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Hey Smiler, well done for resisting the urge to gamble, once you give in to it your back to square one. The fact that you actually thought about what it would achieve and why you would want to do it shows how far you have come. Keep strong and have a good week x

Posted : 17th October 2011 9:19 pm
Posts: 0

Interesting post in overcoming problem gambling about fonts . Fonts in the title found it spot on about me, thought you might find it interesting, as you have been feeling the urges .

Stay strong


Posted : 17th October 2011 10:03 pm
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Finally came to a decision to eliminate all the stress I'm going through. Going to hand in my notice at work and start concentrating on getting my own business up and running. I have a small business already and it paid before but got fed up with it. So it is the only way to get rid of the stressors in my life. Had another big urge today and took my mind right near the edge and tried to think about it from a logical perspective. Dangerous game to play but I feel strong enough to go to them places but would not advise it. Why do I want to gamble is what I ask myself. What would I gain from it. Is it just a reaction to a chain of events. I ran the scenario through my mind that I gambled and could not see the benefits of it at all. I don't need to win any money as it would just go all back. Rant over take care everyone. Hopefully I'll get on to a much better level in the next few days.

Posted : 19th October 2011 8:27 pm
Posts: 168

Hey Smiler, well done for taking the step to hand your notice in, I would love to be able to do that and set up my own business, very jealous! That will be a great relief for you. I understand how you feel going over the urges and coming to the conclusion that it just isn't worth it, just keep resisting them and you will be fine x

Posted : 19th October 2011 10:25 pm
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Thanks Pink for popping by. If I wanted to gamble I would have a fair trek as I self excluded. An absolute life saver if anyone is serious about getting to grips with this scourge. I felt it again today but just accepted it. I'm sure it will get better as time goes on. I am in a better frame of mind today and did absolutely diddly squat. They owe me big time. However I cannot afford to hold resentments as they could cause me to gamble. Take care everyone and if things are tough at the moment I promise it will get better in time.

Posted : 20th October 2011 7:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Smiler,

First of all thank you for your post on my diary and you are right.I am in a content and good place now.I often read my very 1st post just to remind myself of how things were so i dont do it again.

I would like to say weel done fighting the gambling urges and that was a very very good thing you did in analyzing the whole gambling thought from what may have triggered it through to what you would achieve.In a may it means you have beat alot of the " Compulsive " syndrome as compulsive gamblers do not go through that thought analasys and reason.Its all about the gamble no matter what the reasoning.well done.

Also good luck with your new business venture and i really hope it all works out for you.Its good that you are in control of things yet still on your gaurd.Thats a good way to be.

Take care buddy and once again good luck for the future.Keep posting my friend and let us know how you get on with everything.

All the best steven

Posted : 20th October 2011 9:02 pm
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Job done and now to get my business up and runnin to where it was before. Feeling better for making a decision and acting upon it. I am in a better frame of mind and hopefully this will have a positive effect on evefrything else.

Take care

Posted : 21st October 2011 6:46 pm
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I feel free today. The work was getting me down and was contributing to my mindset. Maybe people think I was hasty to terminate my employment but if I staeyed there I would or may have gambled. If I gamble I'm finished. I had no alternative to keep me safe. At least I have a chance when I'n not gambling. Take care

Posted : 22nd October 2011 7:54 am
Posts: 0

Hi smiler

Well done for making some quite tough decisions regarding work.

Im a great believer in people doing what is best for them and if handing in your notice and restarting your business gives you peace of mind and helps with your journey than you havent been hasty youve done the right thing.

Once again congratulations and im sure you will be sucessful.

stay strong.x

Posted : 22nd October 2011 11:20 am
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Thanks Liz

I am financially worse off but not by much. Then the plus side is I don't put a big onus on money even though I have gambling debts and I was/am a CG. I didn't gamble to ultimately win I just wanted to escape. I am better off in many ways and hopefully can give up looking for peace of mind as I should be able to say I've found it!! Take care

Posted : 22nd October 2011 11:32 am
Posts: 0


That was a big step to take. I totally get that it was all about escaping, and I think rewarding yourself for all the work you were putting in. As I have said before it is hard to say no and we allow ourselves to be put upon wanting to people please.

I think we spend our lives looking for answers I really hope from the bottom of my heart this is yours.

Wishing you all the best


Posted : 22nd October 2011 4:36 pm
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Thanks Kaza

I got to a stage where I thought I was holding everyone in the company up. Maybe I wasn't but that's how it felt. I was taking responsibility for everything as the management structure was non-existent. However if you wanted to keep in a job, just like the Emporer's New Clothes, you said nothing. So as from tomorrow they might find themselves struggling a little but they'll get someone else who thinks they can change the world. Closer friends there said I would be missed etc but I like a clean brake and will not look back. It has gone now and hopefully they keep everyone in employment. As for me I can actually feel the stress leaving my body. Gambling thoughts are a million miles away. I had a perfect saturday for gambling yesterday should I have wanted to. Some spare cash and family away. I just did my usual for saturday and went and met family last night and stayed and came home this morning. i know the business will take off as I did it before and gave it away. Won't take too long and I'll be getting a reasonable income. Take care and keep soldiering on. If you are in a tight space at the moment keep looking ahead as the light at the end of the tunnel is there somewhere. You just have to look for it.

Posted : 23rd October 2011 11:40 am
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Just got back in from doing some work and feeling good. No gambling thoughts or urges. Things are getting back to where I used to be a few weeks ago. Long may it last. I have the power within my own hands to gamble or not. The bug has left me and it is up to me to resist the temptation. What do I gain from gambling is all I ask myself when I get an urge. The answer is time spent on a FOBT until cash runs out. I gain nothing but self loathing and guilt. If I stay away I have a chance to live a reasonably normal life. I am in a good frame of mind today, a little tired so need to make sure I get a good rest. Take care everyone and remember if I can get to a god place then everyone can. Just determination not to gamble and some blocks work wonders.

Posted : 23rd October 2011 6:11 pm
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Since quitting the job from hell I have been bombarded with phone calls from the management wondering why I quit. It amazes me that they cannot see how badly the company is run. Short sighted is an understatement. It will take a few days but things will settle down and I'll be able to get on with my new project. I don't like being the centre of attention so hopefully it will focus somewhere else soon. I feel much better though so can only be a good thing. If you are thinking of quitting your job please be careful. I had something to move on to so wasn't a problem just had to time i right. Take care

Posted : 26th October 2011 8:02 am
Posts: 0

I agree with you, there is a need to be very careful about quitting jobs if there is nothing there as a back up.

Being stressful like we are can easily lead to false hopes in that changing jobs will make life better for us.

For some it will but for most people it won't.

As you feel much better, you have done the right thing and I look forward to hearing all the positive stories that you have with your new business.

All the best.


Posted : 26th October 2011 9:26 am
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