Fresh start

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Unfortunately I need to start again. Try again. Feeling ok right now apart from the guilt. Want to try to make this be the last time I have to start again from scratch.

Im going to try to do some exercise to occupy my time and also lose some weight.... something I've needed to do for a while but always been 'too busy' to do...

I'm also going to try to keep on top of this diary to focus on doing the right things.

Day 1...

Posted : 13th January 2017 6:57 pm
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Day 2, been busy with the kids so no time for anything else. Going to bed earlier on a night definitely helps. No time on my own to get bored and gamble. Feeling ok for now.

Posted : 15th January 2017 4:06 am
Posts: 68

Keep going, you can do it. Starting again does happen and the fact you've come clean about it is a good thing. Honesty is the best policy as they say 🙂

Posted : 15th January 2017 10:06 am
Posts: 0

Awe keep up the good work. I've just joined slimming world last week first weigh in is tomorrow but I hoping ie lost as stuck to the plan like glue lol. I'm finding it great for keeping my mind busy I'm spending my evenings now searching recipe ideas an success stories rather than the slots an this is only costing me 5.00 a week instead of the 50+ I was piling into the slots !. Try not to be so hard on yourself were all human an sometimes we make the wrong choices but so long we know they're wrong we learn from them. Have you self excluded yourself or put any steps in place to aid it harder for you to gamble ?

Anyway I wish you well n your journey take it day by day a the days soon mouth up xxx

Posted : 15th January 2017 12:38 pm
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Mount up lol

Posted : 15th January 2017 12:39 pm
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Day 6...

been a bit busy over the past few days (taking the kids to pantomime and football) and on the other nights I've been so tired I've been in bed by 8pm! This has all helped to keep my mind off it and has meant I've got less time on a night to get myself into trouble. Also been to the gym twice this week. Not gambled so far and I've self excluded from my last 2 open accounts. I've self excluded from all the major bookies over the past few years in various stages but I'm not complacent to know that's enough as new ones pop up all the time but it's something to deter me anyway.

It's been ok so far. Early days.

Posted : 19th January 2017 7:48 am
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7 days in, it's been ok.

Busy time this weekend with a 5 year old's birthday party to organize and survive... 3 birthday's in the family over the next few days including mine so shouldn't be bored for a while yet!

Posted : 20th January 2017 9:15 pm
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Day 10

Busy weekend but an enjoyable one. Keeping busy does help keep the mind of gambling.

Had a family meal and tried to engage in the conversation as much as possible... in the last I've been guilty of being 'elsewhere' whilst my mind has been on other things.

Posted : 23rd January 2017 8:36 am
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12 days in. Going ok.

Crazily busy with work which is a distraction but also stressful. Stress wasn't the major trigger, boredom and my lazy attitude to combat that was, but in times of stress I did use gambling as a way to relax a bit more (sounds crazy and it eventually led to much more stress) so I need to ensure I'm focused on work. It shouldn't be a problem as I've got that much to do!

Posted : 26th January 2017 6:19 am
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Day 15, ok again. A pretty tough hangover and tiredness ensured I wouldn't have had the energy to gamble even if I'd wanted to, which I don't.

Posted : 29th January 2017 9:27 pm
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16 days no gambling.

Exercise is proving to be a good distraction. It's tired me out to the point where I'm going to be a lot earlier leaving me with a lot less down time to get me into trouble.

Posted : 30th January 2017 10:42 pm
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21 days, still ok

Had the kidsto myself today which kept me busy (and slightly demented). Need to get back on track with exercise it's been a few days and that has been good for both distraction and making me feel better in general, which helps.

Posted : 4th February 2017 11:12 pm
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30 days, not too bad..

I'm definitely thinking about it less and less and trying to concentrate on making a better future rather than rake over the past.

Posted : 14th February 2017 1:25 am

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