Hi guys
You know, in a way we are the lucky ones - by coming on here. It shows we know we have a problem and are trying to address it. Just think of all those lost souls who are gambling day in day out without realising they have a problem, just wasting time and money - used to be us BUT NOT ANYMORE.
Keep your heads up and keep moving forward.
Will try to post everyday, last time I went on a marathon gamble free time I found posting on here regularly was the key.
Forgot to mention why I am on here, it's the FOBT's aka bookies roulette machines - ever heard of them?
Question, do we want to be 'mug punters' to give the people in charge of gambling organisations a lavish life style?
Hey Shaun. I wish you the best in your journey to overcome this. I have been a huge mug in this, I only hope that I do not become one again.
Hi all
Here's to a gamble free day for everyone.
Best wishes Sha999 . Take it one day at a time . I briefly flirted with FOBTs and yes roulette in particular. Scary things that you can easily get sucked into .
Hi Shaun,
Thanks for the post on my diary. FOBTs are awful machines, companies being paid mega bucks to make them addictive, to appeal to people like us. Putting in loads of 'near misses' to fuel our gambling brain. Awful! I read on here someone describing them as reverse cash machines, couldn't sum them up any better and helps me when I get urges to reaffirm in my mind that there is only one way my cash will be going!
Keep up the good work
Hi all
At present the govt is reviewing FOBT's with a decision later due this month, they are deciding on stake reduction anywhere from £50 to £2. The bookmakers are arguing reducing the stake to £2 will cost thousands of jobs, the reverse argument is that the law in this country is max stake on any machine is £2.
My view, it should be £2 but if it is going to be higher then they belong in a casino.
Any thoughts?
Hi Shaun
Thanks again for the post on my diary. In realtion to the above post, I couldn't agree more! To bet £50 with a chance of repeating that bet in seconds is criminal and has no place in a bookies. Fair enough in a casino as you know what you are getting yourself in to in a casino. But my problem is that I see loads of young lads coming in to bookies in groups to put weekend match bets on, which is fine, but they then have a go on the FOBTs. This is where anyone who is suspetable to addiction will start to get hooked. Exposing them to these stakes is just too much.
Its frustrated that the government often side with the bookies as it generates extra taxes for them.
Bottom line, if you want to bet big go to a casino
Hi James
So true, if you sign up you can play £100 a spin. If you get chance google FOBT's big losses, one bloke did 10K in one session.
As for the boookies, on a Saturday around 2pm when lots of people come in to place footy bets, there is often a competition where by giving you free spins on the machines they see who gets the highest wins and there is usually a prize of free bets.
One of the staff have told me that it is an initiative by head office to 'encourage more people playing FOBT's'.
How you getting on Shaun. How has your weekend been?
Onwards and upwards, no gambling for us today.
They are not having our money, LOL!
Hi guys
Remember, the choice to gamble is made by us and today we are choosing not to gamble.
Happy Friday guys and here is to another gamble free day.
Hi Shaun,
Well done for staying gamble free. You'll have a much better weekend knowing that you are staying away from them awful machines! Make sure you do something nice.
Keep up the good work mate
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