First steps

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Hi Dickyo,

Well done on getting through more than two weeks gamble free. This hasn't been easy so give yourself a big pat on the back!

Good to see that your seeing how good life is without all the horrible feelings you get when gambling. Keep positive,


Posted : 25th November 2013 8:21 pm
Posts: 0

Keep going mate, those urges are a b*****d, they've done me so many times over the years I can't even remember how many times.

I used to get an actual sweat on whilst trying to control the urge and couldn't concentrate on anything else at all. Sounds like you're doing the right thing by staying occupied. Stay strong anyway pal you'll be pretty much 50 days free by Christmas and lets face it you couldn't give yourself a better present

Posted : 25th November 2013 9:56 pm
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Epic fail yesterday! The b******d got to me. Work was quite and there was no one else in the office, so opened account with a new on line casino and lost £200! At one point I was £300 up and thought maybe I could win big and finish on a high! What a j**k!

Start a fresh today. Determind to stay off going forward. I went for good run last night and had a word with myself. Cards are now at home, so that I can't open another account whilst at work.

I am feeling pretty low. Feeing like I have let myself, my family and the people that have supported me on here down. Sorry everyone!

I promise I will beat this!


Posted : 27th November 2013 10:05 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dickyo,

Don't beat yourself up about the slip, if you look on the gamcare advice page its listed as one of the parts of recovery, it happens! You need to accept it and learn from it, remove the triggers like leave your bank cards at home etc. It is only by learning from these mistakes that will aid your recovery! Try not to see it an a failure.

It is easy to throw it all away now and go on another gambling binge until you hit absolute rock bottom as i've always done in the past, or you could take the harder path of abstaining which holds great rewards in the long term.

Keep strong mate, you can do this!


Posted : 29th November 2013 2:33 pm
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Thanks Jimbo

I've gone 5 days again now so things are getting better!

Hope all us good with you mate? I will keep a check on you! Keep strong!



Posted : 4th December 2013 7:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi mate

Hope things are still going ok with the recovery! Hope to see you posting again soon


Posted : 9th December 2013 1:03 am
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Thanks Jimbo

12 days now. To be honest not thinking about gambling much as I have been so busy with work and arranging things for Christmas.

Hope all good with you Jimbo?


Posted : 11th December 2013 6:34 pm
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13 days now!

Feeling good with Christmas just around the corner, new year approaching and a new gamble free me!


Posted : 12th December 2013 6:25 pm
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20 days!

Didn't think I would get this far! Feeling pretty ok at the moment. I have 2 weeks at home with the family after tomorrow which I'm really looking forward to.


Posted : 19th December 2013 5:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dickyo

Hope things are still going well and you're having a nice time with the family

Take care


Posted : 28th December 2013 6:41 pm
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Fell off the waggon!

Day 1.

Been away from here for a while. Started gambling again after Christmas, having gone almost 4 weeks. The truth is I don't even know why I started again. The second I started I felt like cr**. Gambling doesn't make you feel good at all. I am at the stage now where I just think why bother? If you win you gamble more because for a moment you think you can win more! when you finish you feel bad knowing that the money could have been spent better on a meal out, a holiday, paying bills, spending time with family and friends. I feel a fraud as no one knows about my stupid addiction apart from who ever reads this.

I am determind to beat this. I hope not to fall off the waggon again, but if I do I will keep trying!

Good luck to everyone! Lets stop making the gambling industry money. To many people gambling is a bit of fun. To us it is a life long battle that ruins lives. Need to remember that!


Posted : 5th February 2014 1:54 pm
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Day 5

All good so far. Trying keep busy. Going start back the gym today.


Posted : 10th February 2014 11:53 am
Posts: 0

Hi Dickyo!

Really good to hear from you again, just unfortunate about the slip over Christmas. I do believe that this is a part of the recovery process. I read it in a book once but didn't agree with it but looking back, the times i slipped helped me learn more about my triggers and how to manage them.

Good to see your getting through the first part ok which is clearly the hardest part. Keep posting on here, get back to basics with self exclusion etc and lets beat this addiction.

It's easy to put yourself down at a time like this but it takes a lot of courage to step back up to the mark and pick up where you left off so WELL DONE!

Will keep checking in,


Posted : 11th February 2014 12:42 am
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Day 6

Thanks Jimbo your support is much appreciated.

Good to see you are doing so well.

I am finding it hard, but have self excluded yet again and trying not to carry cash and cards with me.


Posted : 11th February 2014 1:55 pm
Posts: 0
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Ok so had another lapse but now gone 10 days. Really busy at work and home, so its not on my mind so much at the moment. I think these first few weeks are the hardest part.


Posted : 24th February 2014 4:18 pm
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