For the girls in my life

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Posts: 61
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Hi all

Just a diary update but thought I would name it after the reason I'm doing girlfriend and little baby girl who arises in Feb.

Had a wobbly day with my thoughts as we need a few baby stuff still and I have been down thinking about my big loss 20 days ago.....its hurt the most but it's also got me to 20 days gamble free and I'm not even giving gambling a 0.0000001% thought....seriously!

Just using this title as a reminder of why I stopped. To be a dad who isn't in at 3 am from the casino and then having to get up to feed my daughter. Or have my head in online blackjack while my partner and daughter play in the garden!!

Only 20 days but I've forgotten about gambling and I have had money in my hand constantly since stopping so this time I know it's a solid effort.

Good luck out there to you all too

Posted : 21st October 2017 10:23 pm
Posts: 0

How do I post in this site can't seem to find how. Really need some advice x

Posted : 22nd October 2017 3:29 am
Merry go round
Posts: 1514

Dontknowwhattodo go to bottom of 'new members' page, button says 'new topic' start your own thread

Posted : 22nd October 2017 7:09 am
Posts: 0

Gboy, keep going bud.

You have a great reason to quit right there. 20 days is no mean feat, you can do this. Stay strong and keep posting.

Posted : 22nd October 2017 7:58 am
Posts: 61
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Cheers antant1 it's very strong reason to stop...just glad it's there for me as I can't control myself and needed a wake up and smell the coffee moment.

Not even tempted in yhe slightest to gamble and had loads of chances to do it....

Touch wood like I said in earlier diaries, it's knocked 10 shades of the stuff out of me.

Thinking about Xmas and it won't be as good as it should be but there will be ppresent under the tree and money to celebrate thing. It could be a lot worse and would have been if I had of kept going for another month!

Posted : 23rd October 2017 2:21 pm
Posts: 61
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Day 24 gamble free.

Had a horrible dream last night, the kind we get when we have a loss.

Dreamt that I had won 15 and I was over the moon I had got my 17k back then woke up with that sick feeling. Maybe it's because my biggest test is in 4 days which is pay day.

Still no need to gamble but proof that I am stopped for good is after 24 paydays and not 24 days

Posted : 26th October 2017 7:10 am
Posts: 0

You are doing great gboy. Keep going. 24 days is fantastic so be proud of what you have achieved.

Anyone you trust to take control of your bank cards for a week or so?

Keep that Xmas day thought in your head bud, good luck.

Posted : 26th October 2017 7:32 am
Posts: 61
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30 days gamble free and yesterday was payday and quite a big deal for me.

I can honestly say that for at least the last 3 years I have not gone without gambling on payday and 90% of the time it's lead to me having barely any money to live on. The other 10% is when I have won but that has turned into a loss a few days later.

Mini success for me, longest time in 7-8 years of gambling that I have gone GF. And also the only time I have really not felt like gambling. My mate gambles but not like me and he talked about Real Madrid letting him down against Girona for 500 quid return,that would normally make me want to gamble but it reminded me of that sick and horrible feeling of desperation I used to feel.

Everyone has different limits but I haven't handed over dull control of my money to my partner because I felt so strongly about stopping. I honestly will not pay the price for that. For me if I have to give her my money I will feel totally helpless and Struggle to get my head straight properly.

my life is so different right now so I thank everyone for their continued support.

I am aware of things around me,I get up for work on time and have breakfast, my football and snooker has improved again, I have money to spend on silky things I couldn't before, my girlfriend loves me and shows me now that I listen to her and aren't glued to my phone or sneaking out to the casino.

I am still a compulsive gambler and I am still gamble free. ...its staying that way.

Posted : 1st November 2017 3:54 pm
Posts: 302

Congratulations on 30 days, the longer you stay away the better your life it's that simple, and your post reflects that. Well done gboy.

Posted : 1st November 2017 4:02 pm

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