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Nice new forum! I was watching the football and yet again a whole host of gambling adverts came on....a useful reminder for me to log in and remind myself where I was and where I am now. It is possible to get over this terrible addiction. Don't give up giving up.

Posted : 29th October 2014 10:00 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ.

Thanks for the post. It's good to be back. Great to see you still doing so well. I never doubted it. If you could bottle your resolve then you could make a few quid.

I'm good thanks. I've been gambling fairly regularly over the last year and a half. No good ever comes of it. 2015 seemed like an opportune moment to start afresh. I'm quietly determined to see it through this time.

Things are not great at EFC. I hope Roberto turns it around. I'm sure he will. My golf game is ok. Handicap is fluctuating between 2-3. Still can't putt! How about you? Cat 1?

None-gambling aside, I hope everything else is good with you also. You have been a good friend to me on here over the years.

Posted : 8th January 2015 6:52 pm
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Well I guess it's time to check in. Today is my five year anniversary. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. The Cheltenham festival is a great reminder for me, as I gave up on the Thursday. I've not watched any of the festival and I'm completely out of racing. I used to love it. I've spent the day painting (as I'm on gardening leave, waiting for my next job to start) and playing with the kids. Normal stuff.

it's not all perfect though. I've lost two very close friends from stopping gambling. It was the gambling that kept us together. That's a shame. I also miss the casino. I used to get such a buzz from the place. I know I'm better off without gambling. I wish i had a normal brain and could enjoy a small gamble like most other people. I've learnt that I cant do that.

Otherwise, life is good


Posted : 12th March 2015 6:22 pm
Posts: 0

WOW Russ 5 years hats off to you indeed.

Thanks for sharing, and showing us that abstaining and maintaining can surely be achieved.

Congratulations again on 5 years.

Best wishes Suzanne xx

Posted : 12th March 2015 6:38 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ.

Thanks for dropping by my diary. I know you don't post often but it means a lot to have your continued support. Incredibly well done on 5 years pal. Without wanting to get too soppy that really makes me happy seeing that! Yourself, Jeff, Seano and wp remain my inspirations. Long term abstinence can be achieved.

It's been hard this week and yes it would be nice to have a punt at the festival but what would be the point. Gambling in moderation is not possible for me or you. I don't really have any interest in racing anymore except from a gambling perspective until Jan 1 this year. I can honestly say that I could not have named a single horse in the Gold Cup line up until I heard a few snippets on the radio this lunchtime. With all my former favourite horses retiring and now AP my interest is almost gone. That's probably a good thing.

Have a great weekend pal.

Posted : 13th March 2015 7:50 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ,

Cheers for posting on my diary the other day. Do you know it's funny as I had a little wobble last week where I had a little thought about placing a bet. The message you had written was a real help in me eliminating that thought. I can't believe it is 5 years and counting for you pal. That is some achievement. Keep it up. I know you will. You inspire me big man!

Anyone stumbling upon your diary for the first time should give it a good read. It's really not necessary to waste another single minute of our lives gambling. I like what you said about it never going away, but it can be managed. Spot on.

Take it easy pal. Best wishes to you as always.


Posted : 12th June 2015 11:05 pm
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I had to make a post. Believe it or not, I'm 6 years and a half years gamble free and yet I still get massive urges. That's why I'm posting. I've been at he Christmas party and had a few beers in London. The casinos in Leicester Square are only ten minutes away. I even looked at Uber to get a lift. This is after 6 and a half years. If the casino had been walkable, then who knows. It shows that we are never ever away from is. Hence why this site is so important. I've got this written down and expressed my thoughts. Hopefully this will keep the wolves from my door. Good luck in all your quests. It's hard at times and only us gamblers will ever understand that. Over and out

Posted : 21st December 2016 12:22 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ

Great last post. You're my inspiration on here pal. What you've achieved is remarkable. Well done for not giving into that urge. I'm going to be hanging round here for a while over the next few months so I hope you pop by.

All the best pal.

Posted : 17th May 2017 7:58 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Great to hear from you Russ.

I guess those urges will never go away. Unlike most, you have however been strong enough to resist.

I'm going to stick around until I hit 1000 days. I'm expecting my golf to improve during that time as I'll have more time to practice.

Stay strong pal. You're a top bloke.

Posted : 5th June 2017 10:45 am
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