Nice post about being a work in progress - that is exactly how I feel. Each relapse has taught me something new and strengthened my resolve that bit more. It's taking me longer than I wanted but I am happy I'm moving in the right direction. Every day is tough and is evidenced by the fact I am on here so often. It is a constant in my life when many others things move and evolve. This forum is absolutely necessary for me right now. You seem strong willed so keep going. Keep the faith.
Hi LB,
Interesting post
For me, its always been the anticipation of the win, that has been my motivator to gamble. The thought of winning for doing next to nothing, I have (historically) found very intoxicating and overwhleming. When having an urge to gamble the thought that I will lose all my money just doesn't cross my mind. The thought that I am wanting to gamble just to switch off from stress and my life for a while just doesn't cross my mind. The recognition that my gambling is simply about the "passage of time" away from reality and that i won't stop until all my funds have been depleted just doesn't register.
Today I "get it" but the real challenge of recovery is "getting it" 100% of the time... cos it only takes "one moment" to spiral back to what seems like the beginning, but in reality it isn't as long as we then get back on the recovery wagon. Your still here, I am still here. We all a work in progress and yes you are moving in the right direction.
Thanks for your support... S.A 🙂
Husband's out for the day and the kids are occupied (historically an excuse to gamble) but instead I'm on here and then I'm going to do some ironing, card writing, present wrapping and cleaning. Not as a distraction, not because my triangle's broken (it is), not because I feel guilty or because I might get caught. But because today I don't want to gamble. I could if I realy wanted to, but I honestly don't want to. It's a kind of strange feeling....I keep checking with myself that's how I feel. But it really is. And I really like feeling like this. I hope it lasts 🙂
I've made up a new slogan....productive, not destructive . I'm liking it.
LifeBegins x
Hey, that sounds like a pretty special day 🙂
I know exactly what you mean about keep checking...Isn't it odd having a 'conversation' with yourself about feelings 🙂
Productive not destructive - ODAAT
Thanks for your kind informative words dear LB which I have taken on board:))
Its just that its Xmas again and I still can't give my family the pressies I would like to give, I guess this is why I am feeling the way I am, Xmas is stressful,at the best of times lol, and I know material things doesn't really matter at all, but I just wished I had not wasted so much money, on gambling, it should have gone on my family, I know I will feel different very soon again, on this rollercoaster ride.:))
Love your last post, being productive not destructive, how positive is that very positive I say:))
Thanks again Hun,
Have a lovely gamblng free evening.
Suzanne xxx
Juat a quick check in as life's busy, busy busy (just like everyone else at this time of year).
Feeling good, positive, upbeat. No gambling urges, just a few passing thoughts.
Productive not destructive 🙂
Great stuff LB,
And you know what to do with those passing thoughts, kick them into oblivion where they deserve to go :))
Proud of you Hun,
Suzanne xxx
Busy busy busy, that's life when we live it ☺
Good to see you in high spirits!
You seem to learn something about yourself/your behaviours each step you take in this journey...isn't it great? Yesssss!!!!!
I am well chuffed for you mrs Liberty!
Keep up good work, keep taking it day at a time, who knows how many good things are waiting for you round the corner...hmmmm...brave yourself and take that turn ☺ be sure to let me know how good things you uncovered there 😉
Merry Xmas dear lovely lady, enjoy yourself and keep smiling! Every minute counts,make the most out of them - you're worth it!
S x
Hi LB, sorry for making you worry yesterday!
I had to have a good chat with myself yesterday after throwing teddies outta the pram for the last few weeks. Mainly how i view myself in this world. No huge miracles happened, but i came to conclusion that accepting your dark side as well as good one is essential. I was making myself very upsed recently which very quickly escalated (10mins) to spread the anger around me @ innocent people i have no right to judge whatsoever. This made me feel even more worse and i simply knew that this is not me and after i managed to accept my own shortcomings i start seing things in different light. The more i blame the world, the slower i find peace with myself. I learned big lesson yesterday (thanks dr Google) that only i can start seing different perspective in life and you couldn't be more right - only i can make a choice to feel happy and let regrets go! The emotion is powerful and it comes from within...but things/people/situations around us is the driving force to get that feeling to the front and aknowledge it for what it is.
I accept i am work in progress, i accept that it will take time to put things right where i feel comfortable with myself and i also accept that i need to make changes in order to get there. Some will be hard and some will be easy, but that's the beauty of life - challenge yourself and strive forward in life with continued ammunition you pick up on the way. There will never be the end of the road, because it's endless, same as opportunities which lay on every corner if we choose to see/aknowledge them.
