Hi Smashed, you have achieved so much and your new career is another thing to cross off the list. I was in a similar position and had to sit tight for alot longer than I assumed. Sometimes I thought it was never going to work out but it events did and I'm happier than ever. Take care S 🙂
There it is, three is the magic number. 300 days free from gambling, not easy as we all know it is an addiction that does not sleep and yearns for you to relight the fire with all the promises of big wins from small deposits and it has tried many times to get back in, and without the additional online blocks I believe I could of slipped back in, but will soon reach the magical year and beyond. You can’t let your past shape you and you have to stop beating yourself up about what you have done. A really good friend of mine died last week he was only 45 and it knocked me quite a bit, no signs, we were laughing and joking on the Friday and found him on Monday as he was not answering his phone which was out of character, a heart attack. Life is short, it makes you think. I told my best friend of 30 plus years about how much I lost to gambling and how I would still be paying the debt for years to come, his jaw was on the floor, but it felt good to tell someone as my gambling mind liked just us knowing. Got March 2019 penciled in to leave the job I don’t like and really hope this time I make the move and don’t just plod on there as its a soul destroying place no satisfaction just purely for money to pay bills. Staying focused, being happy with what I have, no regrets with the what if, or if only. My Daughter is growing up fast, we are looking at colleges now, not my little girl anymore, so very very proud of the young woman she is becoming, and the dog he’s cool as well, in fact I better take him out.
Just watched a couple of interesting videos from a guy called Jordan. He was wise enough to sign up to Gamstop but his addiction pulled him to the FOBT's and is a reality tale of what there about to a compulsive gambler, just playing them. Not winning not losing.
One year a milestone I thought seemed so far away on the 18th of December last year, after a relaspse that dragged me back in and showed me that it was always there, a rocky Christmas 2017. But after that it was online blocks that I had to put in place, first Gamban then around April it was GamStop and the full 5 year blocks, and the longer you abstain is the more clearer the vision of how gambling in the UK is and how it tries to create addicts, look at how much these companies generate and how there top earners earn more than footballers, 265 million pounds a year for creating compulsive gamblers, I see how the online games look and play and how clever they are becoming, YouTube streamers still sucking people in daily so much so that they have turned it into thier full time jobs, gatekeepers to online addiction. Anyway i wont rant on, I hope everyone keeps going, every day racks up keep going, and dont turn around.
Congratulations on a job well done. SMASHED 1 YEAR GAMBLE FREE.
Wow that is really excellent and has cheered me up no end. It tells me that recovery is there waiting for each and every one of us if we are prepared to work at it.
I wish you peace, contentment and happy days over christmas and throughout the coming year...stephen
Congrats on the year gamble free Smashed, it really is worth all the hard work and effort .... wishing you well for the future.
Dear Smashed,
huge congratulations from us Forum Admins as well on one year gamble free!
Keep going and keep focussed.
Wishing you a merry and relaxed Christmas this year.
All the best,
Forum Admin
Thanks for your kind post on my diary, wishing you a happy, healthy and GF 2019. Take care S x
Keeping focused and wanting things to change and it will happen. I have finally got out of my job that I loathed, and am just working my notice, three more weeks to go. Like gambling you have to keep going stay focused on what you want, although there are thousands of keys to open just a few padlocks, stick with it dont stop, dont give up. Dont let "What's the point" or "Your to deep in" "Your no good" negative thoughts cloud your end game. Stay focused. Dont Turn Around.
Aaah so glad to hear you are out of your job and have the blank canvas to create a new future. Focus is the way forward, onwards and upwards !! Take care S 🙂
Thanks for posting on my diary mate, and congratulations on finding your new job. You have kept the focus and belief within your soul which will reap the rewards of the future.
And most importantly you have not gambled which undoubtedly gives you the surefire confidence to take on new challenges.
Here's to a great year. GO FOR IT!
I hope you are fine and well. Rising to the challenge of a new job and finding better suited accommodation.
Thanks for the utube link for Shaun Escaffey - Days Like This. I loved it! ..also the beautiful sunsets... And I really must broaden my musical horizons.
Actually it reminds me of Luther Vandross and Kenny G (from the 80's). All the best mate.
Have not had any time to post lately, apart from some account that just copied and pasted my words and even took my thread title, but that's up to them. I'm less than 20 days away from 500 days, I know for now I have the upper hand but somehow I know it's there waiting for me to slip, ready to strike at any moment of vunerability. New job is going well, hard hard work but satisfying at the same time, the pay is better and doing overtime to eradicate 2017's debts which are coming down slowly but surely. Glad to see the forums has had a new lick of paint much better, next quest is to make a move back to a house out of London. Believe and focus and make changes, make them happen, keep striving.
It ticked over, 500 days. As of today I have the upper hand, the dark days keep getting further away, I don't want to go back there, those feelings of "What's the point". But the debts do go down and there is a light to go to and you have to stay focused as there are always temptations every day to venture back in, but Don't Turn Around.
Congratulations on 500 days, an inspiration and offering support and wise words, thank you! Take care S 🙂Â
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