Posted : 19th January 2011 12:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Russ

Glad to see you are doing well and that I have had some influence on your recovery!

You have done so well and continue to be an inspiration to many on here.

Hope the family are well and look forward to hearing from you again soon

Kind regards


Posted : 19th January 2011 10:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ

Understand your thinking and wanted to wish you well over these next few weeks..

Enjoy them mate..

All the best

Posted : 20th January 2011 12:24 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ.

Enjoy your break mate.

I'll miss reading your daily thoughts but i understand your reasons.

See you 10th Feb!

Posted : 20th January 2011 9:27 pm
Posts: 0


I was reading a separate post and saw your name mentioned (in positive circles). Thought I'd pop by your diary as I hadn't heard from you in ages. (i'd forgotten your last update).

What a coincidence that today is your old expected return date. Hope all is great with you. Boards are a bit messy these days but people still successfully working their programs.


Posted : 10th February 2011 12:53 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Spooky Brian, as I was just about to update the diary!

Well it's been 3 weeks since I last posted. How has it been? Pretty good really. I've felt the need to post now and then. Not because I felt like I was going to gamble, it was more to get down some observations which may have helped other users.

I have had the odd time were my brain started to let a few thoughts enter my brain. For example, if a betting advert comes on then I'll usually turn over, but recently I've not done that. A very small point, but as we know it doesn't take much for us to let the devil back in.

One thing I have missed is the positive side to this site. Without the posting I feel that I have slipped back to the way I was before (minus the gambling). I want to get back to being extremely positive about life and this site helps me to do that.

During the last few days I've spent some time catching up on a few diaries. I'm fully aware of the problem that these pages are currently facing. The irony is that I came onto these pages to save my marriage and my family. I had shattered the trust with my lovely wife. I used this site and the fellow posters to kick gambling into touch. The sad thing now is that I don't trust these pages! How can offer support and advice to new members when I'm not sure if they are genuine or not? I've written an email to the gamcare staff and hopefully I will get a decent reply.

On a personal note, family life is good. Relations with Mrs Russ are excellent. We have the odd wobble, when the trust issue arises. We have both learned how to deal with it when it does. My reactions are much more measured. We talk and then we move on. I've thrown myself into the running. I'm doing around 30-35 miles a week at the moment before the half marathon a week on Sunday.

It will be 12 months come the Wednesday of the Cheltenham festival. I'll probably be the only recovering cg looking forward to that day. It seems a long time ago since my wife walked in on me. I won't forget that gut wrenching feeling of disgust and relief.

I'll catch up on a few diaries this evening.


Posted : 10th February 2011 1:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Marrah

Good to see alls well on the family front and your imminent half marathon...

Have been a relative stranger also, popping in now and then and following the odd drama as well as the odd quick fix to keep me on the straight and narrow. Sure is easy for the old mind to wander back to some gambling thoughts...

Anyway t/c Russ

Posted : 10th February 2011 3:24 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Great to hear from you Russ.

I didn't doubt for one second that you would be back with good news. I've followed your diary with great interest and the positive way in which your life has altered since you knocked gambling on the head is contagious!

I share your concerns about the diaries at present and i must admit that i'm considering taking a break until things are sorted out.

I'll raise a glass to you on Cheltenham Wednesday pal!

Posted : 10th February 2011 7:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ,i like your punctuality,the 10th you said and the 10th it is:),glad all is going ok,we all need an outlet mate,i'm pretty much like you in so much as my diary isn't something i am as reliant on these days,and i often comment that it must be boring to read,hence i update far less,i did spot you on a members list:).good to hear from you.


Posted : 10th February 2011 10:25 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Russ 1...

I am even more happy to receive quality support from people like you, who care to read my posts and comment....Thank you.

Easy li£e

Posted : 10th February 2011 10:44 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

I'm feeling a little bit down in the dumps today. I'm not sure why. I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's my time of the month! The solution is to go for a run. The half marathon is nearly here. I'm looking to do it in around 1.44 but I'd be happy with a time below 1.50.

The diaries seem very quite at the moment. I don't mean in respect of newer members, I mean the posters that have helped me over this last year. I too have not felt like posting, but sometimes there's a need.

No gambling thoughts at the moment. My wife wrote me a really nice valentines card. She mentioned that she was really proud of me this last year. That means a lot to me. Without her and the support of fellow posters I would not be in the position I am today.

Have a good day and keep kicking gambling in the nuts.


Posted : 15th February 2011 10:43 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Russ... thats my aim for sometime this year.. a sub 1 hour 50 half-marathon... may the force be with you!

Yes I know what you mean about some key long time posters starting to melt away. Its just the way it is. Maybe folks just get a bit bored with it all. I use to think that when people stop posting that its because they all go back gambling but now I realise that whilst alot probably do.. its also true that a good smattering don't.. they are just out their living life gamble free.

As for me.. well I stick with this place. I still need it and I simply enjoy writing.

Great stuff on how far you have come in your gambling free life.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 17th February 2011 8:16 am
Posts: 0

All the very best with your half marathon. The main thing is to enjoy it!

Look forward to hearing how you got on.


Posted : 18th February 2011 4:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Russ

Still scratching and sniffing round page 3, thought would drag back to top!

Been a few changes of late in these diary's, think a 'spring' in the step required.

Good on you for half marathon... Pauls

Posted : 20th February 2011 3:47 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good evening, I'm currently staying at my wife's grandparents house. They sadly passed away around a year ago. I've noticed a few personal pictures/ornaments etc which are related to gambling. When my wife was a child she stumbled across a roulette table in the house. Apparently her grandfather went mad about this and warn about the dangers of gambling. Nobody in the family ever saw him bet etc, maybe he was a reformed gambler?

Anyway, on a personal note, I did my half marathon today. I managed it in 1.47 I was pretty happy with this but I'm keen to go lower!

Keep gamble free folks


Posted : 20th February 2011 7:35 pm
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