Sorry if my thoughts are a little muddled up here lol...not gonna use an excuse of lack of Eeenglish and struggling to make sense of this all. I simply don't need to, because you and every other reader will get my drift of what I'm trying to say.
Recovery is an opportunity - we are the ones to make it count!
Love, hugs,
Peace to you and yours this Christmas ☺
S x
If you're reading this, then a big hello to you Sandra....sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I'm def not the quickest at responding. I understood what you were saying, and you're right....recovery is an opportunity. I really hope that you're able to take that opportunity and run with it. I popped on the forum a few days ago and read that you'd decided to leave.I can't find your thead anymore, so I'm assuming it's been deleted? I'm sorry to see you go, but you have to do what you think is the best thing for you. You'll be missed. I sincerely wish you well in your recovery. I want all that is best for you and I hope that one day you'll pop by and tell me just how great you're doing. Stay safe, Mrs!
LB x
I've been on Christmas AWOL, but just have time for a quick update before the madness of new year starts. Mega busy....Christmas, my son's birthday, a huge bust up between family members that I got dragged into (Grrr) and preparing for the outlaws descending on us for new year. So, food shopping to do, house to clean, beds to make etc.etc. Have done this loads of times in the past with an online casino on my ipad, playing on autospin whilst I got on with my chores....I'd look up only when I heard the bonus free spins had been triggered. Oh, yeah....I really knew how to live 🙂 Not any more! Fleeting thoughts of the old demon but no major urges. A Christmas free of online slots was truely a blessing.
I'm so happy to come on and read that so many people have come through Christmas unscathed. If we can do it at one of the most stressful times of the year, then we can do it at any time. I'm sad that both day@atatime Dan and lovely Sandra have decided to leave.Although I don't know either of them, I've felt myself becoming attached to them in a funny sort of way and I genuinely cared about what was happening with them. I'm sorry to see them go. This forum, and all the good people on it, has been so helpful to me this year. I know that I wouldn't in the position I am now without it. I actually joined up years ago, but clearly wasn't ready to stop as I never really came on here or contributed anything. I'm so glad that I found it again this year 🙂
Life's good. I intend to keep it that way 🙂
Wishing everyone well in the new year. Here's to a healthy, happy and gamble free 2016.
LifeBegins x
Pleased to read you had a good Xmas LB,
A very Happy and healthy New Year to you too
Suzanne xxx
Just popping by to wish you a happy new year x
LifeBegins wrote:
I've been on Christmas AWOL, but just have time for a quick update before the madness of new year starts. Mega busy....Christmas, my son's birthday, a huge bust up between family members that I got dragged into (Grrr) and preparing for the outlaws descending on us for new year. So, food shopping to do, house to clean, beds to make etc.etc. Have done this loads of times in the past with an online casino on my ipad, playing on autospin whilst I got on with my chores....I'd look up only when I heard the bonus free spins had been triggered. Oh, yeah....I really knew how to live 🙂 Not any more! Fleeting thoughts of the old demon but no major urges. A Christmas free of online slots was truely a blessing.
I'm so happy to come on and read that so many people have come through Christmas unscathed. If we can do it at one of the most stressful times of the year, then we can do it at any time. I'm sad that both day@atatime Dan and lovely Sandra have decided to leave.Although I don't know either of them, I've felt myself becoming attached to them in a funny sort of way and I genuinely cared about what was happening with them. I'm sorry to see them go. This forum, and all the good people on it, has been so helpful to me this year. I know that I wouldn't in the position I am now without it. I actually joined up years ago, but clearly wasn't ready to stop as I never really came on here or contributed anything. I'm so glad that I found it again this year 🙂
Life's good. I intend to keep it that way 🙂
Wishing everyone well in the new year. Here's to a healthy, happy and gamble free 2016.
LifeBegins x
Hi Lifebegins, yes its sad that Dan and Sandra has taken a step back for now but its an opportunity for others to step in their previously positive footsteps. Your posts are reflective and supportive and I appreciate your support on the forums. thanks Tri x
Galloping like a horse to send ya a message ☺
Didn't realise it's so easy to change the password :-/ ...made numeratic input while being drunk b4 NY & never went bk until today...anyway - back on support track! is it going Mrs Liberty? Seen your message to me and thanks a lot ☺
All is good here and fresh start indeed underway. Sometines we need to mk some choices for ourselves and now i learned i CAN be selfish lol.
You keep on keeping on! I see you on day 21?! :-/ w*f girl? I thought I'm behind ya...don't mk me go bk there :-0...kidding, we are all equal and no superiors in recovery , I'm right beside ya and ya know what - ALL THE WAY!!!
You doing good...keep doing goooooooood Hun
Hugs, love, peace
Sandra-coo coo - the naughty one 😉 xx
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