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One of the common traits amongst us all is a low self esteem , this is something we hide in our inner self . After reading your last post I hope you can take on board that you were obviously excellent at your job and that without you they are suffering. Why else would they be ringing you? I employee staff and to be honest most of them I wish would would move on as their negativity grinds everyone down, should they leave would I bother to ring the majority of them ?

No. Please take this as post for what it is meant a great pat on the back for a job well done , and a in

my view if you can do the same for yourself you will

be on to a winner if you would pardon the expression.

Really hope it goes well, wish you to succeed


Posted : 26th October 2011 12:28 pm
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Thanks for the replies. Leaving the job was a big decision as I was on easy street and getting paid for almost very little efforts. This drove me mad as I like to get some productivity in to my working day. I got a business P and running a few years ago and gave it away for a few boxes of chocolates. I am almost at full stretch but have to keep finding ways to keep going. No more holiday pay!! I will get going and have nearly finished a counselling course and was advised by the tutor to get involved and take it further. Whether I'm ready for that or not I don't know. I have to take things a little easier and get things into perspective. Everyday brings a struggle on a personal level as i just worry about all the little things. I have to accept things will unforld as they will and I have no power over some things. Take care

Posted : 27th October 2011 7:38 am
Posts: 0

Keeping busy and having very productive days can only help us in our journey to becoming gamble-free!

All the best.


Posted : 27th October 2011 2:05 pm
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First time in ages I had some spare time on my hands. Guess what I did? Went and made a Halloween costume for my little un. Rather proud of myself and when she came in from school she thought it was wonderful. In days gone by I would have gone to bookies. This is where I stopped my business before as I was carrying cash and had spare hour here and there. Now I have to focus. It is only a daily programme I work so it isn't that bad. I'm enjoying my new life but have to watch out for danger. Take care everyone!

Posted : 28th October 2011 7:44 am
Posts: 2966

Hi Smiler,

You are right to be on your guard, as so much change can be a trigger for sure. However, I know you can get through this tricky patch.

Just trust in yourself.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 28th October 2011 11:44 am
Posts: 0

Now that's what I love to hear. People being productive with their spare time instead of sitting on a stool for hours on end staring at computer graphics whizzing by.

Especially when kids are involved!

Enjoy Halloween, I know that your kids will!


Posted : 28th October 2011 3:08 pm
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That's me just in from working. Hopefully here if my costume won first prize in the next five minutes. No gambling or thoughts at all very good all round. Just hungry so I think might be a take away on the cards. Take care

Posted : 28th October 2011 8:04 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Smiler for your post, it was a close call and nearly had a huge slip up there, trying to think tonight how I would have felt if I had gone in, and more than likely lost money, and if I had by any chance won I would be back on that treadmill, thanks, you keep strong,

Posted : 29th October 2011 7:39 pm
Posts: 0

By the way I was impressed that you made halloween costume, hope it won a prize!!!

I used to freak out if my kids came home and said that they had to go to school in fancy dress cause I am just soooo, useless at that. Well done

Posted : 29th October 2011 7:42 pm
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Thanks Juliette

I am no good at making costumes but my little one thinks I'm marvellous so that will do for me!

On to more pressing matters. I read on here time and time again how people are fed up with gambling all their money away. Best advice given is to self exclude. People reply with I want to do this on my own or words to that effect. Truth is, in my opinion, they haven't had enough yet. Self exclusion saves me every time and I come back to my senses. If you are thinking about SE get the thing done. Otherwise you will gamble of that I'm pretty sure. Close all the doors tightly shut and you are safe. I understand people will not agree with me but it hurts when I read people have gambled away their salaries for the coming month and there's no oney for Xmas prezzies. Wake up please people and get excluded from all these haunts. The staff will be only yoo pleased to help you if they know you have a problem. If you are embarrasssed by it think about the shame on Xmas day when you haven't purchased presents with your money, it is borrowed from a pay day loan. If you haven't got the mesage yet get self excluded today. Sorry to rant but I don't want to read about anyone else making the same mistakes over and over. If you do make this mistake I will still try and encourage you to SE. Take care it is stressful times ahead. On a lighter note I have some spare cash so looking at prezzies now for Xmas. This is only because I have banned myself from all the old haunts I used to loiter around in. Please be careful!!

Posted : 30th October 2011 11:26 am
Posts: 0

Like you, I agree that one of the best tools in our recovery journeys is to self exclude.

I say just one of the best tools as I really do think that the other one is to make the right choices for ourselves.

Life is all about making choices. We make hundreds of choices each day from the simple ones like "Which socks shall I wear today?" or "When shall I turn the cold tap off?"

But there are some choices which are a bit more difficult like "Shall I treat myself to a takeaway or should I be good and prepare myself a healthy meal?"

However, there is this one...

"Should I gamble today?"

As long as we all make the right choices, we will be OK.

Have a good day.


Posted : 30th October 2011 11:48 am
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I really found myself wanting to gamble today for one reason or another. Self exclusion saved me again and now on an even keel and don't want to gamble. I wil get the hang of this recovery soon I hope!! Take care

Posted : 30th October 2011 9:48 pm
Posts: 355


Thanks for your comment on my diary.

As CGs we leave doors open just in case we really need the fix. Only you know what or why you left the door open.

You are exactly right. It was painful to read because it's true. I had an old account that I hadn't used in a while, and I hadn't closed it with the others. told myself didn't need to because it was 'dormant'. I honestly lied to myself. That's unbelievable, and doesn't sound realistic, but I convinced myself it didn't 'count' since it wasn't one of the recent ones I'd lost money on.

I HAVE now closed it, and there are (truly) no more. But I should have known better.

Stay strong yourself!


Posted : 30th October 2011 10:01 pm
Posts: 487

Hi Smiler,

glad u resisted the temptation to gamble!

I agree self exclusion really does work,

gamblock has been a complete live saver for me! and i barred myself from all my local casino's/arcades!

I';ve had a great past 2 wks , gamble free wks and have enjoyed spending money on my family and myself, and still have some money left over! one gamble binge would have left me in the lurch scrapping by the rest of the month! i dont know about u but i've had enough of that life!

Keep strong.

Posted : 31st October 2011 10:56 am
Posts: 0
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Another busy day today. Work till half five then college. So no chance to even think about gambling. Have to be careful not to get carried away with overdoing it. Hope everyone is doing fine. Take care

Posted : 1st November 2011 8:17 am
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